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Daily Grind

After reading a bunch of blogs that I don’t give a shit about, I think I’m going to add to the misery of the WWW and talk about what I did today.

-Took my first dump in a week.
-Went back to sleep
-Read about 30 pages that all either a. talked about aaliyah or b. talked about what they did that day.
-Took a Piss
-Changed out of my nightclothes and showered
-Went to the mall and bought $52.00 worth of Sanrio ish. ^^; piku!!
-Took a piss
-Wrote this entry

Holay molay what a beautiful day.

katie said,

August 28, 2001 @ 1:45 am

hey i mentioned aaliyah!

but mostly to let everyone know that i don’t give a flying fuck.

why didn’t anyone notice when nikolai basilov died?!?!?!?!

Who cares about aaliyah! she didn’t know any physics!

kim said,

August 28, 2001 @ 9:12 am

Katie = Exempt from any general insluts I make because I’m cool that way

Michelle said,

August 28, 2001 @ 1:30 pm

"why didn’t anyone notice when nikolai basilov died?!?!?!?!

Who cares about aaliyah! she didn’t know any physics!"

Why didn’t anyone care? Because people didn’t know him! Do you really know and respect his work? Are you that familiar with what he’s done in physics to actually be passing this judgment on others who don’t? I say this cause you mentioned him twice. Just because the volume of people that mourned his death was smaller doesn’t mean he was any less important.

So if I knew who he was and said that his death affected me, would I be cool? You’re just being an intellectual snob.

katie said,

August 28, 2001 @ 3:44 pm

i AM an intellectual snob.

no shit… and yeah.. i’m fairly familiar with his work and all for reasons i’m not going to point out because they’ll just make me even more of an intellectual snob. and it wouldn’t mean much of anything to you, anyway.

and.. it’s perfectly my right to be an intellectual snob. i can use my intellect in any way i please and irritate whomever i want with it. even though that wasn’t my real intention and i didn’t think i was being an intellectual snob since i know there are people who know who i’m talking about. i made the mistake of assuming that the majority of kim’s readers are as well versed as she is and would understand what the reference means, even if they didn’t quite know about basilov. or maybe they’d be curious enough to look him up.

i need to learn to be more aware of my audience.

and if you knew of him and his death affected you.. you’d actually be a geek. and that’s not cool, is it? unless you have a really weird idea of what "cool" is.

christ i never said you were stupid, but you act like i did. i was expressing my distaste for pop culture and aaliyah in general (even though she was sooo freaking pretty. intellectual snobbery aside).

*sigh* i’m glad i’m an intellectual snob. i’d hate to be anything else.
i just wish I was an etrepreneuring princess like Kim! (haha Kim.. I don’t know where that came from.. but that essay just floated in my head. probably because i read it like 10 times, attempting to be an intellectual snob and find something wrong with it… even though it was like.. totally, arrogantly perfect. i think that’s why it came to mind. because you’re an intellectual snob too!! you’re just better at hiding it! ^_~ )

katie said,

August 28, 2001 @ 3:50 pm

hahaha and like..

don’t get offended by anything i said.. cuz i think you’re great, michelle. absolutely great.

the intellectual snob thing was like.. the best analysis anyone has ever done of me. :)

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