Lately I’ve been approached through IM and e-mail a lot about my work and my so-called ‘talent’. It got me thinking — do I really have any talent? Or do I just have a lot of spare time?
My opinion tends to lean towards the latter. It’s weird, but most of the time I don’t really consider my stuff ‘art’ — sure I’d like to fool myself and make myself believe that putting a couple pictures together and adding random text is ‘art’, but it’s not. It really isn’t.
It’s just a fancy collage. And I’m just playing around.
The hobby that i chose happens to bring me money. It happens to impress people occasionally. It happens to make people think I have talent — but I don’t really. All my earlier stuff looks exactly like anybody else’s earlier stuff… And my recent stuff is nowhere near the caliber that I would like it to be.
So where’s the talent? It’s just a lot of practice and a lot of boredom for people who don’t know any better to ooh and ahh over.