Archive for April, 2006
April 29, 2006 at 9:54 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
My bad! I meant to say “Ethnographic” study. I don’t know why I wrote “etymology”. Sigh. Been watching too much of that freakin’ spelling bee stuff.
Speaking of which, have any of you seen that spelling bee documentary?
April 28, 2006 at 11:09 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I’m doing an etymology study
On Xanga
For a class I’m taking at school. Be a doll and answer these questions for me:
Survey Questions
Please state your Xanga user name
What is your…
Education level
Years on internet
· How often do you update?
· Do you comment, if so, how often?
· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?
· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?
· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?
· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?
· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have
you met in real life?
· Do you belong to any groups?
Also, if you’d like to get interviewed and be a part of our study, tell me so by commenting here.
Our group has started it’s own Xanga in an attempt to document what it’s like to start and build a new Xanga and develop a community around our page.
Please come by and check us out!
p.s. can you tell which posts are mine? =X
April 24, 2006 at 10:46 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Ever seen 2 paper bag puppets go at it?
Kim’s puppet +
Larry‘s puppet of
Patrick = Paper bag puppet sex.
April 21, 2006 at 6:35 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
i never realized i was addicted to k…
until the very moment i realized i’m not addicted anymore.
a bit scary [my past], and somewhat gratifying at the same time.
to know that i can have a future without it.
with love,
i’m in the mood to share something personal.
as an explanation, because i guess i should give one… to start, i’d like to say: i’ve been mostly clean for quite some time now. oh yeah, that and i’ve never done meth, crack, coke or heroin. just ketamine.
there’s this book i have called ‘crank’, it’s a book written with prose in poetic form… really awesome.
the last time i read it, there was a part describing the feeling of snorting, and i swear, every time i read that part, i was on fire — the urge, a surge of need.
today, i re-read the book, got to that part and felt nothing. not even the tiniest sense of longing.
and i realized…
that’s not what i want anymore, and that’s not who i am anymore. and you know what? i’m fine with that. there’s better things in life than being numb all the time.
the longing inside that i have for something to dull my senses isn’t completely gone… i will probably still drink myself into a stupor one of these days… but i’m not addicted to k anymore.
which is a surprising confession from someone who was never addicted in the first place.
what are things about yourself that you hate to admit?
April 21, 2006 at 1:17 am · Filed under Rigamarole
This feeling. What is this feeling? Some of my best writing has come forth from this feeling. Is it listlessness? Sadness?
I just know I’m tired.
Current fund total: $520
Nancy GuJonas TamanoJanie Ramirez
thanks to the most recent donors.
April 20, 2006 at 7:31 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
for the last month, stress has been building up quite a bit. stress with breaking up. stress with my ex [from 2 years ago]. stress with my dad calling me for the first time in 13 years. stress with my mom calling me for the first time in 1.5 years. stress with my brother. stress with school. stress with work. stress with seeing my mom for the first time in a year and ahalf. stress with my own expectations. stress of worry for my friend. stress of not being able to express my emotions the way i want to. stress on top of stress on top of stress.
i want to shut down. i need to shut down. i can’t shut down. i need to keep going.
i’m a ball of emotions, yet i feel numb.
i’ve only been 23 for a month.
is it going to be like this the whole year?
i don’t think i can handle anymore.
and yet i’m becoming numb.
at least i have my pillars. i love you guys.
thank you for always being here for me.
[steve doesn’t have a webpage, does he?]
April 19, 2006 at 6:03 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Let’s kick cancer in
the nuts!
Current donation total: $395
were those of you who wanted to know more about my friend’s condition,
so with their permission, I’m posting the letter that I received the
other day.
April 14, 2006
11:28:35 PM GMT+03:00
Subject: Relay for Life: Supporting American Cancer Society
(& Mike)
Hi everyone,
participating in the Relay for Life at UCI (April 29-30) with my class
because there are people dear to me who have survived cancer
and is
currently fighting cancer. One person who was just
recently diagnosed
with cancer is my boyfriend. Early last month, Mike was
diagnosed with
mediastinal cancer, a yolk cell carcinoma in his chest between his
lungs. Since the cancer is rare, aggressive, and has a
survival rate of 50-60%, he is undergoing one of the strongest
chemotherapy treatments at USC’s Norris Cancer Hospital.
Surgery is
not a possibilty right now because the
tumor was the size of a football
when it was first found and affected vital structures like his
lung and
vessels of his heart. He has had 2 blood
transfusions and just
finished his third round of chemo. So far,
the chemo is working
because the tumor blood markers decreased from 37,000 to 11,000 and
again to 5,000 (normal level is supposed to be 0) so he will
to undergo treatment until the levels become
negligible if all goes
well. I’m hopeful that he will be one of the successful
cases. I don’t
usually feel comfortable reaching out to people but I want to
help by
spreading the awareness of the prevalence of cancer and the need for
support. By participating or
donating to the American Cancer
Society via Relay for Life, you honor cancer
survivors, people we have
lost to cancer, and people who are fighting
cancer. I donated in
support of Mike but you can donate or walk for anyone you care
about too. I appreciate any amount that you
give. Please send the
link to others you think might want to donate. Thanks!
