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I notice many people I know in real life [pre-blog] don’t like to read my blog. I think it’s partially because it’s too much for them. Too much of me from the inside. Too much of the real random me. It’s not that I’m much different. It’s that I reveal more here than I ever would in real life. Angst actually shows here, whereas in real life I actually take pains to hide it.

Maybe I shouldn’t hide it. But then they would probably read this and ask me about it. Probably better the way it is.

Madden (matt) said,

July 29, 2001 @ 12:42 pm

That’s not true Kim. I love reading your blogs. There’s nothing wrong with revealing too much of the person you are, it’s good to be open. I find that I get to know a person better and they get to know me better if we talk more about who we really are inside. That’s why I started a blog, so people could read about my thoughts and see if they can relate to it themselves, and it builds a better friendship I have with that person, if any.

Keep it up though!

Peace out Kim!

Katie said,

July 29, 2001 @ 12:59 pm

dude… how can they not love the blog kim? it’s weird but.. you and your blog persona are one and the same to me.. which i hope means that you aren’t scared to be angsty around me.. cuz im like way angstier than you!

Kim said,

July 29, 2001 @ 3:02 pm

That’s the thing. I’m not angst ridden a lot. But it pisses me off when I AM and then people FINALLY read my goddamn blog and they’re like "Oh I finally read your blog. It was more than I wanted to know".. It’s like.. Wonderful. That’s wonderful. NO REALLY. It is.


Oh yeah, guess what Katie, I went out to lunch with Vinh. You know. The guy that annoys you.

Katie said,

July 29, 2001 @ 4:33 pm

Dude… WHY?

why the fuck why? ever why? how why? argh why? DUDE! HE IS SO ANNOYING! He’s pompous, self centered, egotistical… thinks he is all that and a bag of chips! it is disgusting.

everyone knows I’M the best, anyway.

and he’s a hypocrit. BleH!!! BLARGHHH!!!

Kim said,

July 30, 2001 @ 12:17 pm

Hahahaha. Me and Jason went out to lunch with Jase’s ex and Vinh… Vinh’s Jase’s ex’s current BF..

ARGH. Confusing. ^_^ But yeah!!

dave said,

July 30, 2001 @ 1:57 pm

it’s okay. we all know how raunchy you are. it’s cool.

btw, nick and patrick got drunk at my apartment yesturday and i took webcam pics.

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