Archive for August, 2007
August 28, 2007 at 7:49 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
It’s not that I don’t feel blessed most of the time. And it’s not that I don’t appreciate everything I have every day.
It just always shocks me so much whenever I get a full glimpse of how quickly our day to day lives can be affected [sometimes permanently], just by one misstep, one second, whether by ourselves, by someone close, or by a complete stranger.
August 25, 2007 at 4:48 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
So, i got this message the other day on my other blog:
well.. | | IP:
girl you’re fucking old I cannot believe you are still blogging. Dumb fuck.
Aug 24, 9:26 PM — [ Edit | Delete | View Post ]
Granted, I did start blogging in 1999 — almost 10 years ago, I really don’t see how I’m too old [I’m 24!]? Plus, if I was young before, wouldn’t i still be the same age in comparison to whoever wrote this?
Strange. I must have done something bad a long time ago.
August 15, 2007 at 8:55 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
So I’ve had a headache for the past week and a half and I finally went to the doctor. He gave me steroids and told me that I might have PMS with out the period in the next few days.
Wish me luck. Better yet, wish my boyfriend luck. 
August 13, 2007 at 7:55 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Observing people at work, I recognize three different types of people. People who seem like they’re acting like themselves all the time, people who act fake in front of clients, and then people who just seem genuinely insincere in all of their daily work-related encounters.
What really bothers me is when two equally insincere people start having a “friendly” conversation with each other talking about their “personal” lives. It irritates me to see people who obviously don’t care about what the other person is saying [and probably don’t care about they’re saying, either] talking to each other like they’re buddies.
Give it up. You’re not fooling anyone, even yourself, into thinking that you’re a nice person that actually cares about their coworkers.
On that note, don’t expect me to bend over backwards for you because of your ‘nice guy/girl’ persona, either. I’ve seen your true colors come out whenever you feel as if your profits or image are threatened in the slightest.
I have to admit, if I’m to be categorized, I’d probably go under the category of being a different person around clients. Much of it is because I’d probably scare away our clients if I acted like my normal geeky self.
What type of work persona do you have?
August 11, 2007 at 4:56 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
So, I engaged in my second swap over at… and this one
was a felt stuffie swap! I just received today, and I have to say: It
was way fun crafting and receiving for this!
Here’s what I sent out:
Meet Tofu-kun. He likes to hang around.

And my extra was an Armless Ninja!! Complete with book.

Here’s what I received!:
Ana and Misha! They’re playful kitties. Rachel warns — “Watch out!
they will get into your crafting supplies and make a big mess (though
they would say they were helping)”

Close up

even included a gorgeous little journal with blank pages! I’ve been
meaning to get one for my sketching, and this is perfect!
So fun. I love swapping!
August 11, 2007 at 12:49 am · Filed under Rigamarole
…I saw this tutorial a while back and I’ve been wanting to make one ever since! I finally got around to doing it using that fabric I bought… and here’s the result!

changed the pattern a bit by making the carabiners combined so that I
could wear the bag like one of those ribbon belts instead of connecting
two carabiners together

My first attempt at lining.. yay!

I’m really bad at taking self pictures

Really bad.

Yay! I really love this fabric… It was so fun to work with because I kept thinking about how cute this bag would be!
August 11, 2007 at 12:42 am · Filed under Rigamarole
So, I engaged in my second swap over at… and this one was a felt stuffie swap! I just received today, and I have to say: It was way fun crafting and receiving for this!
Here’s what I sent out:
Meet Tofu-kun. He likes to hang around.

And my extra was an Armless Ninja!! Complete with book.

Here’s what I received!:
Meet Ana and Misha! They’re playful kitties. Rachel warns — “Watch out! they will get into your crafting supplies and make a big mess (though they would say they were helping)”

Close up

She even included a gorgeous little journal with blank pages! I’ve been meaning to get one for my sketching, and this is perfect!
So fun. I love swapping!
August 9, 2007 at 10:48 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
So here’s something you may or may not know:
My myspace pic is about 3 years old, my xanga pic
is about 3 years old and my recent cam pic is 2 years old.
Inspired my buddies [I consider them buddies because I once pictorially showed them what an Angry Pirate was after a rousing game of Cranium] at MidnightAM, I decided to put my never-before-used camera to work. Why never used, you ask — it’s because I won it at CES [consumer electronics show] this January– which was way after I stopped using my old webcam, whom from now on I shall refer to as ol’trusty.
Anyhow. Using a webcam for the first time in two years is scary. How do I know it’s been two years? The last cam pic I uploaded is dated at: 03-Oct-2005 23:58. Wow. And to think I used to pride myself as a “cam girl” Who knew that my days as one of stile’s camgirls would ever come to an end?
So — I figure I need to update “recent” cam pic so that it’s actually… a “recent” cam pic.
With that said, let’s see the results!

