inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

Friday April 28, 2006 at 04:09 pm

I’m doing an etymology study
On Xanga

For a class I’m taking at school. Be a doll and answer these questions for me:

Survey Questions

Please state your Xanga user name

What is your…

Education level
Years on internet

· How often do you update?
· Do you comment, if so, how often?
· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?
· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?
· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?
· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?
· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have
you met in real life?
· Do you belong to any groups?

Also, if you’d like to get interviewed and be a part of our study, tell me so by commenting here. :)

Our group has started it’s own Xanga in an attempt to document what it’s like to start and build a new Xanga and develop a community around our page.

Please come by and check us out!

p.s. can you tell which posts are mine? =X

groupsix said,

April 28, 2006 @ 4:15 pm


estoychino said,

April 28, 2006 @ 4:16 pm

Survey QuestionsPlease state your Xanga user name-estoychinoWhat is your… Age-16Race-chineseGender-maleEducation level-junior in high schoolYears on internet- 6-7?· How often do you update?once or twice a week· Do you comment, if so, how often?everyday· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?10 per entry? 10 per day? · Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?no, no· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?i am subscribed to people..and 82 to me· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? daily..maybe 15-20?· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have. frreiends mostly…you met in real life? all.except like 2 · Do you belong to any groups?yes

pinktoaster said,

April 28, 2006 @ 4:18 pm

What is your… Age: 14Race: AsianGender: FEducation level: 8th gradeYears on internet: 2· How often do you update? when i feel like it. about once a week or 2 times. whenever i have something to say.· Do you comment, if so, how often? only when my subscription’s post interesting things :D· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? no. not really.· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? no. im not an eprop whore. and yea, they do afraidly comment me. it frightens me.· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? 22 are subscribed to me, i subscribe to 16.· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? as many as i can.· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? blogrings owners, blahblahblah. How many have you met in real life? 13 mauahha!· Do you belong to any groups? the “i love totoro :D” group oh yeas.

ChIcKaRoO831 said,

April 28, 2006 @ 4:18 pm

Please state your Xanga user nameChickaroo831What is your… Age14Raceasian. vietnamese =)Genderi’ma a bouncing baby girlEducation level9th gradeYears on internetuhmmm… i’ve been using the internet for 7 years…· How often do you update?almost daily. mayb once every 2 days? around there· Do you comment, if so, how often?mmm.. sometimes… if i actually have something to comment about. no that often tho· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?around 5-8 per entry· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?mmm i comment the featured list people andddd very few times do strangers comment me. they DO comment me tho.· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?i am subscribed to 65 people.a nd 56 are subscribed to me· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?i read everybodies blog daily. i click read subscriptions· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life?most of them are my friends… and the people i have commented that aren’t my friends i haven’t met… it’d be just plain weird…· Do you belong to any groups?1.Williams High School2.i love british accents3.scarves, long car rides, and coffee make me smile4.I’m not short – I’m space efficient.5.i am a girl. i bleed monthly. don’t mess with me.6.VASCON2 ((VASCON stands for Vietnamese American Student Conference…))7.Buddha is my homeboyhope that helped

Drakonskyr said,

April 28, 2006 @ 4:21 pm

Drakonskyr, aka The Infamous, or Mr. DMV.-21-Italian-Male-College-Almost one!-I update not routinely but as often as I can.-I comment all my subs, and some of the people who comment me.-I recieve on average a hundred twenty on a day I post and between fifty and thirty when I haven’t posted.-I rarely random comment, but I do get random comments from others consistently.-I’m subscribed to 109 people and around 1200 or so are subbed to me.-I don’t read blogs other than xanga.-I only know about forty of the people who have xangas who read my xanga, although a ton of people who know me in person who don’t have xangas read my shit.- I’ve made blogrings! And I’m an alcoholic. Surely that counts for something.

wutuwaitn4 said,

April 28, 2006 @ 4:22 pm

interview me!

wutuwaitn4 said,

April 28, 2006 @ 4:23 pm

oh wait, nm, i took 132. i was supposed to take 135, but it didn’t fit in my schedule.

cutsiepie55 said,

April 28, 2006 @ 4:57 pm

18AsianFemaleCollege8 years-I update when I have something to write about-I comment when I feel that the post is worthy of a comment-I receive comments; the amount varies-strangers? if you’re considered a stranger, then I guess, yeah :p-I subscribe to about the same amount that subscribe to me-I read other people’s blogs daily…around 10-15-95% are real friends. The others are you, cakalusa, and wutuwaitn4.-I’m in a few blogrings

starberri92 said,

April 28, 2006 @ 5:07 pm

Username: starberri92
Age: 24Race: Asian/ChineseGender: FemaleEducation level: BA in AnthropologyYears on internet: ~11 years·        How often do you update?  Almost everyday·        Do you comment, if so, how often?  Almost daily whenever people update or have commented me with a question to reply·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?  Yes and it ranges from 0 to 14 and over depending on the topic of the entries·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?  Yes and they often reply·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? Currently I’m subscribed to 104 and only 47 are subbed to me·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?  Yes and very randomly ranging from 10 to 30·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life?  Find them through blogrings, xanga frontpage, ppl’s sub lists on their sites;  One fourth of my list are real friends.  I haven’t met any in real life.·        Do you belong to any groups?  Yes to blogrings and the church
– – – – – – – – – – –
yups checked out ur group site already and i think ones that are signed by you are yours..  =P

franksabunch said,

April 28, 2006 @ 5:14 pm

31, Taiwanese superhero, Male, MD, I first learned to surf the web 7 years ago, blogging only 1.5 years.
I update maybe 1-2x/week, I comment on people I subscribe to when I’m not too busy, for each entry I get between 60-100 comments, maybe 20% of the comments are from nonsubscribers (and I usually visit their page and comment, eventually), I sub to 100ish, have 400ish people subscribe to me, I check my subscriptions almost daily, less than 10 of my subscribers knew me in real life before subscribing, in real life I have met (not counting those I already knew) maybe 8, and I joined the max blogrings.
You can interview me if you want!

