inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

Monday October 3, 2005 at 12:07 am

Madpimp is back:
Pimper than a pimp in a pimped up shop all pimped out

So a few months ago I had to cancel my hosting plan for
because I was a bit low on the cash. I moved the DNS over to a
new server and [blah blah blah] some technical gibberish later, Mapimp
was up and running but there was nothing there.

I’ve been meaning to re-make the site for a while, but I haven’t had
the motivation to do it… Until this weekend when I unexpectedly drew
this doodle:

Which ended up leading to this picture:

Which in turn lead to this layout:

Thus signifying the start of the return of my domain name, which I’ve had since
1999. It’s kind of scary to me that I’ve had a domain name for
longer than I’ve had any relationships. :)

to see the new layout in action


One thing I’ve always wanted to do is take an art class. You
know, the kind in which you get to draw naked people and stuff.
Only, I’ve always been in a state where I either don’t have the time or
the motivation to actually take a class. I think it’d be really
neatoid to take my skills from amateur-ignorant to amateur-learned

Other things I’ve always wanted to take classes in (or learn more about) are:

Martial Arts

Anyone wanna try something out with me? :)

What are skills that you’ve always wanted to know more about that you’ve never gotten around to learning?

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