Archive for October, 2001
October 11, 2001 at 1:15 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Silly of me to think that I
Could ever have you for my guy
How I love you
How I want you
Silly of me to think that you
Could ever really want me too
How I love you
You’re just a lover out to score
That knows I should be looking for more
What could it be in you that I see
What could it be
Oh love, oh love, stop making a fool out of me
Silly of me to think that you
Could ever know the things I do
Are all done for you
Only for you
And silly of me to take the time
To call
And no you’re not there
You’re just a lover out to score
That knows I should be looking for more
What could it be in you that I see
What could it be
Oh love, oh love, stop making a fool out of me
Silly of me to go around
And brag about the love I found
I say you’re the best
But I can’t tell the rest
And silly of me to tell them all
That every night and day you call
When you could care less
You’re just a lover out to score
That knows that I should be looking for more
What could it be in you that I see
What could it be
Oh love, oh love, stop making a fool out of me
Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh
I love this song.
October 10, 2001 at 8:56 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
So I figure, I must be one of the strangest people in the world. It might have been the hours-straight programming the night before. It might have been the almost-over-my-cold feeling. I can’t really figure it out, but I realize I do the strangest things to relieve my stress.
First, I stole not a not one, not a few, but an entire box of disposible toilet seat covers from the ICS building. I was so scared of getting caught that I ran down the entire hall until I got back to my lab room. HHAHA! Even though, that probably just made me look even worse. Oh well, I’m sure whoever I passed was just thinking, “Oh, those darn ICS majors!”
Anyhow, so I finish my lab, and I turn it in bla bla bla. Out I go into the night. “Oh shit! It’s cold! BRrRR”, I thought. So what was my solution? “Hmm. I have my backpack on with my binder, a notebook, a compsci book AND a box of disposible toilet seat covers in my backpack. OH I KNOW! I can run across the whole fucking campus!”
Haha. So yep. I ran. Let me tell you. It was exhilarating running through an empty park in the twilight. Kind of weird though, my feet made echos and fora while I thought someone was running after me. HAHAA! I’m such a nerd. I kept looking around. =D It felt really good though. Maybe I’ll run more often. It’s bad for my feet, though, since I have tendonitis.
Oh yeah! Happy late birthday!! I’ve been so absentminded lately! I can’t believe I forgot!!
Aileen is a hottie!! I freakin LOVE her. OMG. She’s so beautiful. “I would bone her”
October 10, 2001 at 1:42 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
It’s funny how some people live their lives creating the drama, and others spend their lives being pulled into other people’s dramas… And then there are those who live in the happy medium of doing a little bit of both.
I think I’m a more self-centered type. I don’t get involved in other people’s dramas that much. I look at it and I’m like “Damn, that sucks.” I listen to their dramas, but somehow I’m not able to immerse myself into it and become completely empathetic with the way they feel.
Maybe it’s because I make so much drama all by myself. There hasn’t been much drama lately though. Hmm. Whose life can I ruin next? HAHA just playin.
October 10, 2001 at 11:50 am · Filed under Rigamarole
Lost my keys. Lost my keys. No car. No room.
October 8, 2001 at 9:09 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
When I don’t know what to blog about, I blog about those peoples who are awesome and have linked me. : Cutie cutie site wrote to thank me for putting the site on my design blog. Haha woot. Anytime baby.
Eva put one of my newer buttons on.
Coherance asked for my autograph at a convention once.
Lauren is way good for a 14 year old.
This place gives me tons of hits. thinks I’m cute.
Xiaotian is a pisces too!
Sammi is just adorable!
ThoseBrownEyes put me as a notable link! woot
That’s all for now, I think. AISH! So many. ;_;
October 7, 2001 at 11:14 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Not sleeping until 3-6 AM per morning three nights in a row really makes a person grumpy. This weekend was, to say the least, eventful. I wish I could say it all now, but I have sooo much hw shit to catch up on. Spam covers one night at least.
October 6, 2001 at 6:04 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
My roommate probably thinks I’m some strange type of prostitute or something. First of all, there’s a constant stream of guys coming to visit me [ha! they just want to look at my computer], secondly, she knows I take pictures of my body parts and post em on the ‘net, third, my leopard print sheets probably say something about my freaky side [even though my mom picked em out], and then lastly, i’m always blasting freaky deaky love songs on the CD player.. hahaha. oh yeah. I’m definately a freaky one.
October 6, 2001 at 5:45 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Thanks to Dave the guy who still needs a TV and his mad hair-bleaching skills, I have finally been hit on. For the first time in my life random strangers have been coming up to me to tell me how sexy my hair is. =D I feel special.
October 5, 2001 at 12:39 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Dyed my hair last night! WOOHOOO!

WEIRD, Huh?? i’m still getting used to it myself. =}
October 4, 2001 at 1:49 am · Filed under Rigamarole
One of those days that could have turned out incredibly shitty. You know. Huge homework assignment, done none of it. Everyone else has spent at least 10 hours on it…. But it was OK. It really turned out very OK.
THe day was so busy, that now that I think about it… It could have been split up into three days and I still would have felt the same business.
It’s funny how you feel so much closer to someone after you suffer some kind of crisis with them. Even if it IS just turning in your HW on time [which for us, was midnight tonight].
Some people are really nice. Like my new ICS H21 friend Jon. He walked all the way to my dorm from his appt in Stanford Ct at 8PM to walk me to ICS building [all the way across campus] so I could finish my lab, stayed there until 12AM and walked back with me. He even helped me on most of the problems! =D That’s what I call SUPA nice.
I wouldn’t do that for me if I were me. Of course, I hate walking in the dark. ;_; is scary and cold!
Today was a good day.
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