Random quote day:
Mental floss prevents moral decay.
Good one
the use of mental floss, yes?
butt floss is no substitute for toilet paper.
i had no idea!!!
but moral decay is so much fun!
mental floss: available forĀ 20 cents at costco-Ko
oooh, good one!
True, what would we do if there was no moral decay though?
i love it!!!
whoa that is so clever
haha nice!
I like this random quote. Props.
So does too much eye candy lead to brain cavities?
haha that’s a really good one
Rectal floss prevents sitting.
thats so true. today i was just thinking about how I tend to “floss” my mind too much, and that quote made me realize that i should just keep doing it anyways.anyways take care
i like it.
i don’t get, is it about teeth or mind?
dental floss prevents teeth decay.
love the profile picture.
i want some mint flavored
Hehehe…love it!
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