Archive for January, 2006
January 16, 2006 at 11:22 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Can there be good without bad?
How do we judge?
I had a discussion with someone the other day and we came to complete disagreement on this subject.
I am in full belief that there cannot be anything good without the comparison that something is bad. For everything that exists that isn’t a median, there is an opposite.
For example, there is no way that there can be white [the reflection of all light] without the presence of black [the absorbtion of all light]. How are we to judge what is one or the other if one doesn’t exist?
It doesn’t even have to be that black and white [pardon the pun]. Suppose there is white and there is off-white, then the white considered white because it is being compared to the off white. If one had known off white their entire lives as the whitest of white, then they would judge it as the whitest of white until they saw the true white.
My friend differs and says that things can be good just in the essence of being good. His example is this:
Say there is a bowl that suits your purpose. That bowl is good because it suits your purpose. You are not comparing it to anything because it is simply good unto itself.
My argument is this: How do you know that the bowl is good? You know it is good because in your mind you can think of things that wouldn’t suit your purpose… like a plate. A plate would not be good for the purpose, but the bowl would.
However, if the bowl didn’t exist, then you would use the only other thing availible to you (the plate) and you would probably call it good because you didn’t know any better.
It’s like in Math when your teacher teaches you a way to solve a problem. You solve the problem and you believe that the method is good because it enabled you to solve a problem.
Later, you find out that the way you chose to solve the problem is considered the “bad” way compared to the simpler way to solve the problem. Without the simpler way, you would have continued to consider the “bad” solution “good”.
Question of the day:Can there be good without bad?
January 16, 2006 at 6:10 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I hate AzNs.
They bring shame to the Asian race.
AzN Pride and sometimes even “Asian Pride” is just another excuse for people to use bigotry and sound like they’re not putting anyone down. Afterall, why would so many say it so freely, while “White Pride” is considered beyond reproach?
Unlike Korean people, of whom I’ve liked 50% of the people I’ve met. I have yet to meet an AzN person that I felt was suitible to know.
The worst are the people who say they “used” to be AzN, but are no longer “AzN” yet they still harbor the feelings and activities that go along with the “AzN” (NOT ASIAN) culture.

A search for “AzN” on google produced this.
Ironically, I’m pretty sure one of the people I’m subscribed to now [and i subscribed to me] created this. Hey JonnyNgo – was this yours?
Times have changed since we were 15/16, haven’t they?
AzN - Pronounced “ay-zee-en” or “asian”.
1. A person of Asian descent who thinks that Asian people are inherently better than anyone else.
2. Asian bigots.
3. Asians that think subconsciously that by wearing expensive clothing and having rice rockets will make them assimilate easier into American society.
Usage: “You are, without a doubt, AzN.”
1. Of or relating to or characteristic of being AzNs.
Usage: “That person is so AzN, I want to barf.”

A search for “AzN Pride” on google produced this.
Ways to spot AzNs:
If a person is 3 or more of these things, the likelyhood of them being AzN is very high.
They’re usually of Asian Descent.
They probably don’t speak or write English very well (some can, though, so be careful!)
It’s likely that they’d have “AzN” somewhere in their screen name.
If you’re walking down the street and you hear someone screaming “AzN!” or “AzN PriDe!” , they’re probably AzN.
They come in packs. Like wolves. Or hyenas. If they’re all huddled in a group smoking cigarrettes and yelling obscene things at passerbys they’re probably AzN.
If you suddenly feel as if you’re amongst a crowd dressed for clubbing but it’s in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, they might be AzN.
If they “TyPe LikE diS” they might be AzN.
AzNs are usually under the age of 25, but some may have kept their sentiments longer than that. Always be on guard, their inner AzN might come through one day.
Questions of the day:
Are you AzN?
Have you had any experiences with AzNs?
What would you do if you met an AzN person today?
The intelligence that is AzN PriDe and AzN PryDe on Xanga.
January 16, 2006 at 5:56 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I hate AzNs
They bring shame to the Asian race.
AzN Pride and sometimes even “Asian Pride” is just another excuse for people to use bigotry and sound like they’re not putting anyone down. Afterall, why would so many say it so freely, while “White Pride” is considered beyond reproach?
Unlike Korean people, of whom I’ve liked 50% of the people I’ve met. I have yet to meet an AzN person that I felt was suitible to know.
The worst are the people who say they “used” to be AzN, but are no longer “AzN” yet they still harbor the feelings and activities that go along with the “AzN” (NOT ASIAN) culture.

