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Archive for September, 2005

Monday September 26, 2005 at 08:06 pm

More mediocrity.
It’s your choice. Or is it?

Yesterday I wrote on the subject of mediocrity and I touched on the fact that I didn’t/haven’t joined Mensa because I don’t want to be in a place where I have to admit that I am inferior to others.

Thinking about that lead me to this: Let’s presume for a second that there IS something about ourselves that is actually superior to most…

Would you rather have excellence among the mediocre or mediocrity among the excellent?

I guess that’s why in groups of ugly girls there’s always one really hot girl — or vice versa. It’s a sense of comparison. Everybody likes to feel like they’re above someone else. But seriously, even the pretty girl amongst the ugly girls may not be as pretty as the ugly girl amongst the hot girls…. So really, it’s a choice one has to make.

I discussed this with some people before posting this, and I realized that the choice we make might not be completely conscious, especially when it comes to friends. After all, if you have to think about whether you are superior or inferior to your peers, then they’re probably not really your friends in the first place.

So the second question I’d like to ask is:

What do you think causes us to choose the way we do?

Oh, and in case you’re wondering… There are some days when I’d choose to be excellent among the mediocre… For the most part, though, I don’t think I can really grow as a person unless I’m challenged, somewhat, right?

Maybe I should re-think that Mensa thing after all.

Sunday September 25, 2005 at 11:09 am

Why can’t bitches hold their liquor?

…Or why do bitches pretend they can’t?

Ok — so I don’t know if this happens with you guys, but aside from the
select few girls I know and voluntarily hang out with [alumni k,
bitches!] there are certain things that always happen when I go to a
party with other girls. Actually, no. There is one thing
that happens.


That’s right. Why do bitches cause drama when they’re
intoxicated? It’s like part of “the plan” or some shit like
that. OK, I have to admit, I did my share of that shit when
I was like 18 and first started drinking — but bitches who are years
veteran drinkers should be smart enough to at least hold their yap shut
while they’re wasted.

But they don’t.

Among the Drama-causing types… Here are my top 3 worst drunk drama-causing bitches:

The secret telling bitch

It almost never fails. There’s the bitch who goes around and
whispers “secrets” to you. The bitch who shouts them out loud…
And the most insidious of them all, the bitch who acts super nice to
you — you know she’s whispering or yelling shit behind your back..

The CRYING bitch

That’s right ladies and gentlemen. There’s always someone who
can’t control their liquor and starts crying all over the fucking place
[and subsequently in a corner]. What the fuck is that
shit? Okay, so I admit, I’ve gotten a little weepy while drunk once or twice — but once was the day after I saw Lan’s head cracked open on the asphalt and the other time was the week after I had broken up with my boyfriend of 2.5 years.

Did you know, there are some girls that cry EVERY time they drink?

WHY DRINK, BITCH, WHY? You already know that you’re going to kill
everyone’s high if you start blubbering, so WHY DRINK?… Do some
drugs, be DD or something. Just stop that hideous crying.
It’s not even fun for you! And it’s not fun for people who have to
clean up your fucking mess.

The bitch that makes out with any guy

While true that this type bitch doesn’t cause drama EVERY time, there’s
always about a 50% chance that this making-out bitch is either TAKEN or
is trying to scam with a guy who already has a chick. So the
amount of drama is, indeed, about twice as much when that actually
occurs. That is why it only happens 50% of the time. The
world wouldn’t be balanced if that weren’t the case.

Bitch, if you need to get drunk to find a man to make out with, you should seriously reconsider what’s wrong with your life.

So there you go, these are the types of bitches you really gotta
keep a lookout for, they might go around stealing your good buzz and
leave you the next morning with nothing but a massive hangover.

Though I must admit, there are times when I’ve inadvertently been the first two [not
the third one, thank goodness]… The people I’m talking about are the
people who do it ALL the time, every time they get drunk.

What drama causing bitch type do you hate the most? Stories?

Go HERE for an interesting and insightful post inspired by my previous entry “Are we as free as we think we are?”.

Sunday September 25, 2005 at 10:00 am

Why can’t bitches hold their liquor?
…Or why do bitches pretend they can’t?

