Katie‘s right. I have the immune system of a newborn calf. Whenever I’m around new people I catch whatever might be clinging to them and I fall ill. I hate it! I really do… It’s getting in the way of my work. Whenever I’m sick I don’t want to do anything but sit here and blog about it and complain about it. Bleh. I hate it.
I think I’m going to go to bed now. I can’t believe I woke myself up with my own coughing this morning. It’s almost as bad as waking yourself up with your own snoring!
Speaking of snoring, Bao, Dave‘s roommate, says that I snore whenever I sleep on my side. But if I sleep on my back then I don’t snore anymore. Hehe. Apparently even if I’m rolled over onto my back, I tend to roll back over to my side. HOHOHO. Poor bao.