A search for “AzN” on google produced this.
Ironically, I’m pretty sure one of the people I’m subscribed to now [and i subscribed to me] created this. Hey JonnyNgo – was this yours?
Times have changed since we were 15/16, haven’t they?
AzN - Pronounced “ay-zee-en” or “asian”.
1. A person of Asian descent who thinks that Asian people are inherently better than anyone else.
2. Asian bigots.
3. Asians that think subconsciously that by wearing expensive clothing and having rice rockets will make them assimilate easier into American society.
Usage: “You are, without a doubt, AzN.”
1. Of or relating to or characteristic of being AzNs.
Usage: “That person is so AzN, I want to barf.”

A search for “AzN Pride” on google produced this.
Ways to spot AzNs:
If a person is 3 or more of these things, the likelyhood of them being AzN is very high.
They’re usually of Asian Descent.
They probably don’t speak or write English very well (some can, though, so be careful!)
It’s likely that they’d have “AzN” somewhere in their screen name.
If you’re walking down the street and you hear someone screaming “AzN!” or “AzN PriDe!” , they’re probably AzN.
They come in packs. Like wolves. Or hyenas. If they’re all huddled in a group smoking cigarrettes and yelling obscene things at passerbys they’re probably AzN.
If you suddenly feel as if you’re amongst a crowd dressed for clubbing but it’s in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, they might be AzN.
If they “TyPe LikE diS” they might be AzN.
AzNs are usually under the age of 25, but some may have kept their sentiments longer than that. Always be on guard, their inner AzN might come through one day.
Questions of the day:
Are you AzN?
Have you had any experiences with AzNs?
What would you do if you met an AzN person today?
The intelligence that is AzN PriDe and AzN PryDe on Xanga.
January 14, 2006 at 9:20 pm · Filed under Rigamarole