elizzybass said,

April 28, 2006 @ 5:19 pm

Age: 14Race: whiteGender: femaleEducation level: currently highschool freshmanYears on internet: between 6 and 7. ::shame::·        How often do you update? whenever i feel the need or take a cool quiz.·        Do you comment, if so, how often? i comment rarely, but if i feel strongly or am bored i will. so maybe once per month or less.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? average of one per entry.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? if i find them interesting, or if they arent a celeb i’ll let them know i’m subbing. i tend to get random comments about equally as ones from friends.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? yes, but i’m not sure how many either way.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? eh. depends how many update. i also have an LJ, and so keeping track becomes difficult. it’s not always a daily thing, either. more of a whenever-the-hell-i-feel-like-it-okay?! thing.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? some are celebs, many that never EVER update are real friends, and not counting people i already knew, i’ve met one person.·        Do you belong to any groups? yes, and i’ve created one. i never ever look at them, though.

Jeina419 said,

April 28, 2006 @ 5:58 pm

19homo sapien (korean to be specific)female…i thinkcollege freshie, 2nd term~6yrs-i update every other day-ill comment if the post intrigued me in any way…or was just silly.about 3 comments per day i check out xanga…which is every other day….adds up to12 comments a week.- yeah, i get 3 comments a day, 12-20 per post in total- sure i sub to ppl…im subbed to you subscribers-i check my subscriptions every other day..thats 4x a week?-2/3 my readers are friends and the last 1/3 are random ppl. out of the 215 subbers ive personally meet 147.-no. thats too much of a commitment~

Jarris said,

April 28, 2006 @ 5:59 pm

hope this helpsPlease state your Xanga user nameJarrisWhat is your… Age: 18Race: Chinese Japanese (American is somewhere in there too)Gender: MaleEducation level: Highschool Senior (I am leaving early though w00t)Years on internet: about 8How often do you update? DailyDo you comment, if so, how often? Off and On, depends on the entry, if its thought provoking or fun, sure.Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? ranging from 2-10 regularlyDo you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? I’ve done it before, and yes sometimes it happens (not counting random props)Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? I think i am subscribed to 77 and 47 subscribed to meDo you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? Yeah, and as many update that dayHow did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? Um….I found most of mine just by sheer entries…meaning they found me and we went from there…..define real friends..maybe around 16……i’ve met 10-12Do you belong to any groups? YEah…filled the amount i can be in…

theperfecthamburger said,

April 28, 2006 @ 6:06 pm

age-18race-average caucasiongender-100% maleed. level-freshman in collegeyears on net-4-I try to update every day, if I have something to write about.-I comment daily-I do recieve comments, not many per day, about five per day maybe-every once in a while I branch out and comment elsewhere, and every once in a while someone visits me.-i have 54 subscriptions and 51 subscribers-most ive found thru featured content and thru friends, about half 1/3 are personal friends, I’ve aimed a few strangers, but never personally met any of the strangers.(although i would like to)-I am in a few groups, but they’re not really any sort of integral part of my xanga experience.if you want to interview a xanga zero, I’d be happy to talk.Michael

MT_Headed said,

April 28, 2006 @ 6:17 pm

Age – 21Race – FilipinoGender – MaleEducation level – College undergradYears on internet – 7, if I recall correctly·        How often do you update? I had a habit of updating daily, until the day my hard drive died on me a couple months back. I’m starting up again though.·        Do you comment, if so, how often? I try to comment as often as possible, especially if the subject interests me.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? I used to get an average of maybe about 11 comments a day, but it’ll probably change due to people thinking I might be dead.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? I love browsing through xangas, and yeah I comment when something seems interesting. At least its more intellectually stimulating than say, browsing around on MySpace.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? I subscribe to only about 79 people, of which probably only 50 or so are still active. Currently, I have 95 people subscribed to me.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? I pretty much go through my subscriptions every day at the end of the day, but I only really read through about maybe a dozen of the people that I’m subscribed to (yourself being one of them =D)·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? Though a lot of my readers I already know in real life (probably 30 or so), a lot of new subscribers end up being friends of friends I’ve never met, so its like extended networking. Of the people I’ve had no previous connection to prior to Xanga, I’ve actually met 2 of them so far. I actually hope to meet more as I continue to write, its always fascinating to find out what kind of people like to read your own blog.·        Do you belong to any groups? Yeah, but I don’t really check up on them or anything. I probably should, but I already spend enough time browsing through Xanga as it is.

MT_Headed said,

April 28, 2006 @ 6:19 pm

Oh, and I love participating in projects like these :-D. If you’re lookin for someone to interview, I’m your guy!

tHexDonStER said,

April 28, 2006 @ 6:29 pm

Please state your Xanga user name-thexdonsterWhat is your… Age-17Race-asian pacific islanderGender-maleEducation level-11Years on internet· How often do you update?-once a week· Do you comment, if so, how often?-yes, as much as people on my subcription list that updated· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?-yes,6 to 7 comments, 12 to 20· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?-yes, yes.· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?-yes, 49.· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?-yes, 5.· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life?-commenting daily, 13 to 30, 7.· Do you belong to any groups?-yes.

