Yeah… I finished my 4th book hehehe and i dont feel sleepy yet.. sooo i’m going to make an icon for nickYy hehehe ^_^ YAY me.
But I mean nothing to you and I don’t know why
And I don’t know why
I don’t know
“i wish you’d look at me that way, your beautiful eyes looking deep into mine… telling me more than any words could say…. but you don’t even know i’m alive. baby to you, all i am, is the invisible man..”
-98 Degrees, Invisible Man..
Yeaahh.. Okay.. I did like 2 questions and fell asleep. Hahahaha. Great, Kim. Great.
Teehee.. Today I went shopping and there was a 5 for $30 deal at bath and body works!! woohoo.. i got 2 vanilla’s 2 hazelnuts and a tangerine. it’s great.. I still love my Victoria’s secret “Secret Crush” though.. That’s my absolute favorie.. I think guys like vanilla better, though. PooEy! who cares. HAHAHAHA
YeuUUP.. and then my mom bought this metallic skin tight leopard print dress… HEHEHE she’s so beautiful it’s not even funny. I’m always so jealous of her cuz like.. she’s got a nice body and she’s pretty and all that junks ahh…
I got a pair of pants fron Ann Taylor…Who knew old people clothing could be so cute?… :T but yeah.. Usually clothing never fits me because it’s too big.. I found out today the reason my clothes look so frumpy on me is that i’m size 2 and down… Isn’t that horrible? They NEVER have size 2 All the other asians get to the racks before I do… :T Oh wellllzzzzzz…..
Yeahhh hehehehe But im gonna go now .. More about my ever so exciting life later. HHAHAHAHAA..