Archive for February, 2006
February 9, 2006 at 6:07 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Duck Fetuses:
Yeah, I like to eat ‘em.
Dear Friend
So I was watching Fear Factor the other day and they were eating
semi-formed duck fetuses straight from the egg. I couldnt help
but think to myself “SHIT, with some salt and pepper and mint, I’d eat
that shit for FREE”.
In case you didn’t know what it looked like.
Image stolen from
“Duck fetuses”
as I like to call them, “hot vit lon” in Viet, or “balot” as filipino
people say, is actually a type of delicassy. I personally love
eating them. Growing up, my parents would buy it on special
occasions and sometimes just for the hell of it, and we’d each eat
about 10 eggs.
Other things that I like to eat that you might find gross are:
- Pig marrow blocks [found in Dim sum and Pho]
- Duck blood jello [eaten with rice cakes and beer]
- Anchovy paste with the full anchovy in it [MY FAVORITE]
enough, as much as I love the kind of stuff above, I refuse to eat
cooked carrots. I’d die on Fear Factor if they made me eat a
whole tub of cooked carrots.
[anal?] Probing questions:
Do you ever eat things that are considered “gross” to others?
What are things that other people eat normally that you would NEVER eat.
Need a place to go out during the weekends?
Are you in the LA/OC area? Check these places out:
Sign up for the guestlist and get in before 10:30!
 Saturday, Feb 11th, 2006 |
 Sunday, Feb 19th, 2005 |
If it doesn’t show up, put “Mark” (my current and wuwu‘s ex-coworker) as the promoter.
February 9, 2006 at 4:59 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Duck Fetuses:
Yeah, I like to eat ‘em.
Dear Friend
So I was watching Fear Factor the other day and they were eating
semi-formed duck fetuses straight from the egg. I couldnt help
but think to myself “SHIT, with some salt and pepper and mint, I’d eat
that shit for FREE”.
In case you didn’t know what it looked like.
Image stolen from
“Duck fetuses”
as I like to call them, “hot vit lon” in Viet, or “bulot” as filipino
people say, is actually a type of delicassy. I personally love
eating them. Growing up, my parents would buy it on special
occasions and sometimes just for the hell of it, and we’d each eat
about 10 eggs.
Other things that I like to eat that you might find gross are:
- Pig marrow blocks [found in Dim sum and Pho]
- Duck blood jello [eaten with rice cakes and beer]
- Anchovy paste with the full anchovy in it [MY FAVORITE]
enough, as much as I love the kind of stuff above, I refuse to eat
cooked carrots. I’d die on Fear Factor if they made me eat a
whole tub of cooked carrots.
[anal?] Probing questions:
Do you ever eat things that are considered “gross” to others?
What are things that other people eat normally that you would NEVER eat.
Need a place to go out during the weekends?
Are you in the LA/OC area? Check these places out:
Sign up for the guestlist and get in before 10:30!
 Saturday, Feb 11th, 2006 |
 Sunday, Feb 19th, 2005 |
If it doesn’t show up, put “Mark” (my current and wuwu‘s ex-coworker) as the promoter.
February 8, 2006 at 6:06 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Is it a greed thing?
Dear Friend,
I’ve written about bisexuality before, in a humourous manner, but I don’t think I ever really the topic, so I thought today might be a good day.

A blast from the past
night I went to a workshop called “What Women Want” where a bunch of
19-25 year old people sat around in a circle and talked about issues on
sex and the opposite sex.
One of the questions raised was, “Would you ever date a bisexual?”
The general consensus around the room was that bisexuals were greedy.
I’ve never actually come out and said it [although it says so in any
profile that asks], but I have dated girls in the past. I guess that
makes me a bisexual.
However, I don’t think that makes me greedy — I just happened to like a girl enough to date her.
Misconceptions about the meaning of “bisexual”:
think that a lot of people have misconceptions about the word
“Bisexual”. The term in itself somewhat signifies promiscuity because
of the word “bi” itself. I also think a lot of “pansexuals” (those who
are open to anything) tend to call themselve “bisexaul” because it’s a
more accepted term.
Some bisexuals think it’s OK to have a
relationship with a guy and a girl at the same time, because if it’s
not with the same sex it’s not cheating.
Take it from me, it’s cheating.
And I DEFINITELY will not share my boyfriend with another girl.
my case, bisexual just means that I happen to date girls sometimes, and
I happen to date guys sometimes.. and though my last two long
relationships have been with guys, if I were to become single again it
wouldn’t be out of the question to date a girl.