ramblings_of_a_hormonal_teen said,

April 28, 2006 @ 6:44 pm

Age: 16Race: whiteGender femaleEducation level: sophmore (high school)Years on internet: like 1·        How often do you update? eh, monthly·        Do you comment, if so, how often? yeah, daily·        Do you receive comments? yes How many per day?…. How many per entry? 2·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga?yes  Do strangers comment on yours? sometimes·        Are you subscribed to people? yes How many subscribe to you? like..60 ·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? yes How many? whoever i’m subsribed to…. lots of people on featured content·        How did you find your readers? blogrings How many are real friends? all but 3 How many haveyou met in real life? all except 3·        Do you belong to any groups? yes

dehzep said,

April 28, 2006 @ 6:45 pm

your posts have your name at the bottom

PilgrimOfTruth said,

April 28, 2006 @ 6:57 pm

AgeRaceGender-MaleEducation level-Sophmore CollegeYears on internet-3yrs· How often do you update?-Whenever I have something worth posting.· Do you comment, if so, how often?-Yes, whenever they comment me.· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?5 and 5· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?Yes and yes.· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? Yes, not sure.· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? Yes, 4 daily.· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? Depends, about five, none.· Do you belong to any groups? Yes 21st Apostles.What would I have to do for the intervies?

PilgrimOfTruth said,

April 28, 2006 @ 6:58 pm

sorry I missed two, Age-20Race- Caucasian

tanoshii66 said,

April 28, 2006 @ 7:13 pm

Age: 19Race: CaucasionGender: FemaleEducation level: Junior in collegeYears on internet: 7·        How often do you update? Weekly I’d say.·        Do you comment, if so, how often? Yes, not very often though.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? Sometimes, 2-3 per entry.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? Yes and yes.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?  Yes.  25 are subscribed to me.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?  Yes, whoever updates I read from my subscriptions page.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life?  Most are real life friends, the others I haven’t met in real life.·        Do you belong to any groups?  Yes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UIUC class of 2008, and Hersey: class of 2004

CaKaLusa said,

April 28, 2006 @ 7:52 pm

jibba jabba, it’s a demographics survey!

FatalAce said,

April 28, 2006 @ 7:56 pm

16AsianMaleJunior in high school6twice a weekonce for every two posts i read10 per postsometimesyes, 97nomost are real friends, others are by randomtennis, jack’s mannequin, san antonio spurs, random friend groups

CivicRacr said,

April 28, 2006 @ 8:29 pm

Age – 25Race – viet/chineseGender – MEducation level – some collegeYears on internet – does many count? um…roughly 8 years·        How often do you update? rarely, except that one time i was really depressed over a break up, then often, but that was like three years ago·        Do you comment, if so, how often? if i really feel up to it or something worth commenting on·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? 2-4 per entry·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?yes/very rarely·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? 20/20·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? yes, anybody that i subscribe to and that update·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? through friends. met almost all of them in real life, but friends with 2-3·        Do you belong to any groups? nope

shnarfle said,

April 28, 2006 @ 9:36 pm

Please state your Xanga user name- shnarfleWhat is your… Age-16Race-Native American IndianGender-FemaleEducation level-tenth grade, high schoolYears on internet-Five maybe?· How often do you update? -Used to be everyday till I got a myspace. I have a secret xanga that I update every day, but my main one only gets updated if something interesting happens or I feel my last post is getting on my nerves.· Do you comment, if so, how often? – Usually every night or every other night, but only on posts that I actually have a reaction to.· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? – Not really. My posts suck. I get maybe five max if I leave the entry up for a few days. Lame.· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? – Sure. You’re a stranger! :O And yeah…none of my friends use xanga anymore. I guess they wouldn’t be considered strangers since I know them via xanga, but that’s the only way I know them….so sort of.· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? I subscribe to a lot that are interesting. I think only 10 people subscribed to me though.· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? – Almost daily. I’m subscribed to 44 or so, but I only read about 20 of them since they’re the only ones that update…if it’s a boring post though, then I don’t read it…sometimes…· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? – blogrings, front page, comments on other people’s pages that caught my eye. I think only one is a RL friend, everyone else has moved to myspace. · Do you belong to any groups? – Blogrings, yeah. Blue haired ones and DDR ones I believe.

snowy_court said,

April 28, 2006 @ 9:54 pm

snowy_courtAge: 15Race: white (specifically caucasion…ahhaha)Gender: femaleEducation level: i’m a sophomore in high schoolYears on internet: 4i update anywhere from 1-4 times a week, depending on my moodi comment about half of the time the people i’m subscribed to post, which comes to like one comment every other day….hahi receive comments…like one per day, 2-3 per entry (obviously i am not popular)i comment on stranger’s xangas, but only if they are on featured or otherwise really cool. every once in a while strangers comment on mine (half of the time because i commented them)i’m subscribed to 25 sites and 24 people subscribe to me, and few of those are practically dead sites that my friends never use.if somebody i’m subscribed to posts, than yeah, i read my subscriptions daily.10 of my readers i know personally, though i am only really friends with like 8 of them. otherwise, people subscribe to me without commenting or anything, and a few because i found their site and commented/subscribed to them firsti’m in blogrings, if that counts.

Kevin72 said,

April 28, 2006 @ 10:36 pm

Kevin72 and DailyKevin50White MaleMasters DegreeGot first email address 1995, blogging since Feb 2004Between 2 sites, update about 3-4 times a weekI comment almost daily, a lot. I average about 8 comments a day!!!!I receive about 1-4 comments a day, depending on the topic.I do send and receive comments from strangers. But some people I’ve been subscribed to for years I’ve never met, but I commment to regularly, so in a way they’re not really strangers, I know them quite well it seems.I am subscribed to 122 people.99 people are subscribed to me (unless a 100th subscribed since yesterday).If they are on my subscription list, and update daily, then I read them daily.All kinds of ways I find readers. But #1 method is by reading the other comments after I have commented, and if they are interesting, I comment them. I haven’t met too many xangans in real life. But some I feel I have a real spiritual mind-to-mind relationship from really thinking of what they have written, and likewise giving a thoughtful reply.What group?You can interview me.

