Archive for September, 2000
September 29, 2000 at 4:56 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Haha… Nick caused a huge scene in my french class today. Haha! And he’s like… What.. 7 hours by car away? Seriously though! He pimped like 5 different girls in my class without being there.
I have one of those clear view binders and I stuck our pictures on the front of it, right? Like.. 5 girls who sit behind me in French class today violently waved me down. “OHH MY GOD.. WHOO IS THAT?!?! IS THAT A POP STAR OR SOMETHING??” hahah.. adn then I turned it over and showed the pix of me kissing him. HAHHA they’re like “AWW MAN!” ahhaha.. but yeah and then I had to tell them all about him… Everyone is like *SIGH* he’s soo perfect! I’m like damn.. I know sigh. Hahahaha …
My friend says she wants to move to whereever he is.. I’m like nOOOo ahahahhahaha i got hecka jealous cuz like all the girls checking him out were hecka foine.. Not like he would ever meet them but yeah ahhaha 
September 26, 2000 at 10:09 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
ODl et AMO: sorry nature calls
ODl et AMO: i found out i talked in my sleep again
im VERY ticklish: howa
im VERY ticklish: ahahha
im VERY ticklish: real?
ODl et AMO: uh huh
ODl et AMO: my roommate said
ODl et AMO: around 1 or 2
ODl et AMO: i shouted out
ODl et AMO: ‘that is so cool i like it.”
September 26, 2000 at 9:59 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Alienation is a common theme among all people. Oh yeah! I’m hecka into Wei� KreuZ.
I’ve been worshipping Koyasu Takehito for about four or five years now. 
September 26, 2000 at 4:13 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Haha.. My horoscope tells me to collect lovers. I have like… No one to collect? Haha! :
September 25, 2000 at 10:29 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
WAH! I haven’t had my Nick for today and I’m about to go to bed! YUCK!! YAAAAAY! he just signed on RIGHT as I was writing that!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH he is SOOO THE BESTEST!!
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: i was just writing in my blog
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: about how I hadn’t tlaked to you today
lytePinoy: hahah whats this sn?
lytePinoy: hahahah
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: I didnt’ notice1
lytePinoy: oh
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: MMM plus
lytePinoy: dude… errr… i wasnt gonne even come on… but i figured id see you and at least i could say good night
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: ahha
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Really??
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: I was just about to go to bed, too!
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: good timing!
lytePinoy: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: good timing!… STUPID rate limit.. grr.. I type too fast..
But yeah! its just cuz im excited ! haha
lytePinoy: haha aight cool… cuz i gotz 50 more ICS pages to read
lytePinoy: hahah at least i got to catch you
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: EWWW~!~!~!~!~!
lytePinoy: yup
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Yeahh
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: yAy
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Ok Well
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Dont think about me this time HAHAHA
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Think about the ICS
lytePinoy: yup the life i lead.. err… haha i will
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: =D
lytePinoy: its hard not to
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: :-)~
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: hahahhaha
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Well
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Ok
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Thinka bout me sometimes
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: =D
lytePinoy: its depressin i realized that i have to make a serious adjustment to my life
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: But ony when you’re resting
lytePinoy: hahah but that aspect of it wont change 
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: Aww~!~!~!
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: ^_^**
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: You’re such a sweet talker i swears
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: ahhaha
BoMbDiGGaLiCiOuS: eeeee!! >blushsmileblush
September 25, 2000 at 9:18 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Today in class a girl asked why the -8 wasn’t involved in finding the zeros in the equation: -8(x – 3)(x + 4)x = 0
I normally don’t write notes in my math class.. because the class is so incredibly stupid… hahaha … and because the people are such morons that it hurts to listen (example.. the first time i was there I had to explain to the guy next to me that you CANNOT find the midpoint of the circle by dividing the distance [diameter] into two. A midpoint is not a distance. it is a point. The point of a point is that it has no distance. Yes. He did not understand that. The third time I was in class, i had to explain that when there are 3 numbers, and 2 of them are negative… and you multiply them together… you do NOT get a negative number….)
Anyhow.. as you can see… My class *though supposedly honors* is full of morons.
This is what my friend saw me writing:
OMG… They are MORONS!! “How come the 8 has nothing to do with the equation”??!?!??!?!?!?!??!! HAHHAHAHAHA!! What the hell?!??!… Every day I go into class hoping that it was just one student that was being moronic. Every class period proves that yet another student is an idiot.
I hate night school. Can you blame me?
September 25, 2000 at 3:43 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I’m glad it’s going back to just Percy… I lost interest in his blog after it became shared because… well.. It wasn’t Percy’s blog anymore!
September 25, 2000 at 3:42 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
The pinapple flavored lifesaver is by far the superior of the four flavors.
September 25, 2000 at 3:35 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Dude.. I went to the post office with my friend today to fill in a change-of-address form, right? Well.. She needed to fill one in, not me.. But get this… The change of address form has to be MAILED to the post office. Haha! So like… We filled it in there.. And then had to stick it into their outgoing mail box.. Instead of just giving it to one of the people who work there.
I just love those postal workers. 
Haha.. I actually do love the US postal service, BTW… Its the best thing since sliced bread.. or however that line goes. haha.
I just thought that was kinda funny. Mark it down in history, peeps.
September 24, 2000 at 6:22 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Ahhahaa.. Dear me… I’m SO CRAZY!
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