inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

more of the same

it’s funny, depression. it hits at the times when you least expect it, flattens you completely only to leave, making you wonder if it’s a real thing at all. It’s that little, unexplainable thought in your head that suddenly starts nagging at you the same words, feelings, and sentiments every day.

“Did I ever mention to you, Kim, that you hate life? This is the motha fuckin voice in your head by the way.”

Why… why… why me? I’m happy! I just had a great time with my friends. I have a great boyfriend. Things are good. — Yet they’re about to fall apart any minute. Any minute things will topple over and disappear into oblivion says this ever-pessimistic presence in my head.

Any minute and everything will be gone.

I really have to find my bottle of pills. I missplaced my antidepressants last week.

Shmazzy said,

July 7, 2002 @ 11:18 am

Ugh… I hate when that happens. Seriously. :\

Brett said,

July 7, 2002 @ 1:24 pm

I don’t know if you remember me but this is brett from peter’s party. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind if you know what i mean.

I just wanted to say that i went through the same last year when i had the best girlfriend ever. It’s like sometimes I’d get depressed and I don’t know why. Now I’m not with her and when i reflect back on my depression of last year, it really made me think about what I was sad about. Just my two cents.

The Listener said,

July 8, 2002 @ 5:03 am

Heh, a professional. Just find someone you can confide in, to let it all out. It’s the best remedy, and really does help. My girlfriend gets depressed easily too .. but she has worse ways of coping, but I’m getting her to open up :-)
But like some other guy said, if there isn’t anyone to talk to, a professional will help.
If you want someone to listen, being a stranger and all, feel free to look me up. I love to listen and help when I can.

ICQ #75308710, MSN:

You prolly think I’m weird now! Ah well, I’m used to it .. being certifiably crazy :P

Kindest Regards and Best Wishes,

Jon :-)

Vinh said,

July 8, 2002 @ 12:43 pm

you’re not alone. but i’m not talking about all these people that are gonna say they can relate because they’ve had their bouts of depression. i’m talking about other people that suffer from depression that’s a result of some disorder… not within their control. your best bet is to keep on the pills, but perhaps to also speak with a therapist on a regular basis. speaking to a professional will give you a nice boost after each session, it may not last, but if it can keep you going until the next session, then it’s definitely worth considering. i speak from experience, so don’t think i’m preaching…

Dan said,

July 9, 2002 @ 1:25 am

Funny?! haha, ok. I’m glad you find some humor in it…I certainly don’t find that funny in my life. bla

kim said,

July 9, 2002 @ 10:23 am

maybe i’m just sadistic… :P

Vinh said,

July 9, 2002 @ 12:23 pm

well, the reason i specifically said a professional is because professionals have a skill few people do… they know how to guide a discussion. you can talk to anyone you can confide in, but that person will just be a listener. a listener is only good for those times when you just need to let things out. but it’s no good for those times when the problem isn’t having to let something out, but trying to work out something that’s leading you in circles. your average joe will give you his advice, but his advice is only worth how freely it is given… advice is a form of nostalgia, those people are reliving their experiences when they offer you advice. the professional gives you NO advice… but helps guides your own thinking so that you can come to your own answers…

my response is more for the people that brush off the idea of seeking professional help too readily…

mental health has a significant impact on your quality of life. it’s something to take seriously, otherwise, the honest truth is that life won’t be worth living.

Grace said,

July 9, 2002 @ 11:36 pm

Hi Kim!
Sorry to hear you’re still depressed, but at least you’re keeping your sense of humor about it. You know, when you’re not all depressed and stuff… So anyway, When are you comin’ back to San Jo? E-mail me, much to tell. And call if you need someone to listen to you. I’ll e-mail the new #. Later.

Grace said,

July 9, 2002 @ 11:36 pm

Hi Kim!
Sorry to hear you’re still depressed, but at least you’re keeping your sense of humor about it. You know, when you’re not all depressed and stuff… So anyway, When are you comin’ back to San Jo? E-mail me, much to tell. And call if you need someone to listen to you. I’ll e-mail the new #. Later.

Kris said,

July 10, 2002 @ 12:16 pm

more depressed people:

ameer said,

July 10, 2002 @ 7:17 pm

depression sucks… my motto is to not be depressed. i also try to stay away from being lonely… but end up being so all the time =(

me said,

July 12, 2002 @ 8:43 pm

you look crossed eyed in your cam. :)

joseph bautista said,

July 13, 2002 @ 1:03 am

You aRe sO FiNe. I wAnT YoU

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