Archive for May, 2001
May 22, 2001 at 10:10 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
She finds the weirdest things on the ‘net! ^_^; Homertrix? OmG… hahahhaha…. He’s just too easy a target!… Not that a speeding bullet would get to his important organs anyhow. . .they’re too padded by the fat.
When being shot at, perhaps being 400lbs overweight is a good thing. Otherwise, it is very very bad.
May 22, 2001 at 7:59 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
serech sexy girls
nappy wavs
lifted skirt photos
naked pictures of katie’s
15 year old girl pics
got accepted uc santa cru
tekken2 roms
“tongue rings”
memoirs of a victim
What the heeeezy?! hahaha… Some pretty damn whacked out people are lookin’ at my site.
May 22, 2001 at 7:46 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
kimtoxication (7:35:41 PM): I’m never THAT ghetto though
NeonGlo02 (7:35:49 PM): hahah okay then this site can never be manly
NeonGlo02 (7:36:17 PM): put some hot import racer model type people in there in scantily clad clothing
NeonGlo02 (7:36:36 PM): & make lots of “she’s hot” references
NeonGlo02 (7:36:36 PM): hahaahh
NeonGlo02 (7:36:43 PM): entitle the page “typical male”
kimtoxication (7:38:08 PM): HAHAHAHHA
kimtoxication (7:38:22 PM): im trying to be manly in design
kimtoxication (7:38:26 PM): haha not in my actions haha
NeonGlo02 (7:38:40 PM): hahah hey if you do by action, then design will follow
NeonGlo02 (7:38:45 PM): go watch some ESPN
NeonGlo02 (7:38:57 PM): and occasionally scratch at your crotch
NeonGlo02 (7:39:11 PM): and eat some Doritos and have a coke or something
NeonGlo02 (7:39:18 PM): design by osmosis!
kimtoxication (7:39:23 PM): hahahaha
kimtoxication (7:39:24 PM): =D
NeonGlo02 (7:39:39 PM): must have the complete guy experience
May 22, 2001 at 7:30 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Wow! I never knew pink was so… easy to play with! Welps, here’s my desparate attempt to make a manlyish (yanno, strong lines and ish) style girly. I don’t know if I actually succeeded – I’m not a guy, so I can’t tell if this is guy style.
Thanks a lot to James for the inspiration to do this site. Haha. I used an image that he sent me as my model of true manly design.
I really really want to be manly!
May 22, 2001 at 4:43 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Imperturbably Stupid asked to be sibling sites with me… I usually would just add him (Jeff) as a sibling, but I’m not sure if he’s going to stick around for long (since the site is so new)… ^_^ But yeah, you can visit him from this link here… And maybe in a little while… He’ll be permalinked. 
May 21, 2001 at 8:10 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Sex is okay. Drugs aren’t. Are my morals whack?
May 21, 2001 at 7:57 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Alas, Kian, through somebody else I have found you!…. It’s been so long! I actually tried to go to your old simplenet site before. Should have known that you got your own domain. Silly boy. Anyhow! I see you’re going to UCSD!!! I was thinking of going there… But I decided on UCI instead… I’ll be raiding UCSD for the men regularly, though… So maybe we can meet up. ^_~
May 21, 2001 at 7:48 am · Filed under Rigamarole
To Dee, whom I assumed was interested in drugs from the title of her weblog “an ecstasy induced blog. I just needed an example of drugs on the ‘net, and the title was an easy target.
Seriously, though. While we’re on the topic of drugs, I’d like to say that I don’t necessarily feel that the people who do drugs are icky. It’s their choices. Afterall, who in their right mind would put a substance that they KNOW is harmful to their body? Isn’t eating beef enough of a risk?!
Anyhow. That’s my stance on drugs. Maybe I’m just biased from those that I’ve known in the past who did drugs. They were prone to worser decisions than drugs. Perhaps that’s what’s made them truly icky — I just always connected that with the drugs themselves, though.
May 21, 2001 at 7:32 am · Filed under Rigamarole
^_^ I wanna be your man! Haha… Anyhow… I don’t even know what I’m doing online right now. Blech!! I’m just sitting around in Multimedia Class doing absolutely NOTHING! WOOHOO. I should probably work on those movies that I’ve been wanting to do. Ah wellz. ^_^*.
May 20, 2001 at 10:59 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Today has been a rather nice day!… It was peaceful, and nothing but good things happened! I got to stay home and play around w/ my weblog all day, Bernie came and took me to Mitsuwa and we took sticker pix and ait Daifuku brand Mochi… (I had a pink one!)… And then I talked to Nick on the phone for an hour in the dark.
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