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Interesting, really, how people’s insecurities cause them to become their own worst criticizers. The criticism starts as a small “what if…” and grows until the insecurity becomes a reality.

Most of the time, I find this results from thinking that outside people care (negatively and positively) about what you do more than they actually do. Though it’s hard for me to grasp this sometimes, deep down I know that most people really don’t give a shit what you do or what you don’t do or how you do what you do. Why should it matter to them, anyways?

Take myself as an example: I have long thought that people cared about the quality of my posts on my site. I thought that if I either wrote from my heart or gave thought to what I wanted before I wrote it, I would gain the respect of my visitors – as those who give thought to their journals gain my own respect.

However, after almost a month of not writing here I came to this conclusion: regardless of what I write (or don’t write), the same people will continue reading and responding to my posts. Regardless of whether or not I choose to speak clearly, convolutedly, or not speak at all the same people will continue coming to my site.

This is because these are the people that already know me, or want to know more about me. Not those people who wantonly browse through sites looking for intelligent conversation. –I know, because though I respect those who write really well, I don’t have the time to read their sites: I’m too busy reading those sites of the people I want to know more about.

So, after that long analogy, what is the lesson that’s learned? PEOPLE DON’T CARE AS MUCH AS YOU MAY THINK THEY DO.

pauline said,

October 31, 2002 @ 10:26 am

very true like take the fact that u dont know me, and i dont really know you.. i dont expect inteligent conversations/writings from your blog, but when i read them, its nice.

LASTLY:love the new layout!

tom said,

October 31, 2002 @ 2:18 pm

i do not expect enlightenment every time i read your blogs (and i read most of them). but very often i do learn something from your blogs, even the painful ones. perhaps some people do care about you kim because we have been there and we understand. or perhaps because we realize that you are much more special than you think you are. thank you for sharing.

July said,

October 31, 2002 @ 2:41 pm

i luv urt websiote so beautiful , visit mine bebe , i wann eXchange link with u ;P

eyekyu said,

October 31, 2002 @ 4:59 pm

That’s not true. I care.

Louis said,

October 31, 2002 @ 5:14 pm

Kim, I think if someone truly didn’t care they wouldn’t come back time and again to read your blog. And you’re absolutely right- it doesn’t matter how well versed, or sloppy, or jumbled, or eloquent you right- the same people will come back and look at your site- and I would bet that most of those people, or at least myself- do care and like reading what you have to say. Whether it be learning something about you or just the chance to share some kind words in a response, your type of site provides a forum of more personal level conversation that people enjoy. Note that it doesn’t always have to be intellegent to be enjoyable :0) Take care~!

. said,

October 31, 2002 @ 5:24 pm

It is true that people most likely do not pay as much attention to the little things that you do as much as you think they may. Insecurities make the tiniest details about ourselves and our actions seem overwhelming and lead us to believe that others see these things in the same light. It’s important to remember though, that everbody is insecure about things than you would never even know about, and that the flaws that you find within youself cannot even be noticed by others.

mark said,

October 31, 2002 @ 8:46 pm

Sup KN, I think what you say can be true, but just to provide a different perspective, think of it as the " glass half full", ‘People DO care as much as you may think they DON’T’.

If you think that way then it provides you with another explanation as to why people come to your blog and respond to your messages.

I think you might agree that it is much easier just to think negatively of a situation than it is to analyze it positively as well. =]

dat bastard wolf said,

November 1, 2002 @ 3:13 am

wait… so… wat yuz sayin iz me commin hea iz a bad tyng… or a good tyng… either way… ai get kickz an knackz bout yah…

yu wanna see a log uv bull shiet… come tah mine an ill show yu wazzup… uh… yeap…

Kris said,

November 1, 2002 @ 12:27 pm

You don’t blog for your readers you know. If you do then that’s a pity and I need to consider if I want to come back.

Your writings give a free look into your life – as much as you allow us to see of course. Sometimes the view is boring, sometimes it is breathtaking, but it is always a surprise. That is what makes me coming back.

