inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

lesson 3

i have bronchitis, so i haven’t really been able to upkeep anything in my life, let alone this site… so i leave this with lesson #3.

lesson 3: being strong means telling the truth no matter how much it hurts to do so.

babysharka said,

April 19, 2002 @ 10:14 am

Yo Kim, I’m just… well… what can we(I) say?

How about… does updating your website knowing people always visit give you some sorta orgasmic pleasure? I swear, I’ll keep visiting!

kim said,

April 19, 2002 @ 10:35 am

hahah you’re too sweet. thanks :D i

Voice said,

April 19, 2002 @ 12:23 pm

A friend once wrote: Trouble with the truth is that you cannot, later, retract it.

I think that he was worried about potentially regretting having told the truth. If you think about the statement, however, it really implies that only by telling the truth can one avoid regret.

If you tell a lie, you have the opportunity to retract the lie later, if you regret telling it.

Truth is not retractable; it offers no recourse. What can there to regret? No other option is real.

The truth-teller can only regret not making the decision to live in a fantasy world which has the potential for falling apart. Any supposed gains made by the lie will always be remembered as fantasy gains by the lier.

The truth-teller knows his or her gains are real. If something is not gained or is lost by telling the truth, could the lier ever have really felt like *they* possessed it?

pinoychris said,

April 19, 2002 @ 10:24 pm

:/ bronchitis sucks.. i hope you get better

Jim-Bob said,

April 19, 2002 @ 10:42 pm



(/sucks) said,

April 20, 2002 @ 11:52 am

HAPPY 4.20!!!@#!@!@#!@#!!!!!! :) I’d offer you some but you’ve got bronchitis :D.

Arichi said,

April 20, 2002 @ 7:29 pm

Regarding the great offer (see previous, below comment) :

Unless the meaning of 420 or bronchitis has changed, it actually might help.

I should say that I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but seems to me that the important difference is that it is a bronchial dilator, which makes it _easier_ to breathe. By contrast, Tobacco Cigarettes are bronchial inhibitors, which make it _harder_ to breathe.

Again, I’m not a doctor and that shouldn’t be interpreted as medical advise; just something to look into. I wouldn’t necessarily advise taking it as medicine without knowing for certain either, but hey, the day’s right. said,

April 21, 2002 @ 11:17 am

Wow thanks! I think it’s probably the first one cuz I woke up this morning feeling grrrrrrreat AND this is the first day in over a week that I haven’t been horking shit up. Too bad tho cuz now it’s all gone :(. Hey do you think that counts as medicinal use :)?

Méhdy said,

April 22, 2002 @ 4:44 am

miss t’es super migonne si un jour tu te deside a répondre tu me fait signe!!!

Méhdy said,

April 22, 2002 @ 4:46 am

on cherche la caillase tout par cout par cout on court partou car on cherche le genart ici et nul par chaque lascars veut sa part oaui ou cherche le genart!!!!

Méhdy said,

April 22, 2002 @ 5:23 am

B.O ,100-8 Zoo, B2O Khro, Check, injection
Une putain d’époque mon pote, ici y faut des putains d’dorseaux, un putain d’morceau
et tous les blocs ont leurs glocks sous les doudounes, poc poc, Boulogne mon putain d’dôme,
shouf, un putain d’homme singe, un putain d’gun et un chauve,
un putain d’oinj, enlève ta putain d’lingerie
venu pour tout baiser et les keuchs, c’est pas un euj,
moi j’suis pas inscrit à leur putain d’électorat,
mon putain d’quartier une balle dans l’thorax c’est c’que t’auras.
Sans ma putain d’weed, j’aurai pas l’style que t’entends,
tricher pour être riche avant 30 piges
tonton écoute mon herbe, mes nerfs et mon son, putain d’merde
9.2. moi j’kick, relâche ma haine chienne
Putain d’crew, cous’, douze putains d’rounds, 100-8 Zoo you know mon putain d’92
Alors j’demande un temps mort parce qu’on s’fait niquer au score,
un flow d’porc j’suis là pour ouvrir d’autres portes.
Booba, 45
Rien n’a changé à part l’change, j’demande un temps mort
C’est malheureux je reviens c’est dangereux ; écoute, écoute ça
Écoute un peu ma banlieue
Temps mort, temps mort

Roci said,

April 23, 2002 @ 1:19 am

I hope you feel better Kim.

jesse said,

April 23, 2002 @ 11:09 am

hope you get better kim! wish I could help in some way, you know I love you… so I hope that helps :)

and yes honesty is best… boy do I know that.. and yes it hurts too…

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