Benjermanifestdestiny said,

April 28, 2006 @ 10:42 pm

Age 29Race caucasianGender maleEducation level dropped out sophomore year highschoolYears on internet 1991 off and on till 1997 and ever since· How often do you update? once a day max, twice a week for other blogs or every couple of weeks· Do you comment, if so, how often? 1 in 6 posts on average?· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? aybe 4-11 per entry. Per day? Dont know, random· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? Sometimes· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? 11 subscibers? 30 subscriptions?· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? subsciptions· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? I joined xanga for an ex. I choose my readers by blogrings and who I comment on. I have met a few of my subscribers, dated one, I hope to meet many someday as I travel.· Do you belong to any groups? Targeted demographic based on content of blogsI have an interesting strategy I used in blogs, a rule. The results of it have been startling. You can ask if it might be helpful.

JonnyNgo said,

April 29, 2006 @ 12:05 am

you can interview me if you want.
Age 26Race VietnameseGender MaleEducation level Bachelors in English and BusinessYears on internet 10·        How often do you update? Ummm 3-4 times a week·        Do you comment, if so, how often? when i have free time at work·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? i get probably 10-30 comments a day… one entry per day as well.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? i rarely ever comment on a strangers page. i get a few strangers here and there.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? i’m subscribed to about 100 people. i have 1600 subscribers.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? Ummm i just read whoever i’m subscribed to.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? i haven’t met much in real life. just like2 or 3. i don’t find my readers… they somehow find me. but i try to make as much as possible real friends.·        Do you belong to any groups? i don’t belong to any groups.

bjtdevera said,

April 29, 2006 @ 1:47 am

years on the internet: 8 yearsyou already know the answers to the other questions.

bjtdevera said,

April 29, 2006 @ 1:55 am

whoops…i conveniently ignored the rest:How often do you update?nowadays…twice a weekDo you comment, if so, how often?nowadays…twice a weekDo you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?yes. 3/day. 7/entryDo you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?at times. at times.Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?yes. 84.Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?no (twice a week). 20?How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life?real life. most of them. most of them.Do you belong to any groups?yes.

shrek_azn said,

April 29, 2006 @ 2:44 am

Too many questions…. lolz

jennyferr_x3 said,

April 29, 2006 @ 3:58 am

haha; your posts are the ones with the enlarged, bolded titles. Annnd the one about the boobs vs WoW.(your signed it too.)sorry.i dont feel like doing ur survey. maybe later?

prozacXconspiracy said,

April 29, 2006 @ 4:35 am

Please state your Xanga user namecurrently prozacxconspiracy, once woahitsluckycharmsWhat is your…      
Age-14Race-Irish {caucasian and such.}Gender-FemaleEducation level-High school.Years on internet-Five.·        How often do you update?-Not often.  Once I switched xangas, I just kinda gave up on it.  I’m updating more often now, since I’m starting to branch out and live more.·        Do you comment, if so, how often?-Whenever I go to random entries by random xangans I like, I comment, and I comment most all entries by real life friends.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?-Usually about four per entry, two or so a day.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?-Some of them, yes, to both questions.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?-I am subscribed to 12 people, 12 people are subsbcribed to me.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?-Whomever I’m subscribed to, I read.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life?-Usually they comment me to tell me that they like my site.  And most of my subscriptions are to people I’ve known in real life.  I’ve met all but two.·        Do you belong to any groups?  Yes, a few.

prozacXconspiracy said,

April 29, 2006 @ 4:38 am

Oh, and if you so need an interview from someone as young as I, feel free.  x_x

XxB4ttous4ixX said,

April 29, 2006 @ 4:51 am

Please state your Xanga user nameXxB4ttous4ixXWhat is your…      
Age-17Race-ChineseGender- Male the last time I checkedEducation level- 12th gradeYears on internet- 4·        How often do you update? Whenever I get bored (1-2 times a month)·        Do you comment, if so, how often? Same as above·        Do you receive comments? Yes         How many per day? 1-2         How many per entry? 5-10·       Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? If they comment me first        Do strangers comment on yours? Occasionally·       Are you subscribed to people? Too lazy        How many subscribe to you? Basically whoever I know·       Do you read other peoples blogs daily? No·       How did you find your readers? In person        How many are real friends? Almost all        How many have you met in real life? Almost all·        Do you belong to any groups? Yes

lovepirate said,

April 29, 2006 @ 5:39 am

Xanga Name – LovePirateAge-23Race-Irish-AmericanGender – MaleEducation level – B.A. in TheatreYears on internet – 15·        I update whenever “inspiration” hits… I’m trying to get away from “daily routine” posts.·        I rarely comment on other people’s blogs, unless they say something that catches my eye·        Comments on my xanga usually vary according to topic. I’ve found that inflammatory remarks or touching stories get the most.·        I follow the same rule of commenting on stragers as I do for friends.·        I am subscribed to 56 people. 101 are subscribed to me·        I read all of my subscriptions daily (provided that they have updated)·        The majority of my readers are RL friends. Others have stumbled on my site through mutual friends and then we have become RL friends. Then others are complete strangers who came randomly.·        I belong to APO@UU, which is my Theatrical fraternity in college, BALLET, because i do it, Zero Gravity, because I am impressed by their work, and I sprained my wrist, I popped my collar too hard and Rawr i’m a cuddle monster for cosmetic reasons… I think they are funny titles.

Please feel free to interview me ;-)

Izzy_Caraway said,

April 29, 2006 @ 5:59 am

Smart people

cimbiotch said,

April 29, 2006 @ 6:12 am

Age: 23Race: Asian (Filipino-Chinese)Gender: MaleEducation level: MS Pharmacy; Doctor of Medicine (ongoing)Years on internet: 12 years (since 1994)·        How often do you update? Uhuh… every 3 months the very least.·        Do you comment, if so, how often? Yes, but not much.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? Yes.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? Yes.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? Yes. Maybe 5.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? No.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? A lot of them are quite interesting. I haven’t met anyone in real life, well except for real-life friends.·        Do you belong to any groups? Yes.

