inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón


It’s really cold in my room — amazing how cold it can get when no one else is living with you. =P I guess it makes sense, since everything is turned off and no one’s around all day except for my fish… It makes me feel really lonely and sad, actually, I miss being able to call up a neighbor or two and have immediate company… alas, everyone is already home with their families.


O'Day said,

December 17, 2002 @ 11:13 pm


me said,

December 19, 2002 @ 11:04 pm

I’m a bit lonely too. I’m leaving to Cali tomorrow.This is gonna be my first Christmas away from my family.To get rid of my problems I draw.. I drew u and got a damn good grade. So smile as much as u can and just think about the good things u have alrite girl.d^_^b

Doctor Dick said,

December 20, 2002 @ 10:34 am

Damn must be bored as hell going out ur way to put some of these costumes in ur pics…Go out some times, gurl…Don’t be scurred of the light…

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