Man, what a weekend, I laughed, I cried, I gave out my AIM. So much happened! I can’t possibly write it all out now, my head is a mass of emotions and colours and events. I’ll wait until I organize everything in my mind… ^^; And ThEN I’ll write about it.
jason the pimp said,
did you catch the ddr tourney…i heard it sucked…as well as the rest of AX but ehhhh…at least you got to go
jason the pimp said,
did you catch the ddr tourney…i heard it sucked…as well as the rest of AX but ehhhh…at least you got to go
jason the pimp said,
oops…sorry for the double post
Kim said,
^___^ It was fun for me!! I loved the masquerade and I got my # asked for like 3 time. HO HO HO HO
I love conventions.
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