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My Boot: She Hates My Futon
Quite possibly my new favourite book.^_^ It’s HILARIOUS.. This got me laughing for like 5 minutes

“Motherfuck-bucket!” Whoops, sorry about that. At times like these when I’m under extreme duress or pain, weird nonsensical curses have a tendency to fly out of my mouth. I should really start keeping a list because sometimes they’re kind of humorous. One time I stubbed my toe really good on the coffee table and “Pimp-fucking-whore-son-of-a-bitch-salami-sandwich!’ was the first explanative out of my mouth. I don’t have any idea what that means. But at the time it meant, ‘God dammit that hurts!’
So what does ‘Motherfuck-bucket’ mean? I think it means, ‘Ex-Girlfriends have an annoying tendency to show up at the absolute worst times.’ You’ve put them in your past. You’ve filed them under ‘Complete Psychos – Do not Revisit’ in your filing cabinet. And yet here they are standing in the doorway of one of your favorite bars where you’re meeting a date.

DNeGeL-NV said,

July 16, 2001 @ 3:02 pm

gosh, u must be bored, posting all these things. staying home all day? blah, me too, im fuking tired, no energy..

blah, why am i still here after so many hours? imma leave.. come bak later, peace.

Stephen said,

July 16, 2001 @ 3:57 pm

lol i sent that to jason a year ago… yup that was one funny story

Kim said,

July 16, 2001 @ 6:36 pm

^_^ I’m liking this DNegel person..

For real stephen! I read all that he had so far and it’s hecka good! hehehe =)


James said,

July 16, 2001 @ 9:41 pm

haha, i didnt stay here for hella hours on purpose =) left all these screens on and played StarCraft, and it didnt slowdown, yay!!

alright, time to get back to playing w/ the reflex tester, bye.

DNeGeL-NV = VN-Legend, oOoo, wow!! its magic

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