Ok — so I don’t know if this happens with you guys, but aside from the
select few girls I know and voluntarily hang out with [alumni k,
bitches!] there are certain things that always happen when I go to a
party with other girls. Actually, no. There is one thing
that happens.


That’s right. Why do bitches cause drama when they’re
intoxicated? It’s like part of “the plan” or some shit like
that. OK, I have to admit, I did my share of that shit when
I was like 18 and first started drinking — but bitches who are years
veteran drinkers should be smart enough to at least hold their yap shut
while they’re wasted.

But they don’t.

Among the Drama-causing types… Here are my top 3 worst drunk drama-causing bitches:

The secret telling bitch

It almost never fails. There’s the bitch who goes around and
whispers “secrets” to you. The bitch who shouts them out loud…
And the most insidious of them all, the bitch who acts super nice to
you — you know she’s whispering or yelling shit behind your back..

The CRYING bitch

That’s right ladies and gentlemen. There’s always someone who
can’t control their liquor and starts crying all over the fucking place
[and subsequently in a corner]. What the fuck is that
shit? Okay, so I admit, I’ve gotten a little weepy while drunk once or twice — but once was the day after I saw Lan’s head cracked open on the asphault and the other time was the week after I had broken up with my boyfriend of 2.5 years.

Did you know, there are some girls that cry EVERY time they drink?

WHY DRINK, BITCH, WHY? You already know that you’re going to kill
everyone’s high if you start blubbering, so WHY DRINK?… Do some
drugs, be DD or something. Just stop that hideous crying.
It’s not even fun for you! And it’s not fun for people who have to
clean up your fucking mess.

The bitch that makes out with any guy

While true that this type bitch doesn’t cause drama EVERY time, there’s
always about a 50% chance that this making-out bitch is either TAKEN or
is trying to scam with a guy who already has a chick. So the
amount of drama is, indeed, about twice as much when that actually
occurs. That is why it only happens 50% of the time. The
world wouldn’t be balanced if that weren’t the case.

Bitch, if you need to get drunk to find a man to make out with, you should seriously reconsider what’s wrong with your life.

So there you go, these are the types of bitches you really gotta
keep a lookout for, they might go around stealing your good buzz and
leave you the next morning with nothing but a massive hangover.

What drama causing bitch type do you hate the most? Stories?

Go HERE for an interesting and insightful post inspired by my previous entry “Are we as free as we think we are?”.

Saturday September 24, 2005 at 11:40 am

Is this really Feminism?
Are we really as free as we think we are?

NOTE: I want to make it clear right now that I love
being American, and I love my freedom. I just want to take a look
at us as a culture with a more critical eye.

As people of American culture, we tend to look upon women from
Muslim and other cultures with a critical eye because we feel that they
do not have “freedom” to choose what they want. However, I want
take a closer look into our culture and our society.

Do we really have as much freedom as we think we do?

Sure, there are no laws prohibiting us from wearing what we want,
doing what we want. However, isn’t this country by nature still
somewhat of a patriarchy? So while we dance around
self-righteously about our freedom, I think there are some things that
we need to look at.

For example, let’s go back to the idea that we can wear whatever we
want. If you’re a woman: how many times have you worn a pair of
shoes that cuts into your foot so badly that it begins to bleed?
If you’re a man: how many times have you seen this happen?

Aside from sadists, is this really what we want for ourselves? Or
is it the image of what we are attaining using the clothes we wear that
is reigning supreme in our mind?

A normal woman who wears no make-up, wears comfortable clothes like
sweats, and doesn’t get her hair styled and dyed is probably considered
a slob.

The same woman who wears make-up, impossible to wear clothing,
and has impeccable hair at first glance will be called beautiful. — or
at the very least, “hot”.

This is what we have come to. A society in which the fake
outdoes the natural. A society in which you’re judged by your

So tell me now, are we really free?

Women who always have to be covered may not be free to wear what
they want — but they’re not being judged by strangers on their
physical features.

I think that we’re all bound by the labels of this society.

I used to be the kind of person that could go to the mall in a
pair of sweats, with no make-up and a raggedy pony tail. Perhaps
it’s the Orange County air, but I can’t anymore.