Yours truly,
Here is a website with more information about mediastinal
cancer. You
can click on the personal stories link at the bottom of the
webpage to
read patient’s stories about their experiences.
Today, I thought it
would be appropriate to put a face and story to the friend that I keep
talking about so dearly.
I met him about three or
four years ago at a community service project, in fact, one of the best
ones that I’ve ever been to [anyone remember the two day saddleback
.. There are so many things I want to
say, and yet none of the words that come from my fingertips seem to
correctly express the vibrant, fun, and amazing person he is… So
today I’m going to have to settle with
silly, happy, and always smiling. I’m proud to have you as my friend.
For those of you who believe praying works — I’d appreciate it if you’d do it for him =] Thanks.
me pwn
cancer from behind:Donate, or post this link on your
Relay for
You don’t need paypal to donate to the site
above. Just a credit
If you haven’t already donated, you can also donate at the
link above or below at the same link as
If you
donate through paypal, I can recognize you through my
Jackson Tseng
Ameer Navidi
ken hashimawari
Jimmy NguyenSteven Tsang
Erin Gee
April 18, 2006 at 6:14 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
F*** cancer!
..better yet, PWN cancer!
Of all the other feelings that I
have right now, the ones that stand out the most to me are anger and
Anger that one of the most positive,
successful, kind people I know has to go through this when there are
people out there who deserve it so much more. Not that anyone
deserves cancer, but if there was a ranking involved, he would be more
along the lines of Mother Theresa in my
That’s even
worse. At least I can do something about the
anger. I want to do something, anything to
help. There’s nothing I can do. I can’t even pray
because I don’t believe in anything to pray to.
And be angry.
Help me pwn
cancer from behind:Donate, or post this link on your
Relay for
You don’t need paypal to donate to the site
above. Just a credit
If you haven’t already donated, you can also donate at the
link above or below at the same link as
If you
donate through paypal, I can recognize you through my
I wanted to post more about him,
but I’m waiting to hear word back that it would be ok for me to do so
[since my site is so public]…. So if the posts seem a bit selfish,
that’s why. That, and I”m selfish.
Thank Yous
you to everyone who posted the link [The response was much greater than
I ever hoped, so I have to take time and go through the last post when
I have time]… And thank you to the following people who donated
Jackson Tseng
Ameer Navidi
ken hashimawari
Jimmy NguyenSteven Tsang
Erin Gee
April 17, 2006 at 6:21 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
My friend has cancer.
[as a favor, can you guys comment and/or give a lot of e-props to this entry, so that it can get as much publicity as possible? thank you. this is really all i can do for him.]
By the way… why am i always the last to find out?
My friend. We haven’t talked for a while, but every memory I have with him is filled with laughter, smiles, and good humor.
Receiving this news made me realize how shallow and stupid it was for me to raise money for new bras when the money could be going to a much better place… So, sorry to those of you who sent in money for the bra fund, but all of it will be getting donated to this instead:
Relay for Life
If you haven’t already donated, you can also donate at the link above or below at the same link as before:
If you donate through paypal, I can recognize you through my site.
Please help me raise as much money as I know I can and kick cancer’s ass, will ya?
Current money total from fund: $157
thank yous to:
Jackson Tseng
Kenneth Fulkerson
Ameer Navidi
If you can’t donate, all I ask is to PLEASE link this donation link
from your site and ask anyone you might know to donate to the Relay for Life under his name. It would mean the world to me.
April 13, 2006 at 6:06 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Did I mention I’m braless?
Going commando is kind of fun.
There’s a certain freedom to it.
Not as if my tits bounce very far or anything, but, it definitely is less constrictive.
Oh, and I did panty inventory… Indeed, some of my panties are also missing.
On the bra fund:
I can’t believe the response! You guys are the greatest ever! So far
I’ve already received $37.00 in donations. Only $11.00 more dollars to
go until I can buy this (in brown).
If I reach $48.00 by the end of today, I promise to post a picture of me wearing my new goods…
If that’s any incentive at all… All you get is to see a-cups.
Huge thank yous go to:
know who some of you are, but there are some unfamiliar names there,
[probably because I just don’t recognize your last names…] but tell
me who you are so I can link you up!
What bra do I use?
all you girls that have been asking: my bra of choice is Victoria’s
Secret, Miracle Bra collection. It’s also called “add-a-cup” now. The
best tops are always the bathing suit tops, because it keeps up the
illusion even when you’re wearing close to nothing!
yeah, and the bras in that collection are on sale right now for
2/$44at That’s the cheapest I’ve EVER seen them,
so hurry and buy now!
Just for you:
out how powerful a good bra can be on an A-cup… This is why I spend
up to $50 on a bra! It’s cheaper than a boobjob and less painful!
Normal/No Bra [sorry it’s a really old picture.. this was pre-special bra]

Ultimate Bra-ness

By the way, the red bra shown here… GONE! FUCKING GONE!
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