You don’t have to be a writer to blog for prolonged periods of time. There is also another type of person that blogs all the time that is NOT the essayist. Nor are they web designers… You forgot the people like me!
People with no lives!!! HAH!!! Just kidding. I do have a life. At least I like to think I do.
Actually, I almost agree with you, that only a writer at heart can keep up their blog for a long time. This year, I’ve seen so many blogs come and go… Some stay for two months, two weeks, or sometimes even two days and fizzle into oblivion. I don’t think people realise how much is involved in actually keeping up a journal every single day. Your post gave me a new outlook on those who have stopped their blogging. Perhaps it’s true, that I have a writer in me.
…Nah. I hate writing. However, I have to admit. That is an interesting theory.