My sense of being trapped probably started when I saw little girls,
no older than 10 done up more expensively and stylishly that I ever
was, have been since, or ever will be. There’s just something
wrong, when a 10 year old looks more attractive [in an adult way!] than
you do. It’s something that as much as you rant about how wrong it is,
makes you feel self conscious. And this self consciousness makes
you dye your hair, put on make up and wear clothes you wouldn’t
naturally choose to wear.

Are we really as free as we think we are?

The winners for yesterday’s contest are:

By popular vote:

fansign for kim
And by Kim’s Choice:
Temp 002

Saturday September 24, 2005 at 10:13 am

Is this really Feminism?
Are we really as free as we think we are?

NOTE: I want to make it clear right now that I love
being American, and I love my freedom. I just want to take a look
at us as a culture with a more critical eye.

As people of American culture, we tend to look upon women from
Muslim and other cultures with a critical eye because we feel that they
do not have “freedom” to choose what they want. However, I want
take a closer look into our culture and our society.

Do we really have as much freedom as we think we do?

Sure, there are no laws prohibiting us from wearing what we want,
doing what we want. However, isn’t this country by nature still
somewhat of a patriarchy? So while we dance around
self-righteously about our freedom, I think there are some things that
we need to look at.

For example, let’s go back to the idea that we can wear whatever we
want. If you’re a woman: how many times have you worn a pair of
shoes that cuts into your foot so badly that it begins to bleed?
If you’re a man: how many times have you seen this happen?

Aside from sadistics, is this really what we want for ourselves? Or
is it the image of what we are attaining using the clothes we wear that
is reigning supreme in our mind?

A normal woman who wears no make-up, wears comfortable clothes like
sweats, and doesn’t get her hair styled and dyed is probably considered
a slob.

The same woman who wears make-up, impossible to wear clothing,
and has impeccable hair at first glance will be called beautiful. — or
at the very least, “hot”.

This is what we have come to. A society in which the fake
outdoes the natural. A society in which you’re judged by your

So tell me now, are we really free?

Women who always have to be covered may not be free to wear what
they want — but they’re not being judged by strangers on their
physical features.

I think that we’re all bound by the labels of this society.

I used to be the kind of person that could go to the mall in a
pair of sweats, with no make-up and a raggedy pony tail. Perhaps
it’s the Orange County air, but I can’t anymore.

My sense of being trapped probably started when I saw little girls,
no older than 10 done up more expensively and stylishly that I ever
was, have been since, or ever will be. There’s just something
wrong, when a 10 year old looks more attractive [in an adult way!] than
you do. It’s something that as much as you rant about how wrong it is,
makes you feel self conscious. And this self consciousness makes
you dye your hair, put on make up and wear clothes you wouldn’t
naturally choose to wear.

Are we really as free as we think we are?

The winners for yesterday’s contest are:

By popular vote:

fansign for kim
And by Kim’s Choice:
Temp 002

Friday September 23, 2005 at 11:05 am

FanSign Vote-off:
Who’s a weiner?

It’s almost the weekend, so your brain deserves a rest. No probing question today. Enjoy this post. It’s like candy for your brain. Don’t think too hard on this one….You’ll get brain cavities. :)

Alright, so here are the finalists for the fanSigns I received about a week and a half back. The #1 voted-on fan pic will receive special LINKAGE and a semi-permanant seat on the left hand bar of my page. Right now all the signs are anonymous to keep from bias in the voting. :)

Number 1:

Number 2:
Temp 002

Number 3:

Number 4:

Number 5:


And even then.. at your own risk. MY EYES!! MYYYY EEEYYYEES!!

Number 6:

Wow, I have some special readers (in a good way, I’m sure.)

Please vote for your favorite!
It determines the left hand side of my site! :)

Friday September 23, 2005 at 11:00 am

FanSign Vote-off
Who’s a weiner?

It’s almost the weekend, so your brain deserves a rest. No probing question today. Enjoy
this post. It’s like candy for your brain. You’ll get brain cavities. :)

so here are the finalists for the fanSigns I received about a week and
a half back. The #1 voted-on fan pic will receive special LINKAGE
and a semi-permanant seat on the left hand bar of my page.
Right now all the signs are anonymous to keep from bias in the voting.

Number 1:

Number 2:
Temp 002

Number 3:

Number 4:

Number 5:


And even then.. at your own risk. MY EYES!! MYYYY EEEYYYEES!!

