Archive for March, 2001
March 14, 2001 at 8:22 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
KEY Club
If you don’t know, KEY club is a community service organization that I’ve belonged to for over three years… Now that my KEY Club term is almost over, I feel rather melancholy. Sure I’ve complained about being tired of it off and on this year… But at this point, with two real weeks left of my term… I’m never going to have an opportunity like this again — That is to meet people and make such close friends so instantaneously. It’s strange, how I feel close to some of the members on board — and we rarely even talk. It’s just a connection you feel, I think… When you’re forced to spend weekends together like that. I really hope we keep talking for a long time. . .
Sigh… Convention will be beautiful.
March 14, 2001 at 7:37 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Recently I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails from people I knew in middle school. It’s strange, since I haven’t heard from some in years. Almost heartbreaking, really. I don’t know if it’s really wise to reply… I guess everybody feels the need to contact each other one moer time before we REALLY separate our different ways.
March 13, 2001 at 7:47 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Haven’t had the time to post much, lately. I feel so weighed down with work and whatnot… Maybe I should start writing letters to people in class again… That annoys the hell out of my teachers, though. :T Maybe during study time…
I’m just looking to pass class at this point. :T
March 10, 2001 at 12:33 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
In a DAMN good mood
It’s very funny, because I’m not doing very well in anything, and I feel like a failure… But somehow, I’m in a horribly good mood. I wonder what is making me feel this way. Perhaps it was the dip in the jacuzzi. Perhaps I’m just a crazy biach.
March 10, 2001 at 8:59 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Ahh, I’ve missed you so much Katie
I know we haven’t talked for a long time… And considering what went down, I shouldn’t be too surprised… I never meant to do anything to hurt you, Katie… I hope with all my heart you are doing well with whatever you have decided to do.. And yeah.. I guess that’s it… I miss you… I think you are one of the only people I’ve ever truly loved without having met…
March 10, 2001 at 8:44 am · Filed under Rigamarole
I’m tired, but somewhat happy. ^_^*
Last night was our school’s second annual student film fest. ^_^* I entered a video I made for video production this year…
How ebarassing!! Haha, especially with my ugly mug projected on a huuuuuuge screen for the 300 or so people to see. Ne ne. It was a great rush, though… Even though I was really corny!! ^_^* I’m really proud of myself, because I was the ONLY girl who made a video, and the ONLY main female part (meaning, more than 10 seconds)..(Bwhahaha!!)… Out of 12 films!! Go me.. I kick booty..
But now.. There’s a Nick fan club at my school, and, well.. I donno.. Hahhahaa I feel jealous! They’re all so gorgeous. :T
^_^*** He IS a cutie though.
March 8, 2001 at 7:55 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Tired of Ish
I think I’m suffering from really bad “senioritis” right about now. I just want to get out of school and do something. I think it’s just the lack of sleep that’s wearing me down. I’m not really looking forward to the hasty midterm/final study rush in college. :T Sigh
On a brighter note
Hahaha I downloaded hella Korean/Japanese/DDR music on this computer at school. It’s like being at home!! ^_^; Actually, these Korean songs remind me of freshman year… Wow, such bright memories… For most people it’s easier to forget good memories and remember the bad ones… But somehow, for me, nostalgia no matter how bitter is always sweeet at the same time.
March 6, 2001 at 8:27 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Who is the “Perfect Human”
Has one ever existed? If so who is he/she? What is perfect? Is there such a thing as too perfect?…. Four hours of sleep and I go crazy. My mind is filled with so many questions that I would never have thought to ask… It’s probably much like the epiphany that Paul McCartney felt when he used hash the first time and knew “the meaning of life”… Hmmm. I wonder what my meaning in life is? Feh. To sleep.
March 5, 2001 at 10:24 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Strange how love can be such an illusion. Strange, how wanting love, waiting for love, wishing for love can be such heart wrenching, stomach clenching experiences… And yet… So pleasantly adolescent at the same time. I don’t want to get older… How will I know love when I find it? I’m so unsure of myself… How do people know they are in love?
March 4, 2001 at 8:40 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
^_^* Awww! You’re so sweet Michelle
“C’mon, chica. Granted I haven’t met you in person, but is this how you really feel? Is it fun to be self-depracating? You’re so awesome. So much energy, ideas, and smarts. Don’t worry about your schools, too. No matter where you end up, I’m sure you’ll change things around.“~ ^_^ *SniFF* I’m touched.
:)~ I think I was just in the insecure mode of my PMS cycle. ^_^* I usually get one or two days in the month where I’m just not my usual confident self. ^_^; Stupid hornymones. ^_^* It’s all good, though.. :)!! I’m coo now…
Just formatted my computer
Took me an entire day just to back up everything I had onto CD!! Wah!! I had more than two gig’s worth of MP3. ^_^* Can’t wait to get off this 56K so I can download even more!
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