This girl received a rather strange e-mail about people who were trying to coerce her to join them by claiming that 99.99999% people in the world are fakes, and that they aren’t. [click MORE below for the letter].
This was my response to this oh-so-strange letter:
I think they are talking about people who have “needs” that aren’t actually needs. Everybody who wants something, or ‘needs’ something that is not essential is fake.
Why would this matter… the simple act of needing things tht you don’t need? Probably because beyond your most primal necessities, everything is done for the purpose of seemingly gluttonous self gratification in a way that is not essential to living.
So in going beyond what is imperitive to have and want, you are not being true to yourself or others because you are not being completely true to what should be at the basis of human nature.
However, my view is that these people, whoever they are are hypocrites. If they have no needs or wants that are more than essential, and all other humans are enemies to them, then why in the world would they need allies? In this desparate call for the allying of those who believe all others are enemies, these people are simply proving that they DO need more than what is essential to living, proving that they DO need more than the ‘survival of the fittest’-like theory they are giving just by trying to coerce others to join them.
All in all, it sounds like a desperate ploy for attention. And I know about those, because I’m the champion of them.
There is something extremely wrong with every single
person in this world. They seem to be part of a
pointless simulation.
“The Matrix” has portrayed this idea somewhat, yet we
watch it and go back to our daily lives. Yet in this
very life, underneath the seeming diversity in
people’s opinions, values, talents, and interests,
there is something that makes everyone the same. It
is as though this planet is populated only by mindless
fakes, objects that provide the appearance of
intellect on the surface but are based on only
mechanical reflexes and primitive thought patterns.
I don’t really care if anything I say has been said
before, if it was portrayed in movies, in books, or in
the lyrics of some useless song. With 6 billion people
covering the globe at any given time, thousands and
thousands of years of written literature, probability
dictates almost any combination of words has occurred
numerous times. Yet there is clear evidence there was
no action, so those words, just like the people who
spoke them, must have been just more fakes. I am
forced to use this language (also created by the
fakes) because there is no alternative, so everything
I write here could be misunderstood to make me sound
like one of them, but it will be the action that I
take and the dedication that will separate me from
In my estimation the fakes that occupy this planet
don’t make up 99%, but more like 99.9999999% of the
population. I know this because I’ve searched, and in
my search have so far only found one true ally (I have
found him via the internet as well). But even with
those numbers we would not give up because there is no
logic in giving up.
The people on this planet are all fakes because the
societies have made them this way. Ideas that populate
people’s minds have no logic or purpose. Concepts such
as religion, god, morality, individualism, freedom,
identity, happiness, love and billions of others are
all just memes. Like parasites they infect the minds
and spread from one person to the next. They have no
point or purpose; they exist without any logical basis
or foundation. The fakes are completely controlled by
them, and they will never see beyond them. To not be
controlled by them one must do more then just realize
that they exist. One must resist any ideas that have
no point, endlessly question, and never accept
imperfection or compromise in any answer.
We (myself and my ally) are different though. While we
have had the limitation of existing only in these
societies, something has made it possible for us to
resist being indoctrinated into becoming one of those
fakes. We have no arbitrary wants, needs, desires, or
If this world continues to exist the way it is then
nothing in it will ever have a point. It will always
be just a product of random evolution, one with no
importance or relevance. The only logical goal is to
dedicate our lives to increasing our numbers, those
that aren’t fakes, so that in thousands of years our
numbers may be such that the fakes would no longer be
a threat to progress.
Those that join us must see every other person
occupying this planet as the enemy, and us as their
only allies. Like us they must have dedication only to
taking the most logical action, and to nothing else.
To tell you more about us, we’ve posted some personal
information about ourselves on a website. You’ll also
find past responses to us on that webpage.