I hate AzNs.
They bring shame to the Asian race.
AzN Pride and sometimes even “Asian Pride” is just another excuse for people to use bigotry and sound like they’re not putting anyone down. Afterall, why would so many say it so freely, while “White Pride” is considered beyond reproach?
Unlike Korean people, of whom I’ve liked 50% of the people I’ve met. I have yet to meet an AzN person that I felt was suitible to know.
The worst are the people who say they “used” to be AzN, but are no longer “AzN” yet they still harbor the feelings and activities that go along with the “AzN” (NOT ASIAN) culture.
A search for “AzN” on google produced this.
Ironically, I’m pretty sure one of the people I’m subscribed to now [and i subscribed to me] created this. Hey JonnyNgo – was this yours? Times have changed since we were 15/16, haven’t they?
AzN - Pronounced “ay-zee-en” or “asian”.
1. A person of Asian descent who thinks that Asian people are inherently better than anyone else.
2. Asian bigots.
3. Asians that think subconsciously that by wearing expensive clothing and having rice rockets will make them assimilate easier into American society.
Usage: “You are, without a doubt, AzN.”
1. Of or relating to or characteristic of being AzNs.
Usage: “That person is so AzN, I want to barf.”
A search for “AzN Pride” on google produced this.
Ways to spot AzNs:
If a person is 3 or more of these things, the likelyhood of them being AzN is very high.
They’re usually of Asian Descent.
They probably don’t speak or write English very well (some can, though, so be careful!)
It’s likely that they’d have “AzN” somewhere in their screen name.
If you’re walking down the street and you hear someone screaming “AzN!” or “AzN PriDe!” , they’re probably AzN.
They come in packs. Like wolves. Or hyenas. If they’re all huddled in a group smoking cigarrettes and yelling obscene things at passerbys they’re probably AzN.
If you suddenly feel as if you’re amongst a crowd dressed for clubbing but it’s in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, they might be AzN.
If they “TyPe LikE diS” they might be AzN.
AzNs are usually under the age of 25, but some may have kept their sentiments longer than that. Always be on guard, their inner AzN might come through one day.
Questions of the day:
Are you AzN?
Have you had any experiences with AzNs?
What would you do if you met an AzN person today?
The intelligence that is AzN PriDe and AzN PryDe on Xanga.