My tummy hurts. I ate 4 ramens and now it feels like a brick of lard.
Aww~! Katie made this for me for my icon!
She’s the sweetest girl in the whole wide world. :*) Awwww. hahahahahahaha. Thank you Katie…
You always make me sMioo… I think I’m in that sentimental stage of the month. :T
Mike once asked me what I see in Nick. What made him so special. I couldn’t answer. I tried really hard to reply. I could only repeat “He’s just… perfect?”… What makes him different? How could I explain to Mike it was the tone of his voice… The choice of his words… The smile I so vividly remember… The perfect replies to my ramblings… The late-night talks… So many things and so little that make me think about him all the time, yet make it seem incredibly silly. :T
I have a lot of sexual tension. Only… I dont think anybody can cure it. Except for maybe Nick. It’s hard having sexual tension and the only cure a thousand miles away. I hate him. I love him. hahaha. Well. I don’t love. I don’t think I do anyhow. I hope I don’t love him. Though sometimes I wonder exactly what love is supposed to feel like.
I wonder I wonder.
Whoa.. hahaha… I re-did my site. YES. I am cool. Took my SATs today… Yeah. I’ve decided that I hate my math teacher’s son. Indeed. Sigh. Why do so many people know Mike Kim? its nuts. Hmph.
I feel insulted. Percy de-linked me. Lets see what happens when I re-do MY site. :T
Gosh… Ahh. Just got off the phone with Nick. I swear. His voice is like. The epitome of perfection. Aish!
Heh… I’m at the computer at school right now. Strange. Java seems to not work too well in here. Perhaps just the scripting. Hm. Everything feels a tad bit.. squished…
I miss Nick. I talked to him last night, though. Aish. I was so boring. I hate those nights when I KNOW im boring and I can’t do anything about it! SIGH!
I’m considering bringing an umbrella. That would mean extra weight, though. I’m not too keen on that.