NikBv said,

April 29, 2006 @ 6:45 am

I can’t pass up an opportunity to talk about myself, so here we goXanga user name: Nikbv Age: 18Race: whiteGender: maleEducation level: B/A in processYears on internet: dunno, since I was like 8, but I am not sure. I did have a computer long before they had technology that could do anything cool.• How often do you update? Normally once every two days• Do you comment, if so, how often? After I update (in the hopes of netting in return comments, you see)• Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? Per entry… only between like 6-12 i geuss. I’m no big hitter like you• Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? I do if they visit. If the tracker says they came, but didn’t leave comments, I will go there. Not to say ‘comment me, bastard’, but just a good, actual comment on their post, like everybody likes• Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? No, I prefer to visit their actual page when I feel like it• Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? Sometimes, if I’m bored during the day• How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? A couple from real life, the rest just from comments and the like• Do you belong to any groups? No, lol, they are for losers.

lauren_ganda said,

April 29, 2006 @ 6:49 am

it’s a demographics or Epidemiological study. not etymology.

ch0w said,

April 29, 2006 @ 7:01 am

Please state your Xanga user name ch0wWhat is your…      
Age 17Race chineseGender maleEducation level high school seniorYears on internet 5·        How often do you update? 2 – 3 times a week·        Do you comment, if so, how often? sometimes·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? yes, 2 – 4, 10·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? yes, yes·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? yes, 98·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? yes, 1·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? featured content and comment surfing, 4, 4·        Do you belong to any groups? yes

GriffN84 said,

April 29, 2006 @ 7:23 am

Survey QuestionsXanga user name:  GriffN84Age: 21Race: CaucasionGender: MaleEducation level: K-12Years on internet: 9How often do you update?  As often as 5 times a week.  Somtimes as few as once a week.Do you comment, if so, how often?  Usually very little.  Maybe 3 comments a week.Do you receive comments? YesHow many per day? It varies…Sometimes once others 12.How many per entry? I think 12 was my max!  haha.Do you comment on stranger’s xanga?  Uh…yes.Do strangers comment on yours?  No not really.Are you subscribed to people?  Yes.How many subscribe to you?  Don’t know….I can look it up if you tell me where to find it.Do you read other peoples blogs daily?  Yes How many?  About 4.How did you find your readers?  They are mostly local kids and friends. How many are real friends? Probably 75%How many have you met in real life?  Again, probably 75%Do you belong to any groups?  Yes, but they are just for fun and I don’t participate in anything with them.

aydongbeeleef said,

April 29, 2006 @ 7:54 am

aydongbeeleef23.92asian?Mrandom spurts of collegeat least 14years ago, it was aol on my mac I-every 2 or 3 days-daily, on people i’m subbed to-yep, like 2, probably 5-yep, yep-yep, 47-yep, i’m subbed to 53, but 1/2 don’t update anymore-rl/they comment on me/blogrings, (poor or interesting choice in words..)if u mean how many i knew beforehand: 27, 30-yep-

ralahinn1 said,

April 29, 2006 @ 8:01 am

Age: 47  0_0Race: “other”(Irish and Native american)Gender: femaleEducation level: Ged 1986Years on internet: 2·        How often do you update?
When I feel like it·        Do you comment, if so, how often?
When I feel like it·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?
It varies
·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?
Yes to both·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?
I subscribe to some, I don’t know who subscribes to me·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?
I don’t read others everyday·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life?
I just find readers sometimes ,I never met any·        Do you belong to any groups?
not really

passageman said,

April 29, 2006 @ 8:29 am

dang girl u r banging tight

j_e_s_s_i_c_a said,

April 29, 2006 @ 8:31 am

Age – 19Race – ChineseGender – femaleEducation level – university (1st year)Years on internet – around seven – eight?·        How often do you update?Used to be every weekend, now it’s more like one or two posts a month.·        Do you comment, if so, how often?Yeah I comment, but it varies – I comment whenever there’s something worth commenting or to reply someone else’s comment to me.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?Yeah. Usually around ten on the day I update (depends on the content, really), and on average, around 30 for each entry?·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?Only if there’s something worth commenting about (e.g. interesting entry, etc), and yes, strangers comment on mine.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?Yeah I’m subscribed to about 220 people. And 408 are subscribed to me.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?I read my subscriptions daily, so the number of blogs I read are dependent on how many people update in that day.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life?I find my readers by going through the list of my subscribers. I’d say about 70% are real friends, and I’ve met 75% of them in real life.·        Do you belong to any groups?Yeah. For my old high school’s class blogring, one that disses my most current high school, “people who typez lyk diz should die” or something, Asians Against Azns, and Made In Hong Kong.

zeroleader said,

April 29, 2006 @ 9:21 am

26HumanMaleB.S. in college =P~~approximately 12·        How often do you update? once a month?·        Do you comment, if so, how often? only when something catches my interest, or if the person is important to me·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? i don’t really receive any comments. maybe one per entry.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? i’ve seen a few strangers..i have no idea how they find me. i don’t comment on stranger’s xangas·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? I am subscribed to about 40 people. i think i have about 5 subscribers·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? they come in an email, i read the ones that catch my eye·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? i have met all my readers in real life. they are all considered friends except for a couple·        Do you belong to any groups? can’t remember.

