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Archive for February, 2001


Cut my Hairs

My mom always cuts my hair for me, in the backyard. Normally we do it nude… HAHA! Sounds strange, but it keeps hair from sticking to all our clothes… Unfortunately, this time I got news right when I was about to cut my hair, my friend was coming over!! Hah. We solved this problem though… Whipping out our raincoats, a bright blue metallic raincoat for my mom, and a yellow disneyland poncho for me, we managed to keep our clothes on and clean at the same time. :P And not embarassing all of us.

My hair is super short now, though!! It’s about half an inch higher than my ear in the back!! Craaaazy!! :P I gotta take a picture of it…. The slant is like.. 45 degrees now.. HELLA tight.:D


Watched Rush Hour Last Night

I find myself singing to War, and saying “NOW YOU SEE HOW DIFFICULT I AM!! AHH HAHAHAHA” . :T… Am I strange? HUA! WAR! What is it good for? Absolutely naaathing! HUA! GOOD GOD, yaaaawwwl. ^_^* Anyhow.

I have also just discovered the most amazing new treat. They’re called “sour belts”… Mmmm.. They make your eyes water, but it’s gooooooooood!! You guys should try some. “Sour belts”… You can get them at your average AMC theater.



Ribon gives the best gifts inside the magazine! During the winter months, one of the gifts was a tissue box…. Fancy that! A tissue box! They know girls get sick during the winter and we’ll need tissues… And what better way to enjoy a cold than with RIBON? =D and then, this month, for february, they gave us a whole set of stationery!! For writing love letters! ^___^ They know exactly what we need, huH?… Yep… I remember for the new year last year, they gave out check books and calenders (Check books for keeping all your christmas/newyear moolah in place!)… Gyeah… They kick ass.


Strange Happenings

Wow, Michelle, I’ve been reading your blog all this time and I never knew that you were Nick’s co-worker!! It’s so hilarious… Ne.. I was reading your e-mail and I was like… *Jaw drop..* “Jigga WHA?”… But that’s coo. :P


Ahh, Yes.

One of the bad things about having friends who either read, or know where to get to my blog is that, sometimes, I hold back. I mean, there are so many people I can talk crap about, but I don’t … Because I’m afraid of discovery. Is that right? I don’t know. I haven’t blogged the last couple days because of this. I mean, there’s a lot of stuff I could say, but I’m afraid if I say it, they’ll find out.

Aish. I’m going to get breakfast. It’s too early to think.


Tired of being Ignored

With the exception of a couple people, feels like these days I’m being completely ignored. I’m used to being passed over once or twice… But this is straight up ignoring. I find myself saying something to someone… And then repeating it… And then repeating it again, and then getting a “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to you.”

Gee, thanks. That makes me feel great. I’ve found myself saying “just forget it…” a lot the last week. I don’t know what’s up. Is my voice so annoying that people have just tuned it out? Have I become a background noise, like a car passing by or the humming of the computers?

Aish. I’m not used to being background.



I can’t believe it’s already Feb. It’s so crazy. This year has gone by faster than any other years I’ve experienced.

Went to the video store today

Couldn’t rent anything. I’m under 18. BOOO!!! One and a half months and I’ll be able to rent things by myself. Aiiish.

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