Yep. Still geeky. By the way, have you noticed that everyone looks better on webcam? Why is that? I obviously don’t look like this in real life. I think it has something to do with the contrast and blurring.
You might be wondering why I’m not smiling in my picture. That’s because I tried it. And… yeah. It made me look like I was 12.

Am I really 24? No. Honestly. I took this 5 minutes ago.
That thing you see in the background is my room. The green block is my full-sized bed.
My room’s pretty big, huh? I love it.
Ok.. So now onto the important stuff.
One of the most important factors towards my installing my webcam was so that I could show you all the cool new stuff I’ve been buying! As far as trivial stuff goes, I don’t really have time to take pictures with my camera, so I figured this would be the best way to get them up here for everyone to see.
I got some new fabric yesterday on a whim, and I REALLY would like some suggestions on what to do with it! They were too cute to pass up.

I’m really on a fruits and vegetables kick right now.

Man, the auto-color-correction really messes up my photos.
Ooo.. and on an additional note, I ordered this fabric online yesterday:

I’m planning on using to make a window treatment.
Anyhow. Any ideas on what I can make with the other fabrics?
August 7, 2007 at 9:14 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Thanks for all the truthful replies in the last entry. I’d forgotten how much I love reading your guy’s input and views on things. Alas, this post has nothing to do with thoughts, and everything to do with crafts. Prepare yourself for a retarded amount of images.
Polymer clay:
So, I was at the store the other day (and by “at the store” I mean, at
michaels), and they were selling some beginner polymer clay kits —
comes with a 8 basic colors and a few basic tools for like, 10 bucks or
first thing I ever made, burger and fries!

of these have stuff attached already, and some don’t — i just haven’t
had the time to add stitch markers to all of them, yet.

My first cakes!

Cake detail

Fruits series!

Fruit detail

Vegetable series! My favorite so far, actually

Sushi series! These wouldn’t stay still, so I had to take the picture with me holding them :T

And finally, a sakura… I have no idea what to do with this — maybe a hair pin?

My boyfriend saw the mythbusters amigurumi on here the other day and
instantly decided that he wanted to learn how to crochet. Anyways, I’m
originally a knitter — so i couldn’t help him at all! –Instead, we
decided to learn together.
Here’s my first completed project.. a sakura-shaped washcloth!

Not sure why I picked that color, because it didn’t really work out… But I totally want to try again!
I bought this fabric for $1.00 a yard on clearance at joanns. It might
not look like it but it’s denim, so it hangs really nicely.
it is shown with a shirt underneath to show proportions — I couldnt
get anyone to take a pic for me — so you’ll have to imagine what it
looks like on a human. 

Close-up. The jersy-ish fabric basically did the gathering for me.

The other day I was at Joanns and I saw this cute cherry fabric and I
couldn’t resist – even though it wasn’t on sale!! I looked down a
little bit more and saw the same fabric in white and green, and I knew
it was over. Before long, I had two yards of fabric that I “had to
have” but had nothing to do with.
Anyhow, this is what came from those two fabrics!

Buttons, boxpleats and contrasting yoke color

THe back is tied with a red ribbon

Up close look at the ties

My pouch! Mostly the white-green, with green-white lining. Green ribbon for drawstring and red ribbon for handles =]

Close-up of the green-white fabric

If this were a little pouffier I might even call it loli! 
… I actually wore it to work the other day and was getting tons of compliments.
Ah, my head got bigger that day for sure.
I’ve been crafting so much lately I barely have time for guild wars, anime or magic the gathering. Ah, sighs.
August 7, 2007 at 4:55 am · Filed under Rigamarole
It’s been a while since I wrote a post on here that didn’t have anything to do with the crafts I’ve been doing. One reason is because I’m obsessed with crafts right now. Like, really obsessed.
Secondly, I am blocked from Xanga at work.
And lastly… contrary to what you might think, is not because I have nothing substantial to write about as of late… It’s more like — I’ve suddenly (or perhaps gradually?) have become hesitant to reveal my controversial insights for fear of … what? I don’t know. I do remember not posting what i’d written a few times, though. As for innocuous thoughts, I’m too lazy to make them interesting.
So, what’s left of me? Crafts, a whole lot of crafts.
I actually do a lot more than I’ve shown here. Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to take pictures. But don’t worry folks, you’ll get to see some pretty darn tootin cool stuff soon.
What things keep you from blogging?
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