VudooSoul said,

April 29, 2006 @ 9:26 am

Vudoo Soul! kim, it is so strange to find you on here. i haven’t seen you in person since uh. high school! wut it been, like, 7 years now? crazyyy =]Age: 24Race: viet (+ bits of japanese, french & portugese)Gender: monkeyEducation level: released from the instituteYears on internet: 13 years? (aol 1.5 baby.)· How often do you update?i try to do it once a week, sometimes twice.· Do you comment, if so, how often?i do it in spurts, once a week, typically when i’m pretending to be busy.· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?difficult math, nooooo O_o; 5-10 per day, depending on how funny i am (or not). avg is a 12-20 per entry… when i’m sad or venting, avg is 30-45 per entry.· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?yeah, totally. i usually come across strangers who have first commented on me. i try to comment them back when i have time… i like to see where they’re from or how they tripped on my page.· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?i subscribe to 207… 414 subscribe to me.· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?yup, and waste a lot of time doing it. i like to read pages that unlike mine, are not long-winded. with interesting pictures, stories and/or videos! i always stop by theologian’s cafe and cakalusa. i browse through featured content sometimes, but mainly like to see how my real-life friends are doing.· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life?started off with friends, which accumulated by going through their friends of mine that were mutual, then blogrings… nowadays i just advertise my blog on my myspace account and in my email list to keep my music supporters updated with the vudoo action. i would say 1/3 are real friends. i can call anyone i’ve met in real life a friend =]· Do you belong to any groups?a bunch of asian blog rings i have something to do with. i think the MIT one is the only one that pays attention to what i’m updating. i’m also on “black people who have xanga”. affirmative action for my blogring listing hahaha. naw, they just the folks that love my music most.glad we’re in touch again buddy =] ~ vu

girllife19 said,

April 29, 2006 @ 9:29 am


x_missvan_x said,

April 29, 2006 @ 9:38 am

What is your…      
Age  *21Race  *FilipinoGender *FemaleEducation level *In CollegeYears on internet *foreveR!!·        How often do you update? *every so often.·        Do you comment, if so, how often? *yea–usually if i have something to say.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? *lol i used to get alot, but i deleted my account and now im getting back into the swing of this again.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? *yea i comment on strangers.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? *Yea- not many like 18.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? *yes, which ever ones im subscribed too and others.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? *most of them are already my friends.·        Do you belong to any groups? *No.

boomerx_sooner said,

April 29, 2006 @ 10:35 am

Survey Questions
Please state your Xanga user name
boomerx_soonerWhat is your…      
Age 11Race caucasianGender femaleEducation level 6th gradeYears on internet 3-4?·        How often do you update? 1-3 every day·        Do you comment, if so, how often? every day·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? yes, about 20, and maybe  15·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? sometimes and sometimes·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? a few layout sites and stuff i need to remember but not that many people subscribe to me·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? yes, maybe 5?
·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? they are friends and friends-friends and i’ve met most of them·        Do you belong to any groups? what?

xCollide said,

April 29, 2006 @ 11:19 am

Age: Sixteen.Race: Caucasian.Gender: Female.Education level: Sophomore in high school.Years on internet: Eight or nine, give or take.·        How often do you update: Whenever I have something that’s worth writing about, although not multiple times a day.·        Do you comment, if so, how often: Yes, whenever I read something particularly interesting a/o if someone comments me. I always comment back.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry: Yes. Roughly fifteen or so per day. About twenty an entry. It really depends.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours: Yes. Yes.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you: Yes, about twenty-five. About fifty-five are subscribed to me.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many: Meh, no, not on a regular basis unless I’m subscribed to them. I just peruse.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life: I don’t go searching for readers. I am only subscribed to people I know, save a couple Internet friends I talk to regularly, and if other people find me through my friends/comments/blogrings then that’s fine. I write for myself, not others.·        Do you belong to any groups: Yes, about five.

viet__dragon said,

April 29, 2006 @ 11:30 am

Survey QuestionsPlease state your Xanga user nameWhat is your… Age: 18Race: asianGender: femaleEducation level: senior in hsYears on internet: no idea 5+ i guess?· How often do you update? not very much..i use to update a lot til i got lazy· Do you comment, if so, how often? i reply to every comment as soon as i can..or jus on random times to random ppl· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? yes, avg. per day would have to be 6 or more..per entry 10+· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? yup and yup· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? gyea adn about 111 ppl· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?..sometime i get too lazy to read..i jus scan it. iono how many· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? they found me, some are some arent, not sure..too lazy to count· Do you belong to any groups? gyea

crazacracagord said,

April 29, 2006 @ 11:42 am

22,kracker,penis,i dont know(my mom use to call me a smartass,so does that make me smart?),about a year
i update every now and then
i only comment thoes who comment me
i get about…………………………………..1……………………….i havnt been commenting like iv said i have been,so i guess my first impression is that im a liar
yeah i comment stranger’s xangas,if u cant tell then reread this and see if u actully know me
im subscibe to a few,probly the average subscibers subscibe too
i read every now and then………………i guess u got lucky this time
ive met no one yet on here,i use to talk to my freinds on here but we found it pointless sense we can call eachother,other then,iv met no on here…………… kinda weirdo /slash/ creep,
the only group i belong to,is me myself and i,other then if ive been excepted in a group i have no idea then,im on the self high,so i dont care about gettin stone cuz im fuckn it,so me down to earth is farfetch like a over-active imagination

