Never gone so long without writing something before, I don’t think. Anyhow, I’ve just been recooperating from the wild weekend at SPOP [UCI Orientation]… DAMN… I thought this was supposed to be one of those lame-o things that ppo just get together and no one really knows each other… Blah blah..
But…. by the end of SPOP I had 1. Run through a neighboring dorm complex in only my underwear [the only girl in a group of like 15 guys]… I lost at poker and went out to do my dare… And they all JOINED me.. AWWW HOw sweet! That was definately my first time running with ONLY underwear on. Hope no one took any pictures HAHA… It’s like Audrey Hepburn style “I’ve never even run with my underwear ALONE…. With other men, it’s MOST unusual” ^^***
2. Got tarepanda stolen for hours as I wandered around deleriously without sleep. :P~
3. Gained a new nickname “SHADY” because I’m apparently ‘Shady’ looking. HAHA. “OMG She sets of my SHA-DAR”…. HAHA.. Roiiite.
But yeah… Overall it was really great. ^_^* Some of the activities were kinda lame-o but the people in my place were toite [both the incoming freshmen and the staffer people]…. ^_^* It makes me want to staff for it… Hohoho. Maybe I will.
Funny, though. When we split up by major… I was one of 3 girls in a group of all guys. ;_; Hehe. It’s all good. At least the other girls weren’t manly