I am worth exactly: $2,007,116.00.
Jason said,
You are worth exactly: $2,088,250.00.
where can I cash in?
1guy said,
hey check it out, the average price for a MAN is more than that of a WOMAN. $1,960,439 VS $1,734,413. kool
Noel said,
I AM WORTH $2,301,490.00!! WOOOO LOOK AT THAT!
dave said,
2.6 million
jason the pimp said,
=\ $1,832,910.00
Kim said,
:P~ Damn, dave, Jason AND noel showing me up! BOOHOOO~!!
Stephen said,
NOOOO i’m only worth 2.06 million i feel so worthless *sniff*
Stephen said,
NOOOO i’m only worth 2.06 million i feel so worthless *sniff*
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