Asian_StarLight said,

April 29, 2006 @ 12:23 pm

Please state your Xanga user nameAsian_StarLightWhat is your…      
Age= 14Race= VietnameseGender= FemaleEducation level= Grade 9Years on internet= 3·        How often do you update?  2-3 Times a Month·        Do you comment, if so, how often?  Not a lot·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? 5-12 Per Entry·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? Yes and Yes·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? Yes and 41·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? Yes and usually·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? Blogs/Most of them are real friends/13·        Do you belong to any groups? Yes

x_rOna said,

April 29, 2006 @ 1:05 pm

Age: 14Race: chineseGender: femaleEducation level: high schoolYears on internet: since i could talk· How often do you update? once/twice a week· Do you comment, if so, how often?· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? yes, it used to be 10-15 a like averaged 7 a day 20 per entry· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? only if i/they have something to say· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? yes; 102· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? yes; too many to count· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? all are friends and i’ve met all of them except for a few scattered here and there· Do you belong to any groups? yeah; mostly for my city and church some random ones

basickdesign said,

April 29, 2006 @ 1:15 pm

Survey QuestionsPlease state your Xanga user nameBasickdesignWhat is your… Age 16Race Asian AmericanGender FemaleEducation level High School JuniorYears on internet I don’t remember… I know I had internet by 6th grade though.· How often do you update? not often, anymore.· Do you comment, if so, how often? anything i find interesting or the urge to comment on. · Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?Yes, about 2-3, about 12· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?Yes, Yes· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?Yes, about half of those people.· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?Like 2· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life?They are my friends, like 3-4 of them, in real life i have about 8 real friends i can think of on the top of my head.· Do you belong to any groups?social groups, probably. i don’t pay attention much. I hang out with the upper levels on the social ladder. I know i am definitely in the artsy, nerdy, geeky, teacher/principal’s pet category.


April 29, 2006 @ 1:39 pm

Age: 17Race: AsianGender: FemaleEducation level: Still in high schoolYears on internet: 8·        How often do you update? Every month or so. Depends on my xanga swings =]·        Do you comment, if so, how often? Yes, but not often. 1 out of 150 entries.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? Not so much, 2-6 per entry, .000000000001 a day ·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? Yes, but only to those I find interesting. Not many strangers comment me.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? No. A few. (I don’t give out my xanga)·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? Yes, depends on their updates, about 5.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? They’re all my close friends.·        Do you belong to any groups? Yes.

Sam12691 said,

April 29, 2006 @ 1:50 pm

Survey Questions
Please state your Xanga user name-sam12691What is your…      
Age15RaceCaucasianGenderfemaleEducation level in high schoolYears on internet 7·        How often do you update?once a weekish·        Do you comment, if so, how often?umm once a monthish·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?about 2 per day 5-10 per entry·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?sometimes·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?yes, ummm 50ish·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?yeah 2 or 3·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life?I knew them, all of them, yes·        Do you belong to any groups?blogrings? yes.,

Love_Eternal_Desire said,

April 29, 2006 @ 2:08 pm

Xanga username:  love_eternal_desire
Age: 18Race:  Asian-AmericanGender:  MaleEducation level:  Some college (In college)Years on Internet:  6
1.  I update at least once a day2.  Yes, several times a day, when I run across an interesting Xanga, or one of my subscriptions has something comment-worthy, or just to return one.3.  Yes.  I get about 12 a day…per entry, fluctuates between 6–16.  4.  Yes and yes5.  I’m subscribed to 31 (32?), and as of today, 92 are subscribed to me.6.  I read around 8 or so blogs daily, on average.7.  Most of my readers I find through blogrings and other members.  “Real friends” as in real life?  Only 3.  And yes…groups as in blogrings?  Yeah…
Interview meee!!!!!!!

CuriousMinx said,

April 29, 2006 @ 2:37 pm

CuriousMinx (um ok, i’ve never done this be4)
Female (@_@*)
Level 8
Year on internet?? Um, not year but a month… -_-*
almost every day like an hour or 30 mins.
I comment my friends sometimes…
um, 2-3-4 comments per day
Never commented on a stranger, but maybe i will now. Strangers don’t comment me.
Yes, i’m subscribed, about four. (gotta subscribe more often)
Sometimes… but not always. (like two pplz xanga)
All are real friends and i know them all. Except for one.
Groups?? Speech and Debate, and chorale. (i sing.) Oh and some friend clubs/groups.
(I hope this helps u.) ^_^

chinkycindy said,

April 29, 2006 @ 2:41 pm

14viet, chinesefemalehigh schoolerlike 2..probably once a month if im not busy…uh like once every 2 weeks..about 400-1000 cuz i get spammedstrangers comment on mine… and damn its so annoying..i got like 100 subscribed to me.. their all friendsi dont read it daily, i read the one that comes out when i go on xangatheir all my friendsya random ones…thats for your studies, good luck with em

guitar___riffs said,

April 29, 2006 @ 3:38 pm

What is your…      
Age – 17.Race – indian/venezuelan.Gender – female.Education level – 11th.Years on internet – 4 yrs.·        How often do you update? – once a week.·        Do you comment, if so, how often? – rarely. almost never.·        Do you receive comments? – i disable the comments.·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?  – I do when they have something interesting to say. And once in a while a stranger will comment… on my layout. [?] ·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? – Yes, and 90.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? – Like 15, maybe.·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? – I forgot how. Only about 4 are real friends.·        Do you belong to any groups?  – Blogrings..?

Aviendahla said,

April 29, 2006 @ 5:24 pm

21half caucasion half thai [it doesn’t show]femalehighschool ++ 2 years of college10·        roughly… 2-4 times weekly.·        2-3 times a day. depends how often i’m on the computer.·        yes. er. 1-10 per day [depends on if the entry is decent or not]. usually about 5-15 per entry.·        yes and yes.·        yes [44]. and i’ve got 54 people subbed to me.·        yes. as many people on my list who sub. normally seems to be around 10.·        i normally find my readers through common interests//blogrings//friends of friends. 13 are real friends. i know 13 of them IRL.·        the SCA.

baby_girl03017 said,

April 29, 2006 @ 5:37 pm


welfare_toast said,

April 29, 2006 @ 5:39 pm

Um…etymology? 0.o heh heh…this certainly shows how much people like to talk about themselves, though.

