why do i love to talk to nick so much? i do not know… he pleases me like no other person does… :T strange. i get this grin when i talk to him.. its crazy!
why do i love to talk to nick so much? i do not know… he pleases me like no other person does… :T strange. i get this grin when i talk to him.. its crazy!
GRR… Nick.. Is the ultimate evil… WHAT THE HECK.. He calls ME a tease.. check THIS:
im VERY ticklish: im eating
lytePinoy: aight .. cuz i got more pics
Auto response from im VERY ticklish: foods
lytePinoy: hahahah
lytePinoy signed off at 6:45:12 PM.
Oh Nick please not so quick… You know I want it big.. I feel like in heaven… Just like in heaven.. Oh nicky not so quick! You know it makes me sick! I’ll feel you forever! Nickay!! NICKAY!! Baby lets come together.. I want to feel you as long as I can…
Anyhow yeah… ^_^ Chris and Collin are coming over tonight.. Hmm.. Yeah.. I’m talking to Katie at the same time.. Eeeps! HEHEH
She’s kinda jealous.. But it’s OK Katie! They aren’t always all that. ^_^ It’s better in your imagination…
Anyway.. I would rather have Nick any day.
Okay yeah.. Wow.. I talked to Nick for a really long time today… I’m always tempted to ask him where I stand with him seroiusly… Just so I know , you know? But… In some ways I enjoy him the way he is… Like a dream as Chris put it so eloquently. Somehow, though… I don’t know.. It’s like.. . I would ask him… But after I ask him then it would never be the same? So I stay in limbo… Not doing anything… Heh… Perhaps if he really comes through with coming to see me… things will be different.. I will actually understand how he feels when I can look him in the face. Maybe not. Heh… Guys confuse me. So do girls.
Ohh my gosh.. Heehee.. I had like.. A really good time last night! I didn’t think that I would have all that much fun, cuz you know… I had only met him a couple times and it was at work.. o_O besides, he was what, 22? And you know how you hear all those horror stories about how much you hate someone after you hang out with them for a night… But this was TOTALLY not like that… WOW! It was as if we really clicked… I mean… We had so much to talk about~ even when I was leaving it felt like we were interrupting a conversation… ^_^* It’s kinda like when I talk to Nick on the phone, and I don’t want to go because I want to hear him talk more…
So.. Ya wanna know what we did? Well, I’ll tell you anyway… Well.. He got to my house at about 6… I suddenly got a phonecall on my cell “Kim? I think I’m in front of your house right now…” Haha.. so I look out the window.. Sure enough there he was… Okay… I got in the car… and the first thing was… I was like.. WHOA… This is a coool car… I mean.. It has this thing in it that looks like a computer, right… and it’s like… A GPS? global positioning system thing… Heehee! And then there are all these nifty buttons and stuff… And like… There’s this butt warmer that I discovered… It felt really gooood…
But yeah.. I was like.. So where do you wanna go? And I suggested Mitsuwa… Beause… well… I haven’t been there for a really long time.. Hahaha. ^_^; Mitsuwa is like.. A Japanese grocery store.. But yeah.. Hahaha.. So we went there and I bought hecka stuff. o_O strange.. He probably thought it was kind of weird… because yeah.. I went nuts over stationeries and stuff.. But, oh well! Heehee.. Yep.. and then… we left and got in the car and were like… Hmm.. Kinda hungry. Hehe so like.. He asked the GPS system for a japanese restaurant.. o_O but it gave us bad directions (or maybe just old ones)… and we ended up eating at fresh choice instead… It was all good though. ^_^ The conversation part was the best anyway… The food didn’t matter that much… Teee heee… We stayed there pretty much until the mall was closing… ^_^* (I went to the Hello Kitty store close by…)
But yeah! and then after that… We went to Fantasia and we had some pearl tea… that was cool stuff… Haha… we talked over tea and… well.. We stayed until Fantasia cleared out, too! HAHA!
^_^* And then when we were going home, he missed my house and we got close to the catwalk that leads to the park… And I was all… Hey.. let’s go take a walk in the park! “Haha! You’re kidding, right?” he says. I’m like “Umm..” hahaha so yeah.. we took a walk… but it was super duper cold… ^_^ So he put his arm around me.. Haha.. He’s all “Next time.. bring a bigger sweater” hehehehee. grr.
^_^ But yeah… so then we went back to the car.. and we got to my house… And we were still talking… Haha.. I think we were in there for about 20 more m inutes just talking.. It was nutty. At one point we were talking about hands, and he touched mine… OooO!! ^_^ Kim’s such a pimp, huh?
But yeah.. Hehe… Wow.. He’s so totally cool though… I want to be just like him when I grow up.. He wants to like.. retire by the time he’s 25… Heehee..and all that nifty stuff cuz yeah… ^_^ He told me how much he made and i was like O_O WHOA!! But I’m not supposed to tell because it makes him uncomfortable when people know.. Hehee.. And I know some ppo who work there that read this blog..
AND then! To top things off on the coolness scale… Nick was online when I got home at 11 and i talked to him all the way until 1 AM! Haha by then I was soo tired.. But now i have some really sweet wavs of him! i have one of him singing twinkle twinkle.. and rock a bye.. kim? hahahha.. ^_^* He’s such a sweetheart, i swears… I love his voice… Heehee…The thing about Nick is that… he understands a lot more of the things I say… ^_^** Cuz like… I don’t think Michael has a very good vocabulary… Every time I say a word that’s like… Slightly uncommon he kinda… glazes over.. Hahaha…Like once.. I had to explain to him what “apathetic” meant… (Which.. is one of my most common words…)… and then he was describing something and I tried to help him out with the word “vivid”.. and he was just like uh yeah.. haha.. Maybe I should have said “vapid”… ^_^* But it’s all good… With Nick, it’s a different kind of conversation..
I find myself talking in a different manner towards different people. It’s like.. even if I talk about the same thing, I present it in a different way. Strange. ^_^ But yeah…
Okee.. I’m going to go now.. Hehehe this is getting WAY too long. Just had to catch everybody up! I haven’t posted in ages it feels.
I’m outtie.