Its still dark. At least its not raining. :T Bleeeeeh.
RFTC was so fun! even though I’m sick. At one point, there was a Kim sandwich type thing going on hehhe.
Percy, your site would be PRICELESS. Plus.. Don’t be depressed about your counter… That just shows that everyone who goes only has to go once because they get so absorbed and read all of it in one day.. instead of a succession of going there and coming back. hehehe.
i dunno.. HAHAHA It’s 6 AM. Leave me alone! HAhaahahha
I wonder if there are people who actually read my blog regularly besides Katie and Percy Hahaha.
It’s kinda sad when a guy on your binder becomes more popular than you…
Yet.. It’s true. Nick is the buzz at my school…simply because so many have caught a glimpse of him on my binder and MUST KNOW “who that hot guy on your binder?” or even the other girls that mob me and say “I heard you had a HOT GUY on your binder!” . . . To that I say… BLEEEH!! To nick.. HAHA Damn you for being so hot.
You may be wondering what pictures are on my binder…well.. it’s…(click on the pics to get big ones)
Gosh … He IS foine.. What am I thinking. Hahhaa. But yeah… Its like.. 6 AM right now… and I just found out that my 6:40 ride isn’t coming today so I get another hour of sleep. Ahhh. Bliss.
Haha.. ok.. i went to bed at like 5 aM yesterday.. so im gonna go take a nap now. love yah!! Haha! Visit the Blair Nick Project
YaY! I just got off the phone with Nick… We talked for like an hour total on the phone! =D Gah! He’s the bestestestestest!!
Wah… I want to like other guys… I try to like other guys… And I DO like them… don’t get me wrong…
But for some reason, Nick presides over all others. No matter how hard I try not to think about him or mention him or even not feel GUILTY for wanting to like other guys (dude… we’re not even close to being together… ahhaha.. I don’t even know if he likes me like that…) I like… Can’t. Haha. Plain and simple. Bleh! Ok gotta go do HW before Nick calls me back.