New blog…
PsYkOxAzNxFrEaK said,
blog booo… xanga yeaaa! do you want to hear something funny? *** i just realized while driving home from FTC that the folder that contained the slideshow, including ALLLLL the pictures, mounted upto 2GBs. THUS, the actual slideshow itself was ONLY 350-400MBs = enough to burn onto a CD. Our god is a merciless god. =(
PsYkOxAzNxFrEaK said,
p.s. pictures are now posted…
AznAtama said,
you’re going to die soon… beware… or you can just smell funky wearing your green shirt everywhere you go. heh
Sup007 said,
this is actually for your most recent blog because you disabled the comments…….but yea you are a nerd…..hahah but so am i…..i’ve been thinking about getting my own site….but i didn’t want to abandon xanga….heheh thanks for finding the answer for me =P
eklipse126 said,
get naked!
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