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Another thing that annoys me

Is when people use Japanese as decorations without meanings. It’s awesome when I go and I see some katakana that actually READS as something. Sometimes I sit there and try to figure out what they’re trying to say and I give up. It’s just. . . argh. Disgusting. Example? This Site…. The bottom reads…

to na se i su ha chi mi ka chi to ka ni ri pu

in katakana.

Now, if that MEANS something that I don’t know. Please do tell me and I’ll stand corrected. -.-* Maybe I’m picking on somene who doesn’t deserve it… But goddamnit, I see so many of those [non meaningful katakanas+hiraganas] out there that Im going to go crazy. It doesn’t annoy me as much when it’s a kanji, because it’s like having a random word float around… But having meaningless kana or gana is like… having “jaoieujoiurj3209u409fmndkajdjafjod” plastered all over your page.

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