Bisexuality FAQ #2
Does bisexuality exist?
lot of people tell me that bisexuality doesn’t exist in the first
place. That it’s a myth for people who are gay or promiscuous.
I’d like to think I’m not promiscuous (I’ve been in 2 long term [2.5
years and 1 year] relationships in the past 4 years), I know I’m
definitely not gay.
I’m just open to the idea.

Bisexuality FAQ #3
People have a lot of ideas about bisexuality, do you think it’s a greed thing?
Does bisexuality exist?
February 8, 2006 at 3:05 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Is it a greed thing?
Dear Friend,
I’ve written about bisexuality before, in a humourous manner, but I don’t think I ever really the topic, so I thought today might be a good day.

A blast from the past
Last night I went to a workshop called “What Women Want” where a bunch of 19-25 year old people sat around in a circle and talked about issues on sex and the opposite sex.
One of the questions raised was, “Would you ever date a bisexual?”
The general consensus around the room was that bisexuals were greedy.
Now, I’ve never actually come out and said it [although it says so in any profile that asks], but I have dated girls in the past. I guess that makes me a bisexual.
However, I don’t think that makes me greedy — I just happened to like a girl enough to date her.
Misconceptions about the meaning of “bisexual”:
I think that a lot of people have misconceptions about the word “Bisexual”. The term in itself somewhat signifies promiscuity because of the word “bi” itself. I also think a lot of “pansexuals” (those who are open to anything) tend to call themselve “bisexaul” because it’s a more accepted term.
Some bisexuals think it’s OK to have a relationship with a guy and a girl at the same time, because if it’s not with the same sex it’s not cheating.
Take it from me, it’s cheating.
And I DEFINITELY will not share my boyfriend with another girl.
In my case, bisexual just means that I happen to date girls sometimes, and I happen to date guys sometimes.. and though my last two long relationships have been with guys, if I were to become single again it wouldn’t be out of the question to date a girl.

Bisexuality FAQ #2
Does bisexuality exist?
A lot of people tell me that bisexuality doesn’t exist in the first place. That it’s a myth for people who are gay or promiscuous.
While I’d like to think I’m not promiscuous (I’ve been in 2 long term [2.5 years and 1 year] relationships in the past 4 years), I know I’m definitely not gay.
I’m just open to the idea.

Bisexuality FAQ #3
Questions:People have a lot of ideas about bisexuality, do you think it’s a greed thing?
Does bisexuality exist?
February 7, 2006 at 6:06 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
“Asian” Time:
Why the hell are Asian people always late?
Dear Friends,
So I
know I have a lot of non-Asian readers out there, and I know I write
about Asian things a lot because that’s what I know. For you people
without experience with Asians, take this as a learning experience.
For people who are around Asian people a lot… take this as a rant.
“Asian Time” etymology explored
Alright, so I’ve heard it said in so many different ways, “Asian
Time” , “Korean Time, “Filipino Time”… and it all refers to the same
General Definition:
Asian Time : The state of being perpetually late in a manner that is past what is considered “fashionably” late.
I like to call it Asian time because
sometimes it seems as if they would be on time [or, gasp, REALLY
EARLY], if their clock was actually set in the standard time in Asia.
Ways to deal with people in “Asian Time”
Some people I know are stuck in Asia more than others. For
example, if I make reservations for something at 9pm, certain people
get told to meet at 8pm and are told the truth about the reservation
time, while others are told to meet at 7pm and that the reservation
time is at 8.
Though occasionally this can cause confusion, in the long run, it
truly helps get everybody in the same place at the same time [if you
happen to know the habitually late].

“Probing” Questions
Do you know anyone who’s stuck in Asian time?
What other euphemisms do you use for people who are perpetually late?
February 7, 2006 at 5:31 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
“Asian” Time:
Why the hell are Asian people always late?
Dear Friends,
So I know I have a lot of non-Asian readers out there, and I know I write about Asian things a lot because that’s what I know. For you people without experience with Asians, take this as a learning experience.
For people who are around Asian people a lot… take this as a rant.
“Asian Time” etymology explored
Alright, so I’ve heard it said in so many different ways, “Asian Time” , “Korean Time, “Filipino Time”… and it all refers to the same thing…
General Definition:
Asian Time : The state of being perpetually late in a manner that is past what is considered “fashionably” late.
I like to call it Asian time because sometimes it seems as if they would be on time [or, gasp, REALLY EARLY], if their clock was actually set in the standard time in Asia.
Ways to deal with people in “Asian Time”
Some people I know are stuck in Asia more than others. For example, if I make reservations for something at 9pm, certain people get told to meet at 8pm and are told the truth about the reservation time, while others are told to meet at 7pm and that the reservation time is at 8.
Though occasionally this can cause confusion, in the long run, it truly helps get everybody in the same place at the same time [if you happen to know the habitually late].

