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Big Day

^_^ I have a big day today! First to SF where we’ll go to the 2 story Sanrio [among other things… tee hee], and then to Atherton where I’ll be attending a goodbye (;_;) party for one of my friends.. Aww! She’s going all the way to BYU!… UTAH…?!?!… Crazy far.

Anyhow hehe. I’ll take tons of pictures and show them off later. I’m sure I’ll have some kind of adventure.

katie said,

August 18, 2001 @ 11:04 pm

BYU? wtf? Mormons?!

You have some crazyass friends

Kim said,

August 19, 2001 @ 9:35 am

Whoa, you’re sharp! Almost everyone at the party were mormons!

Will said,

August 19, 2001 @ 6:45 pm

I know a mormon, from South Africa. Strange people, quiet, yet odd and very forgiving.

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