“No offense,
but you look like a high-school student”
A first year said to me this morning… In otherwords, I look like a high school student to an 18 year old. I’m 23. Apparently these young kids all think I’m younger than they are.
…The question is, should I be happy or upset about this? Obviously, the kid was afraid of offending me, but personally, the comment put me in a pretty good mood.
=] I can’t wait until I’m 40 and someone says to me, “No offense, but you look like you’re in college”.
Getting Old
Haha. Speaking of getting old, I found a wrinkle on my face the other day and FREAKED OUT.
Only, turns out it was because I had slept the wrong way. It disappeared by the night.
Quasai recent prom picture of me and a friend [Derek].
The guy in the red in the background is my boyfriend.

Don’t know why I was at the prom with Derek.

Do I really look like a high school kid???
And why am I still taking prom pictures?!
At my last interview, my interviewer couldn’t look past my age even though I have about 10 years of experience in my field. However, should I really look forward to the day when I stop getting carded?
Do people generally mistake you for being older or younger than you actually are?