“Probing” Questions
Do you know anyone who’s stuck in Asian time?
What other euphemisms do you use for people who are perpetually late?
February 6, 2006 at 9:14 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
February 6, 2006 at 6:03 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
To hug or not to hug? And how?
Dear Friend,
I never really had hugging type friends in
high school until I joined KEY Club, and those people I only saw
occasionally. When I cam to college, I began to realize that hugging
can be a really big deal! If you don’t hug somebody in the right way,
they can get really offended.
Now, I don’t particularly like touching people in the first place,
and people that know me well know that I generally freak out if someone
touches me if I can’t see them.
Hugging is a different matter, though, because it’s used so commonly
as a greeting these days. However, until recently never sure what type
of hug I’m supposed to do with who…
So for those of you that are as confused as I am, I made a list of
the types of hugs and the appropriate times, places, and people for
With love,
Kim‘s Guide to Socially Correct Hugging
1. The friendly hug

This is the most common hug, the one where you hug someone with
both arms but hold on for no longer than 1 or 2 seconds. An
appropriate hug.
2. The “tap-tap” hug

In the “tap-tap” hug, you lean in with your upper body only. The
only part of your body that should be touching the other person’s body
are your hands, which should be innocuously be tapping the person on
the back.
I use this for the majority of my own personal hugs.
3. The one-armed hug

The one-armed hug is almost as good as the “tap-tap”, except you run
the risk of people thinking you’re trying to put your arm around their
shoulders. Do this with people you’re semi friendly with.
Sometimes you can combine the one-armed hug with the “tap-tap” if one arm is full of stuff.
4. The hug from behind

The hug from behind is strictly restricted in my book. This should be banned from all eternity.
5. The hump-hug

The hump-hug is one of the most fun hugs to do, but you can only do
it with really close friends. It’s generally used as a good-bye hug or
a morale-booster hug.
Most of the time, it doesn’t involve the arms at all.
If in doubt, always use # 2.
Do you ever have problems with hugging?
February 6, 2006 at 5:00 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
To hug or not to hug? And how?
Dear Friend,
I never really had hugging type friends in high school until I joined KEY Club, and those people I only saw occasionally. When I cam to college, I began to realize that hugging can be a really big deal! If you don’t hug somebody in the right way, they can get really offended.
Now, I don’t particularly like touching people in the first place, and people that know me well know that I generally freak out if someone touches me if I can’t see them.
Hugging is a different matter, though, because it’s used so commonly as a greeting these days. However, until recently never sure what type of hug I’m supposed to do with who…
So for those of you that are as confused as I am, I made a list of the types of hugs and the appropriate times, places, and people for them.
With love,
Kim‘s Guide to Socially Correct Hugging
1. The friendly hug

This is the most common hug, the one where you hug someone with both arms but hold on for no longer than 1 or 2 seconds. An appropriate hug.
2. The “tap-tap” hug

In the “tap-tap” hug, you lean in with your upper body only. The only part of your body that should be touching the other person’s body are your hands, which should be innocuously be tapping the person on the back.
I use this for the majority of my own personal hugs.
3. The one-armed hug

The one-armed hug is almost as good as the “tap-tap”, except you run the risk of people thinking you’re trying to put your arm around their shoulders. Do this with people you’re semi friendly with.
Sometimes you can combine the one-armed hug with the “tap-tap” if one arm is full of stuff.
4. The hug from behind

The hug from behind is strictly restricted in my book. This should be banned from all eternity.
5. The hump-hug

The hump-hug is one of the most fun hugs to do, but you can only do it with really close friends. It’s generally used as a good-bye hug or a morale-booster hug.
Most of the time, it doesn’t involve the arms at all.
If in doubt, always use # 2.
Do you ever have problems with hugging?
February 5, 2006 at 8:27 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Bi Polar disorder
Why I love having it
Dear Friend,
While there are times when having bi-polar 2 is excruciatingly painful, and disgustingly unproductive, there are times when I become so creative and so productive that I can’t contribute the strength to anything but the manic part of this manic-depressive disorder.
When you’re manic, you’re unstoppable, it’s better than cocaine, and in a way, more addictive. It’s addictive because a part of you feels like it’s flying. Your imagination becomes clear and bright. Things like art and writing and composition become second nature.
I know I’m going to fall eventually, but it’s hard to care when I feel this good.
P.S. My premium subscription ended recently, does anyone out there have an extra chunk of change they can throw my way via Xanga and upgrade my account? 
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