Archive for July, 2001
July 16, 2001 at 2:11 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
My Boot: She Hates My Futon
Quite possibly my new favourite book.^_^ It’s HILARIOUS.. This got me laughing for like 5 minutes
“Motherfuck-bucket!” Whoops, sorry about that. At times like these when I’m under extreme duress or pain, weird nonsensical curses have a tendency to fly out of my mouth. I should really start keeping a list because sometimes they’re kind of humorous. One time I stubbed my toe really good on the coffee table and “Pimp-fucking-whore-son-of-a-bitch-salami-sandwich!’ was the first explanative out of my mouth. I don’t have any idea what that means. But at the time it meant, ‘God dammit that hurts!’
So what does ‘Motherfuck-bucket’ mean? I think it means, ‘Ex-Girlfriends have an annoying tendency to show up at the absolute worst times.’ You’ve put them in your past. You’ve filed them under ‘Complete Psychos – Do not Revisit’ in your filing cabinet. And yet here they are standing in the doorway of one of your favorite bars where you’re meeting a date.
July 16, 2001 at 1:14 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
^_^ No egos were harmed during the Photoshop experiment. It was done at the consent of the picture’s owner and I’m not mad at him. ^_^
July 16, 2001 at 12:56 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
If I met this guy on the street and I wasn’t already taken, I’d probably hit on this guy. It seems weird but I think that’s the kind of guy that I’m initially attracted to. I like his eyebrows.
July 16, 2001 at 12:33 pm · Filed under Rigamarole

original pic
But its OK. ^_^ I think he looks good like that…. IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF.
July 16, 2001 at 12:01 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Haha… Let me refresh you on the story. About two days ago, I encountered a site that was a direct ripoff of mine. Thus, the first encounter on AsianAvenue. Let us call her Girl #1. So, after a scathing e-mail to Girl #1, I learn that Girl #1 did not make the page. Dundundun. The entrance of Girl #2.
So then, I just gave up.
But then, today I find this not single, not double, not triple, but quadruple posted on my post about the offensive biter:
ok u have the most stupid ass friends they go to my home girl’s page and tell her she is biting off of you and the one who got the layout for her is ME biatch !!hahahahaha do you have a problem? i even took your old one to give to my other friend and i am glad you seem to have advertise her hahaahhahaha plus she ain’t trying to do shit man! ahhaahah dumb ass i can just steal her a new one so she can post it on her page …then you would have no right to say all that shit
Posted by Jay @ 07/16/2001 10:37 AM PST
So I’m like… Alright. Great. I have a crazypsychobitch copying all my crap who thinks that it matters if she steals it. WOoo… I think she has a screw loose. Well, I guess that’s obvious since she can’t even bite off my page correctly.
……. And I thought that was the end…. DUN DUN DUN.
But apparently not.
Girl #1 randomly e-mails me telling me about her problems with Girl #2. Apparently they hate each other. Apparently Girl #2 fucks old ass men and thinks she’s all that. Great. NO REALLY. That’s great.
I’m happy for all of you. I think I’m going to crawl back to my quiet non-chaotic but chaotic enough for me life now. Good bye Asian Avenue.
July 16, 2001 at 11:13 am · Filed under Rigamarole

Ashish, you can come rescue me ANY day!! OhoHoHohooh.
July 15, 2001 at 7:29 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I’m always the victim. I’m always the one that’s being picked on. I never do anything wrong. I always end up last. sarcasm
Some people.
July 14, 2001 at 2:40 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Just recently, I realized that one of my bigger pet peeves is when people get jealous of other’s accomplishments — or just let it get to them.
For me, when I see someone who’s amazing, or awesome, I’m just like whoa, I want to be like them. I can’t understand the ‘forget them, they’re talented, so what?’ attitude. When I see someone who’s talented, I don’t forget them, because it makes me want to better myself.
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July 14, 2001 at 2:17 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
^_^ Thanks to all these people who’ve been linking me – – Stephiee’s page! Wooot! I haven’t talked to her in more than a year! ;_; i’m so touched that she actually remembers me. GOOOO Stephanie… I didn’t even know she as so good at design. ^_^; What a cutie. I wonder if she still lives in the bay. I can actually drive now.
Tru Silent Devils – I’m not quite sure who these people are, but YAY! They linked me.. Woot woot!! Thanks a ton!! ^___^;
Cp15xBayBbOi168 of Asian Avenue – Not sure who he is too.. But he linked me TWICE! Whoa.. haha.. Thanks man. ^^ He must feel cool, linking to
Nonsensical – Andrew Pai! Oh my gosh, it’s been a long time since I even thought of him. ;_; I wonder what his AIM is now. I hope he IMs me sometime. *SiGH* I miss the boy.
Imagine – I can’t figure out who this is… But they linked me like they knew who I was, so YAY! ^_^;
MinwoO? – Wooot! One of my old KMH buddies from old times… It’s great… ^_^ People are so sweet and remember lots. HohoHoo. I guess my domain has been around for like.. Forever.
Shinekomi – ^_^ She’s been linking me for a long long long time. Thank you so much! You’re awesome… 
July 14, 2001 at 1:24 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I notice that whenever I listen to songs, there is always a certain memory, or connection to some incident to go along with the song. Some are tied to incidents/people/memories are tied stronger to certain songs… Which, I suppose make them sweeter to listen to. Listening to them brings back not only memories, but a barrage of the senses, touch, sight, even smell… Songs that bring me such feelings and memories are…
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