Archive for February, 2001
February 20, 2001 at 7:56 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Slowly reaching Five Thousand
My counter is reaching five thousand. ^_^* I wonder if I should do anything special for the occasion. It seems kinda mundane… But yeah, I’m lame like that. Hahaha. Maybe I’ll draw a CG or something. I’m kind of in the mood to draw right now, actually. Hmm. What to draw, though. Ne. . .
February 20, 2001 at 7:54 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Hah, Ray
You make me smile… I bet you talk to her on AIM, too. And you hope she’ll read your blog. You sound like a little school child — the giggling and all. =] And yet, it reminds me of myself. I’ve done that exact same trick before. But, yanno, now that I think about it, I believe I’m more likely to put outbursts of vengeance on here hoping people will read it. Rather than those of your type. 
I hope the best for you. ^_^
February 20, 2001 at 7:51 am · Filed under Rigamarole
It’s so cold out here
And somehow I feel cold inside as well. At times like this, I wonder why I’m ever stupid enough to be optimistic. As always, the rain makes me feel melancholy. The rain always comes down like tears in somebody’s eyes. Perhaps Ray is right… That rain means that somebody, somewhere is getting their heart broken. Maybe, though, it’s just the tears of all the people who feel lonley. That’s why there’s so much rain lately. A lot of lonliness. Sigh… It seems less depressing than yours, Ray.
Still depressing though. ^_^* Rain bugs.
February 19, 2001 at 10:19 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
To be special
I think my dream is to be special. I guess it doesn’t really matter to whom… Just as long as I am special… In a good way, of course.. Not like dur dur-ish type of special. It’s hard, though, since I’m so ordinary. Never in my life have I met somebody so ordinary as I. Sigh. I suppose I should just aspire.
February 19, 2001 at 10:18 am · Filed under Rigamarole
I’m in love
With Michelle’s new design. It’s so cute!! Ahh, makes me want to make a new design, too!! I’m getting bored of faye.
Trying to think of what pictures I like better than hers, though. That’s really hard. :T Booo. Maybe it’s about time for me to surf the design pages again. ^_^ Concepts concepts!!! Aish.
February 19, 2001 at 9:18 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Scanned our sticker pictures!! :)~

February 18, 2001 at 6:01 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Ah, rice
No matter what I eat, I always go back to the rice. I don’t think that there is any starch supplicant that is as pleasurable to eat as rice. I mean… It’s just so easy to chew.. And when you’re too lazy to chew it, you can just slosh it around in your mouth for a while and then swallow. It’s nice.
You know. The word for rice sounds like “Cum” in vietnamese. It’s white. It’s sticky. Where do the similarities end?!!
February 18, 2001 at 9:54 am · Filed under Rigamarole
I’m Speechless (Well, sort of.)
I don’t know if my weekend could have been more perfect.
My brother came on Thursday night, and finally brought my car.. It’s not as bright as I thought it would be, but hey! I have a car~ I feel pretty lucky, especially since I can’t even drive yet… My mom allowed me to stay home on Friday so that I could go out to a business lunch with this woman. . . That was pretty awesome in itself.
After that became an endless anticipation of Nick coming to San Jose. ^_^*~ Okay, it wasn’t that bad, but during the lulls in my day, that was definitely on my mind. Roy and Hyung came over and Hyung played Puzzle Fighter with me while Roy slept. My mom, brother and I went to dinner while Roy still slept in the room on the side. hah. ^_^*
Nick came about an hour or so after we got home from dinner. =} It was so nice seeing him again! He kept saying he looked “all tore up”… Teehee.. But he looked as gorgeous as ever… =} We talked until 2 AM… and then I went to bed…
Haha.. Unfortunately, I had to wake him up at 7:30 AM to go to a service project ^_^* It turned out to be pretty fun, though! We helped build a cabinet. . .
The old KIWANIS guys really had an affinity to Nick.. They took hecka pictures of him working!
And then, after we finished our job as cabinet builders, we just wandered around the place for a while… Which happened to be a kiddie ride/zoo thing.
We got stuck in a maze and then we wandered into the zoo. ^_^* Teehee! I found out he really has a thing for pot-bellied pigs. ^_^* I guess that’s good… I was born in the year of the pig… And… I have a belly. =D! . . . But yeah~ Hehe… He was soo cute.. Trying to touch the pig and all.
After that, we went to the arcade… And I kicked his butt multiple times at Puzzle fighter. Score!! =D Kim = Standing Puzzle Fighting Champion. BWHAHAHA!!. Yepyep.. But he kicked my butt at every other type of computer game. ^_^* Especially the street fighter one. Nyah Nyah!!
We then headed over to Mitsuwa~ Where I ate some sushi (We had eaten at Carl’s Jr, but I’m not one for greasy foods. I felt kinda sick after eating some)… And then we took some sticker pics! =D YAY! Haha.. The first one, Nick didn’t smile (Apparently, he never smiles for pictures)… :)~ But yea~ In the second one, he has this cute happy smile and the frame says “WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!” hahaha~! It’s cute, cuz his last name is Champion.. Puhahaha. Anyway. But yeah..!
And then we came back to my house and took a nap together… Mmmm.
And we talked.. And we chilled in my room for a lil while… And he went home. BoOO. ^_^* it was a great visit, though! SIgh… It just serves to make me miss him even more, though. =T Nyah nyah.
February 16, 2001 at 10:57 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Exactly one Month
Until I turn 18. Supposedly it’s a turning point age. I wonder. . . Let’s see. I get to go to strip clubs in a month. I can buy cigarettes. I’ll be able to vote. Teehee. Lucky me, right after the presidential elections are OVER. -.-; What else? Nothing really, huh. I wish I had something to really look forward to. All of my college replies are coming around my birthday. I’m scared as hell.
February 16, 2001 at 8:40 am · Filed under Rigamarole
^_^* YaY! I’m excited
Nick’s coming to see me todaaaaay. Teehee. I’m not sure what we’re going to do, though. I forgot to go check out a camera… Oh wait~! I think I have my other camera. . . SCORE!! ^___^ I’ll just use that. PUheheheh. MMmmMMm…. Yummay~
I have that Secret Diary game that I subject everyone I know to, too. Haha. Yes yes. :GRIN:
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