Number 6:

Wow, I have some special readers (in a good way, I’m sure.)

Please vote for your favorite!
It determines the left hand side of my site! :)

Thursday September 22, 2005 at 11:03 am

My encounter with the Dalai Lama:
I was sitting so close, I could almost see him with my glasses on.

A few months back I had the pleasure and privilege of going to see
the Dalai Lama speak. And though I remember his words being very
enlightening, I don’t actually remember what he said or spoke about.

It was one of his actions that day that stands out the most in my mind.

he was getting comfortable on his seat on-stage, he mentioned something
laughingly about how the lights shining on him were really bright.
Immediately someone brought him a UCI visor cap — which he then put on.

really was a sight to see — the Dalai Lama with a UCI
visor perched on his head, patiently answering all our questions.

Picture taken from this site.

Anyhow, what really got me thinking about this was the
fact that there were other people on stage with him at the time, but no
one else complained about the lights — even though any of us that have
been on large stages know how glaring they can be. No one even shaded
their eyes in attempt to gain some respite from the blinding stage
lights. Except the Dalai Lama. And he found a solution — a solution
that did harm to no one and cured him of his discomfort.

Why is
this? I was forced to ask myself. Is it because people are afraid to
speak up about their discomforts? Is it because they’re afraid the
solution will make them look silly?

Who knows… But somehow I began to think about how this applies to
real life. How many times have I not spoken up when I felt
uncomfortable about something that could have been easily solved? How
often do I wallow in pain and self-sacrifice when the solution doesn’t
change anything for anyone but me?

How often do I let my image of what is the way it’s “supposed to be” get in the way of what is good for me?

I mean, I’ve been on a big stage many times, and I’ve always
complained about the bright lights, been annoyed at how I can’t see
anything, gotten a headache trying to read the stupid piece of paper in
front of me.

And yet, it never occurred to me that the solution would be as
simple as putting on a visor or a hat. Instead, I stood there and
endured it just like everyone else, when in fact, helping myself
wouldn’t have hurt or changed anything for anybody.

Yet, even as I write this, I find it incomprehensible in myself to be able to do such a thing.

I think it takes a different type of mind set to be able to do what
the Dalai Lama did. — A mind set that I do not yet have. However,
understanding that, now I can look out for more painful situations in
which I can just find simple solutions for myself that don’t have an
effect on anyone but me.

An example: If I’m cold and I’m wearing a really
nice outfit — fuck what looks good, I’ll just put on the fugly ass
sweater I found in the back of my car. It doesn’t hurt anyone that I
look worse, but at least I won’t be freezing my ass off and getting

Do you ever make sacrifices in comfort, in order to not look out of the ordinary? If so, give an example.

Kim’s Link of the Day:

Check this guy out!


This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. He’s hilarious
and a great artist. I’m an instant fan. I also have this same
problem… People guess everything but Viet. …Until I squat down and
pretend to smoke, drink heineken and play cards at the same time.

Thursday September 22, 2005 at 11:00 am

My encounter with the Dalai Lama:
I was sitting so close, I could almost see him with my glasses on.

A few months back I had the pleasure and privilege of going to see
the Dalai Lama speak. And though I remember his words being very
enlightening, I don’t actually remember what he said or spoke about.

It was one of his actions that day that stands out the most in my mind.

he was getting comfortable on his seat on-stage, he mentioned something
laughingly about how the lights shining on him were really bright.
Immediately someone brought him a UCI visor cap — which he then put on.

really was a sight to see — the Dalai Lama with a UCI
visor perched on his head, patiently answering all our questions.

Picture taken from this site.

Anyhow, what really got me thinking about this was the
fact that there were other people on stage with him at the time, but no
one else complained about the lights — even though any of us that have
been on large stages know how glaring they can be. No one even shaded
their eyes in attempt to gain some respite from the blinding stage
lights. Except the Dalai Lama. And he found a solution — a solution
that did harm to no one and cured him of his discomfort.

Why is
this? I was forced to ask myself. Is it because people are afraid to
speak up about their discomforts? Is it because they’re afraid the
solution will make them look silly?

