I’m called a tomboy…
But I hate sports.
I’ve been called a tomboy more than once in my life. It’s always weird when I get called that because I’ve always associated the word ‘tomboy’ with a girl who likes sports, and does mostly ‘boyish’ activities.
Now, while my attitude may be considered semi-manly because I hate bitches, can fart and burp with the nastiest of them, spend only 5 minutes to get ready in the morning, and have a quick tongue for insults — I don’t know if tomboy is the really the right word to describe me.
I mean, most of my hobbies are anything but manly. I like to knit, sew, cook, wrap presents [it IS a hobby — trust me], fold useless things out of paper, and buy ridiculously priced cute things from Asia.
It’s true that I’m a computer science major, and that I like to play video games… but I don’t think that’s really cause enough to call me a tomboy.
Am I a tomboy that has girly hobbies that hates sports? It doesn’t seem to sound right.
What labels have you been called that don’t make sense?
P.S. I think I’m running out of topics that I’m actually passionate about. Have any ideas about what you want me to talk about next?