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the desease

My desease. Perhaps it’s spreading, or perhaps I never noticed it before because I was never aware until lately that it is something I posess. Or maybe I just never had a chance to posess it before.

What is this elusive ‘it’? It’s the thing from which most of my troubles erupt — My lack of self control. I see it everywhere lately — the way my room gets messy even when I swear up and down that I will stay clean. The way that I still go out even though I know I should be at home doing work. All the time I spend dillydallying and stressing out about shit when I could just be DOING it.

I thought it was only relavent to my relationships with people — but now I realize that it’s a long and never ending pattern in my daily life, in everything I do, in everything I touch. My school work, my relationships, my emotions, everything.

They say that recognition and admition of a problem is the first step in solving a problem — then how come it feels as if I would have been happier blissfully ignorant of my flaws? — How come it feels as if denying everything will make things easier?

At the same time, I suppose now I’ll always know that particular flaw in the back of my mind — now I can never completely run away from it. Bleh.

ameer said,

February 5, 2002 @ 12:36 pm

you’re pattern has only run half way. the second half will be the part where you make progress, alot like sin(x) curve!

kim said,

February 5, 2002 @ 1:20 pm

ahhahah. the ups and downs? :D Sounds familiar.

dave said,

February 5, 2002 @ 10:55 pm

don’t listen to him! it goes up and down up and down! let it be something easy from linear algebra like y = 2x + 4. forget this trigonometry shit that i forgot already. sin (x) that doesn’t roll off the tongue like y = 2x + 4. well maybe not. i don’t know. i’m a math dummy now.

kim said,

February 6, 2002 @ 9:26 am

Hahahah… So it goes straight up from this point? :D

babysharka said,

February 6, 2002 @ 9:53 am

I hereby recognize ameer, kim, and dave as founders of a new math cult.

kim said,

February 6, 2002 @ 4:40 pm

HA HA HA! Yess yeESSh! And one day you shall join us in our attempts to take over the world by boggling their minds with our glorious math skills!! (WHat skillz)

Must recruit katie

ameer said,

February 6, 2002 @ 5:42 pm

ok maybe it’s not sin(x), maybe it’s more the like the sinc(x) curve which eventually attenuates to a finite number but initially goes thru erradic oscilation.

note* sinc(x) = (sin(x))/x

-that’s the extent of my math postings on this site forever.

kim said,

February 6, 2002 @ 5:46 pm

i feel so inferior. my math skills suck after 6b now. Where we learn that x + 0 = x

jorgejesus aka yo daddy said,

February 7, 2002 @ 12:06 pm

I’m a math major…can I be in the cult kim…pleeeeeezz…i have saggy pants too. anyone starting a saggy pants cult?

Andy Wallace said,

February 7, 2002 @ 6:18 pm

i’m the same way more or less. especially the room thing. but i’m really bad at staying on task when i’m supposed to be working on important things. and i always say "well, now that i know i have a problem with that, i’m gonna change it and take control again." and i feel all happy. but it never happens. i always lose the drive to change anything pretty soon after i decide to change something. i think that you’ve gotta be relentless with it in order for anything to change. y’KNOW???? maybe when i’m on my own and it becomes more of a necessity to have self control. who knows. good luck Kim. remember, RELENTLESS. if the drive isn’t there, just do it anyway. (i don’t know what IT is… i’d imagine anything pertaining to change) :0)

Loke said,

February 7, 2002 @ 10:17 pm

I dont know why everyone is talkin bout math….but…Once you find yourself involved in any activity then you can keep going….like right now I need to do school work….but i keep putting it off….if i was to go fix somthing to eat….I’ll have gotten up to do something then doing school work wont seem like so much….so what you need to do is do all your work at once….get it?

jorgejesus said,

February 8, 2002 @ 5:23 am

still waiting to hear from that saggy pants cult

kim without pants said,

February 8, 2002 @ 9:49 am

damnit. I don’t even have pants right now… :( can’t sag em. HAhahahA

PT peruser said,

February 9, 2002 @ 1:45 am

Hey, your unstructured rambling makes me peruse your website, keep up the good work… I cannot help but notice that you are speaking of the a habit that everyone has… no, more of an addiction that you’ve smoked yourself stupid with… but don’t worry, stupidity is the mother of invention, no wait, that’s necessity. Anyhow, smoking is good. Wait, that’s not my point neither. Hey! I guess I don’t have a point. It all comes down to willpower… You know you can do shit early, but you also know that you can enjoy yourself and get the same amount of shit done. One way is fuckin hard yet stressless(is that a word?), another way is fucking hard yet so much more convienent… Anyhow, it’s taking two different paths to the same place and you wanna take the fun path… The End

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