Need to get away. Need to have a release of some kind. A purging. And I don’t mean I need to take a shit, either. I need a katharsis of the mind. I need to break through these boundries that I’ve set for myself.
I think I tell myself that at least ten times a day. It never works.
The only time that I’ve ever been able to break away, it feels, is when I don’t even think about it. Going through boundries is such an effortless thing, yet it becomes increasingly difficult when I try.
I feel like all I write about is how much I fail at everything. How I’m worthless, how I’m useless. How I can’t be happy, even when I’m happy.
I’d like to believe that’s not true, but reading back, it seems like its hard for me to think about good things… That’s why I’m going to write one happy thing in each entry from now on.
Incidentally, I have a job interview tomorrow. I know I’ll do well.