KidGenius235 said,

April 29, 2006 @ 6:27 pm

Survey QuestionsPlease state your Xanga user name-estoychinoWhat is your… Age-13Race-chineseGender-femaleEducation level-8th gradeYears on internet- 5, 6 years
once a weeksometimes10-20 per entrysometimes
yes, 53
about 20
classmates, featuredMost are classmates and friendsMaltese dogs, M.S.67, Walk the Line

a217girL said,

April 29, 2006 @ 7:17 pm

i’ll help you!Survey QuestionsPlease state your Xanga user nameWhat is your… Age: 17Race: chineseGender: femaleEducation level: senior yr HSYears on internet: 5 years?How often do you update?: once every 2-4 daysDo you comment, if so, how often?: yep, about 1-2 a dayDo you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?: sometimes / about 2 comments an entry (so about 2 comments every 2-4 days)Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?: Sometimes on the featured blogs.. strangers commenting me is very very rare.Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? i have 31 subscriptions and 32 subscribers to me.Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?: yep, about 5-7 a dayHow did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life? found my readers cuz i know them. most of them are people i know in real life, only a few are internet friendsDo you belong to any groups?: if you mean blogrings, yea?

fredorange01 said,

April 29, 2006 @ 8:24 pm

Please state your Xanga user name-fredorange01What is your…      
Age-14Race~caucasianGender~femaleEducation level~ freshman in high schoolYears on internet-3?·        How often do you update?almost daily·        Do you comment, if so, how often?  almost daily·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?  ~2/entry·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?  not really…  once or twice a month·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?  yeah i have like 9 subscriptions/subscribers·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?  yeah…  like 10·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life?  all but one are people i know personally, and one is one i met through a group·        Do you belong to any groups?  yeah, 3.

JoyCaDEeZy said,

April 29, 2006 @ 8:59 pm

Age 22Race The Human Race Gender FemaleEducation level College GraduateYears on internet 10-11· How often do you update? 2-4 times a week· Do you comment, if so, how often? yes, when I have something to say, I’ve given 29 comments for the month of April so you can average that out to 1 a day· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? Yes, they’re not really daily, 2-4 per entry· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? No, rarely· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? Yes, 70· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? Yes, 15-20· How did you find your readers? Through friends’ xanga’s How many are real friends? 100% = 70 How many haveyou met in real life? 100% 70· Do you belong to any groups? Yes UCB Circle K, CNH Circle K, CKI, UC Berkeley, wafflebuddies (school organization, college, close friends from high school)

summerXnign said,

April 30, 2006 @ 6:31 am

Xanga user name – summerXnignAge – 26Race – Asian (not living in the US)Gender – femaleEducation level – college dropoutYears on internet – 9· How often do you update? You mean Xanga? Depends. Rather irregularly. Sometimes daily, but more often weekly. Xanga is not my primary blog/ communication platform.· Do you comment, if so, how often?Yes. A couple times a month, I guess.· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?Yes but rarely.· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?No. Yes but rarely.· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?Yes. Two.· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?No. Three.· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life?I commented on one’s Xanga and ended up becoming friends with a couple people. All are real friends. None.· Do you belong to any groups?No.

pureeyes19 said,

May 1, 2006 @ 8:42 am

12 grade
I update every other day
Yes as often as I update
Yes the number of comments varies per entry
Yes I comment strangers and sometimes strangers comment me
Yes and I have no idea
I found readers by checking locals and coool sites and link hopping. 2 are real friends and they are the two I have met in real life
Yes but only for show

AznMonkeyG said,

May 1, 2006 @ 2:42 pm

Survey QuestionsPlease state your Xanga user name-AznMonkeyGWhat is your… Age-16Race-KoreanGender-FemaleEducation level-High SchoolYears on internet-Too many.. (Umm, I’d say about 4-5 years..)· How often do you update?-Couple times a week.· Do you comment, if so, how often?-I comment rarely.· Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry?-HAHAHA. I hardly receive comments. I’m lucky if I get 1 on one of my entries..· Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours?-I comment on xanga celebs. Strangers comment me from time to time.· Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you?-I’ve subscribed to almost 80 people, and almost 50 are subscried to me.· Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many?-I read them once every day or every other day.· How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many have you met in real life?-I don’t think any of my readers are people I’ve met in real life… No one has xanga around my area.· Do you belong to any groups?-Yes.

Erin_Go_Braless2 said,

May 4, 2006 @ 5:41 am

Please state your Xanga user name
Erin_Go_Braless2What is your…      
Age 31Race CaucasianGender FEducation level 2 1/2 yrs collegeYears on internet 5 here on Xanga…started surfing in ’98·        How often do you update? Almost every day·        Do you comment, if so, how often? Yes…almost every day·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? Yes…10 average…10 average·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? Rarely. Yes·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? Yes, 120…220·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? Yes…30+·        How did you find your readers? Surfing…they came to me…through friends How many are real friends? dozen or so How many have you met in real life? a dozen or so·        Do you belong to any groups? yes

I would love to be interviewed.

cheapduck said,

May 5, 2006 @ 7:08 am

Age 27Race human…jk, hmongGender femaleEducation level high schoolYears on internet 13·        How often do you update? my old xanga site i updated every day like at least five times a day. now not so much. just when the mood strikes.·        Do you comment, if so, how often? whenever i’m on xanga and i see a topic i want to put my two cents in.·        Do you receive comments? How many per day? How many per entry? n/a·        Do you comment on stranger’s xanga? Do strangers comment on yours? yes i always comment on stranger’s xanga. sometimes they comment me too.·        Are you subscribed to people? How many subscribe to you? no not right now.·        Do you read other peoples blogs daily? How many? not daily·        How did you find your readers? How many are real friends? How many haveyou met in real life? i find them through blog rings. not friends with any right now. i have met two in real life.·        Do you belong to any groups? no

tracerhank said,

May 6, 2006 @ 9:18 am

Hey, I wanna do this…

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