Gone Fishin’
January 13, 2006 at 6:59 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I always think, “I can do that…”
But if that’s the case, then, why haven’t I done it?
After reading a great book, I always think, “I could do this, I could write a book.”
After eating a great dish at a restaurant I think, “This would be easy to cook”
When I see clothes I like, knit items that are cute, most crafty things, I think … “I could make that.”
And it’s true. I’ve written a novella length story, so I know I
could do more. I cook great dishes all the time. I
even make my own clothes sometimes, and knit. Once I wanted to
make a print for a shirt, so I learned how to create stencils and roll
paint I did it.
I bake cookies and cakes. I even learned how to decorate cakes the way you see them do it on TV.
… But I’ve never, ever, through all my half-hearted trying, been able to hit the type of quality that I seek within myself.
From myself I expected the next great American novel.
I expected to surpass the Iron Chefs on my first try.
I want to make clothes people only dream of.
I want to make cakes and bake cookies the way they do on Food Network challenges.
I want to knit things that make publishers scramble to have the rights to the patterns.
…And when I’m working feverishly on whatever it is I may be obsessed
with at the time… I think, yes, this might be my calling..I might be
able to become an expert at this!…. I lose interest and move onto
something new.
How do people get that spark, that
resolve that makes them work so hard at one thing and become so amazing
at one thing that everyone acknowledges their talent? Where does
it come from… and how do I get it for myself?
On another note… I just started writing the next Great American Novel, so y’all better watch yourselves.
January 13, 2006 at 5:48 am · Filed under Rigamarole
I always think, “I can do that…”
But if that’s the case, then, why haven’t I done it?
After reading a great book, I always think, “I could do this, I could write a book.”
After eating a great dish at a restaurant I think, “This would be easy to cook”
When I see clothes I like, knit items that are cute, most crafty things, I think … “I could make that.”
And it’s true. I’ve written a novella length story, so I know I
could do more. I cook great dishes all the time. I
even make my own clothes sometimes, and knit. Once I wanted to
make a print for a shirt, so I learned how to create stencils and roll
paint I did it.
I bake cookies and cakes. I even learned how to decorate cakes the way you see them do it on TV.
… But I’ve never, ever, through all my half-hearted trying, been able to hit the type of quality that I seek within myself.
From myself I expected the next great American novel.
I expected to surpass the Iron Chefs on my first try.
I want to make clothes people only dream of.
I want to make cakes and bake cookies the way they do on Food Network challenges.
I want to knit things that make publishers scramble to have the rights to the patterns.
…And when I’m working feverishly on whatever it is I may be obsessed
with at the time… I think, yes, this might be my calling..I might be
able to become an expert at this!…. I lose interest and move onto
something new.
How do people get that spark, that
resolve that makes them work so hard at one thing and become so amazing
at one thing that everyone acknowledges their talent? Where does
it come from… and how do I get it for myself?
On another note… I just started writing the next Great American Novel, so y’all better watch yourselves.
January 12, 2006 at 7:04 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Whoever said “it all evens out in the end”…
Was just kidding themselves.
I mean, really, how many people
here personally know someone who’s ridiculously good looking, rich,
smart and is a great person to boot? ::Raises hand:: I actually
know 3-4 people like that.
I know this sounds horrible, but it makes me feel better when I see
a good looking rich person who is a stupid bitch. Because,
really, that person doesn’t “have it all”.
..Because no matter how much stuff you have, if you’re a stupid bitch, you’re a stupid bitch.
No, my gripe is with the good looking, rich, smart AND nice people. Honestly, they’re great… No doubt about it.
The only thing is that I look at them sometimes and I think… “Life
isn’t fair.” How is it that someone can be born bestowed with so
many gifts in life? Not just riches, but intelligence and
personality as well… While others are born as destitute, ugly
In these cases, my belief in karma and reincarnation becomes boosted
up a little. I mean, really, how else can you explain why we
start our lives at such uneven footing?
For those of you who believe in God and one single life — how do you explain why life is so ill-balanced?
Is life really this unfair… or does it really even out in the end?
P.S. Chris Choi is right… best blond joke ever.
January 11, 2006 at 6:28 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I’m not the kwisatz haderach…
…but most of the time I know what’s going to happen as the result of my actions.
Why is it that so many times even if I know something bad happen as a result of something I do, I can’t stop myself from doing it? It’s not as if the adverse affect of my action isn’t forseeable… at times it’s even on my mind as I’m in the act of doing whatever it is I’m doing… But I do it anyways.
Things like… Drugs, gossip, shit talking, binge drinking, shopping too much, not paying my bills, leaving shit in the fridge until it rots…
Sure, they’re not all on the same level of rotteness, but regardless the result is always the same: the action or inaction comes back to me, and I am unhappy as a result of it.

At least one action that is guaranteed to make me happy.
However temporarily… 
Why do we do things that are bad for us, even though we fully know what the result will be?
January 10, 2006 at 7:31 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I hate azns. Not Asians. A.z.N.s.
Support Gemfind: sonicbeauty
Support Gemfind: 5on1cmoon
January 10, 2006 at 7:30 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Was just kidding themselves. I mean, really, how many people
here personally know someone who’s ridiculously good looking, rich,
smart and is a great person to boot? ::Raises hand:: I actually
know 3-4 people like that.
I know this sounds horrible, but it makes me feel better when I see
a good looking rich person who is a stupid bitch. Because,
really, that person doesn’t “have it all”.
..Because no matter how much stuff you have, if you’re a stupid bitch, you’re a stupid bitch.
No, my gripe is with the good looking, rich, smart AND nice people. Honestly, they’re great… No doubt about it.
The only thing is that I look at them sometimes and I think… “Life
isn’t fair.” How is it that someone can be born bestowed with so
many gifts in life? Not just riches, but intelligence and
personality as well… While others are born as destitute, ugly
In these cases, my belief in karma and reincarnation becomes boosted
up a little. I mean, really, how else can you explain why we
start our lives at such uneven footing?
For those of you who believe in God and one single life — how do you explain why life is so ill-balanced?
Is life really this unfair… or does it really even out in the end?
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