Who knows… But somehow I began to think about how this applies to
real life. How many times have I not spoken up when I felt
uncomfortable about something that could have been easily solved? How
often do I wallow in pain and self-sacrifice when the solution doesn’t
change anything for anyone but me?

How often do I let my image of what is the way it’s “supposed to be” get in the way of what is good for me?

I mean, I’ve been on a big stage many times, and I’ve always
complained about the bright lights, been annoyed at how I can’t see
anything, gotten a headache trying to read the stupid piece of paper in
front of me.

And yet, it never occurred to me that the solution would be as
simple as putting on a visor or a hat. Instead, I stood there and
endured it just like everyone else, when in fact, helping myself
wouldn’t have hurt or changed anything for anybody.

Yet, even as I write this, I find it incomprehensible in myself to be able to do such a thing.

I think it takes a different type of mind set to be able to do what
the Dalai Lama did. — A mind set that I do not yet have. However,
understanding that, now I can look out for more painful situations in
which I can just find simple solutions for myself that don’t have an
effect on anyone but me.

An example: If I’m cold and I’m wearing a really
nice outfit — fuck what looks good, I’ll just put on the fugly ass
sweater I found in the back of my car. It doesn’t hurt anyone that I
look worse, but at least I won’t be freezing my ass off and getting

Do you ever make “sacrifices”, in order to not look “stupid”? If so, give an example.

Kim’s Link of the Day:

Check this guy out!


This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. He’s hilarious
and a great artist. I’m an instant fan. I also have this same
problem… People guess everything but Viet. …Until I squat down and
pretend to smoke, drink heineken and play cards at the same time.

Thursday September 22, 2005 at 11:17 pm

My encounter with the Dalai Lama:
I was sitting so close, I could almost see him with my glasses on.

A few months back I had the pleasure and privilege of going to see the Dalai Lama speak. And though I remember his words being very enlightening, I don’t actually remember what he said or spoke about.

It was one of his actions that day that stands out the most in my mind.

As he was getting comfortable on his seat on-stage, he mentioned something laughingly about how the lights shining on him were really bright. Immediately someone brought him a UCI visor cap — which he then put on.

It really was a sight to see — the Dalai Lama with a UCI visor perched on his head, patiently answering all our questions.

Picture taken from this site.

Anyhow, what really got me thinking about this was the fact that there were other people on stage with him at the time, but no one else complained about the lights — even though any of us that have been on large stages know how glaring they can be. No one even shaded their eyes in attempt to gain some respite from the blinding stage lights. Except the Dalai Lama. And he found a solution — a solution that did harm to no one and cured him of his discomfort.

Why is this? I was forced to ask myself. Is it because people are afraid to speak up about their discomforts? Is it because they’re afraid the solution will make them look silly?

Who knows… But somehow I began to think about how this applies to real life. How many times have I not spoken up when I felt uncomfortable about something that could have been easily solved? How often do I wallow in pain and self-sacrifice when the solution doesn’t change anything for anyone but me?

How often do I let my image of what is the way it’s “supposed to be” get in the way of what is good for me?

I mean, I’ve been on a big stage many times, and I’ve always complained about the bright lights, been annoyed at how I can’t see anything, gotten a headache trying to read the stupid piece of paper in front of me.

And yet, it never occurred to me that the solution would be as simple as putting on a visor or a hat. Instead, I stood there and endured it just like everyone else, when in fact, helping myself wouldn’t have hurt or changed anything for anybody.

Yet, even as I write this, I find it incomprehensible in myself to be able to do such a thing.

I think it takes a different type of mind set to be able to do what the Dalai Lama did. — A mind set that I do not yet have. However, understanding that, now I can look out for more painful situations in which I can just find simple solutions for myself that don’t have an effect on anyone but me.

An example: If I’m cold and I’m wearing a really nice outfit — fuck what looks good, I’ll just put on the fugly ass sweater I found in the back of my car. It doesn’t hurt anyone that I look worse, but at least I won’t be freezing my ass off and getting sick.

Do you ever make “sacrifices”, in order to not look “stupid”? If so, give an example.

Kim’s Link of the Day:

Check this guy out!


This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. He’s hilarious and a great artist. I’m an instant fan. I also have this same problem… People guess everything but Viet. …Until I squat down and pretend to smoke, drink heineken and play cards at the same time.

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