Whether I care for what is going on in your life is something totally different and has little to do with my interest for your blog.

dat FAG bastard wolf said,

November 1, 2002 @ 3:50 pm

yea ai so gay…ai kant even spell or nutin’ hur hur..but daz ok cuz ai am lyke kool an shiet wen ai write lyke i neva finished kindergarden. Yea lyke n-e-one wud lyke to read mai stoopid krak-azz "log uv bull shiet" wit pics uv oogly ass azn chix an gay pics of me cruzzin wit mai friens an all mai boring daily entriez. Yea lyke n-e-one wantz to take the tyme to figure out mai fookin writing…ai jus so bad azz yo. Yea…so ai am really jus a loozer…

dat "fag" bastard wolf said,

November 2, 2002 @ 3:38 am

"I came to this guest book and I see this dumbass write, but maybe if I write like him, talk like him, be him, I’ll have a reason to live. I mean, look at this fags writing, he thinks he’s so cool. Maybe I’ll check out his webpage and figure out how he thinks so I can be like this fag and clown him to look cool, better yet, i’ll make it an everyday thing, I’ll be even cooler than he thinks he is. I know, ill even mimick his name and call myself ‘dat FAG bastard wolf’, that’s got to be cool, even more, ill copee hiz ryttin style soo ai can make myself stand out more since bein mahself nevva werked in da ferst place… yea… hey iz werkin… I hav tah be koo since ai tynk he iz so much… look out gurlz… mah masterbatin dayz R ovva since ai got ‘dat fag bastard wolfz’ lyf style stuck in mah head…"

wat a moron… lemme gez… now dat yu kno hoo ai am an how ai tynk… yull be commin in eberday tah mah site… deny it… but yu will since now itz an itch tah see dat "fag" bastard wolf an wat he duz evryday so yu kan get yer kickz bout klownin me… talk bout hoo wantz tah see it… yu went in outta curiousity yerself… did ai intrigue yu dat much… or yer jez gunna come back wiff an excuze…

apologiez fer bringin dis unethical sheit talk into yer comment board…

babysharka said,

November 2, 2002 @ 5:13 pm

Rather depressing to think that people don’t care. But that’s not the only reason why people come back: to care. But that’s what you seem to be concerned with. Heh, you are so sentimental.

i74 said,

November 3, 2002 @ 10:46 pm

dude. i’d be willing to bet PEOPLE CARE MORE THAN YOU THINK. whilst my wicked world wouldn’t unravel before me should you stop writing (from the heart or not), i would wonder what happened; personally i think this qualifies as a "caring construct". moreover, i’d be further willing to bet that there are a plethora of people that pass through your site, read, are moved in some way and yet don’t respond to you by posting. needless to say, this doesn’t mean that people aren’t ‘taking something away’ when they leave your site.

i would like to encourage you to keep writing, when you have time and it doesn’t feel like a chore.

shinekomi said,

November 4, 2002 @ 8:36 am

funny how things work out.

maybe you could put it another way. the people who you think care about you the most are the people that are worth considering what they think about you.
err.. that’s not making any sense, is it?

but what about the people who do post? what do you have to say about them? do the care more or less? and the people who do care but are too afraid to post. they’re dealing with their own criticisms and insecurities.
. has a good point (ha ha ha… -_-;) people do have their own insecurities, to lead them to act less interested in others. these insecurities make them less willing to respond, to open up.

Vanessa said,

November 4, 2002 @ 5:02 pm


Kenny said,

November 8, 2002 @ 11:17 pm

I’m not a regular here. I just drop by once in a while to read your blogs and see if there’s a new layout. Apparently you’re not just another pretty face on the web. What makes your site unique from the other cam sites are your creative "random" layouts and your thoughtful journal entries. This time around I didn’t get my favorite island flash animation above the journal, but next time i’m hoping to get that one, damnit!

Keep it up Kim; people are reading and relating to your entries.

blake said,

November 12, 2002 @ 6:55 pm

kim. i think you’re right. when i first saw your site you had an entry that totally resonated with me. i think your design skillz are amazingly slick so i come back every month or two and check out what’s new and scroll through the last few posts. but the last half of the summer things seemed pretty slow. to be honest, i haven’t looked as much. i may just be an anomaly of your average visitor but I do read for quality… or i guess at least resonance.

but, unlike, many other journals except maybe the now defunct (for the same reasons you mention, i guess), you seem to have a key awareness of the reader. when i write. i write just for me. everyone else can fuck off. obviously, they do as i have about 4 people who check out my site on any regular basis.

Chris said,

November 20, 2002 @ 1:24 am

hey kim…i’m one of those ppl who wantonly browses thru sites looking for intelligent conversation, but i’m going to come back. I find ur stuff inspiring. you say something about how ppl don’t care as much as we think they do, but u’d be suprised.

Marcus said,

November 24, 2002 @ 12:43 pm

your post talks about exactly what i have been having to deal with the last 6+ months or so.

you put it very succintly, and that’s always good. but the main thing is that what you’re saying struck home.

thank you.

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