Archive for July, 2001
July 14, 2001 at 11:06 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Is when people use Japanese as decorations without meanings. It’s awesome when I go and I see some katakana that actually READS as something. Sometimes I sit there and try to figure out what they’re trying to say and I give up. It’s just. . . argh. Disgusting. Example? This Site…. The bottom reads…
to na se i su ha chi mi ka chi to ka ni ri pu
in katakana.
Now, if that MEANS something that I don’t know. Please do tell me and I’ll stand corrected. -.-* Maybe I’m picking on somene who doesn’t deserve it… But goddamnit, I see so many of those [non meaningful katakanas+hiraganas] out there that Im going to go crazy. It doesn’t annoy me as much when it’s a kanji, because it’s like having a random word float around… But having meaningless kana or gana is like… having “jaoieujoiurj3209u409fmndkajdjafjod” plastered all over your page.
July 13, 2001 at 6:10 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Skillz my ass. After surfing the ‘net, I’m getting more and more tired of people who slice up images blur them a little pile them on layers in PS and call it skillz. What is this crap. And then, to top it off, you have nothing insightful to say? Woo. It makes me want to barf.
You know what annoys me the most? Those people to take desktop images from places like and and take the 3d designs and shit and make it a part of their webpage. FUCK! Make your own fucking 3D images or don’t do it at all. We all know where you got it from you idiot. [who am I talking to?] It’s the dumbest shit in the world. Especially those people who hate ‘biters’… It’s like, okay, you hate biters, but you ripped off somebody’s images and you’re saying that you think your shit is ‘original’?? Give me a break! How can it be original to you when it’s already original to someone else. — Alright, I admit, a lot of times they edit the picture… But personally, I don’t call removing the background and adding some lines, a ruler bar, some 45 degree arrows, tiny text and little itty bitty numbers all over the place is going to make that one image any more original.
I guess this is coming from someone who’s been surfing the web for way too long in a 24 hour span. I think I’m going to go crazy if I see another person proclaiming their skills.
Im not saying that I don’t do the same thing. Hell, on my page right now I have 2 anime characters that I fo’ sheezy didn’t draw. [Hoho. I drew 1 of 3… Isn’t that good enough?
just playing] But I’m not proclaiming to the world that ‘I got skillz’… I’ve seen those have got skillz. And you know what? They don’t need to proclaim anything. Because their work speaks for itself.
…And still I wonder. Who am I talking to? ;_;
July 13, 2001 at 3:24 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Woohoo! I’m starting a review page for [purely a content issue hohoho], so I need your help! I want to review all sorts of things, but one of the things I’m going to feature are website reviews… SO! If you’re reading this, and you want your site reviewed, please leave your URL in the comment section or E-mail me and tell me you want to be reviewed.
woohoo!! Go me.
July 12, 2001 at 6:01 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
hahah.. More like Nardin’ it.. But yeah.. Here’s Nick and Patrick ::ostentatious quotage signaling with fingers:: “Pimpin’ It” in the computer lab.

July 12, 2001 at 2:56 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Van of for spotting this chick. ^_^
July 12, 2001 at 2:30 pm · Filed under Rigamarole layout. ^_^ piku!! Cute, huh?

HOHOHOHO…. GQ_PlayGirl_206 is her AA name, biting is her name. Check it out yourself!
July 12, 2001 at 1:20 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
My mother’s a fucking psychobitch. Last night, going out to dinner w/ Jason was going to ruin my life. Today, Comic-Con. Sigh.
July 11, 2001 at 7:04 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Things are still the same. The situation is still the same. I feel the same. Everything is the same. Yet not. It’s all alien but familiar. The face, yes, I recognize it, but the look in the eyes are different. That voice, still the same timbre… The manner of speaking… So different. I feel the same, when I see that face, hear that voice. But then… Like the different after tastes of a cola… The after-effects of our encounters are different than they once were. I probably fucked up. I’m probably an idiot. But I don’t care, because I’m naturally stupid. And things are simple for me that way.
Different and the same. That is what I meant.
July 11, 2001 at 12:44 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Go Cardinals!
This sucks [insert animal here] nuts!
This sucks nialls nuts@!!
… Yeah. I’m tired.
July 10, 2001 at 11:45 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Rubidragon11 (11:42:03 PM): HORNY?
a VERY cute girl (11:42:07 PM): no
Rubidragon11 (11:42:14 PM): to bad
Rubidragon11 (11:42:15 PM): lol
a VERY cute girl (11:42:25 PM): I would believe it if you spelled it correctly
Rubidragon11 (11:42:39 PM): what?
a VERY cute girl (11:43:18 PM): If you don’t know what you spelled wrong
a VERY cute girl (11:43:24 PM): I don’t want to talk to you.
Rubidragon11 (11:43:30 PM): horny
a VERY cute girl (11:43:40 PM): Wrong
a VERY cute girl (11:43:47 PM): Sorry. I don’t talk to idiots.
a VERY cute girl (11:43:48 PM): See ya.
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