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mundane to you special to me

I want to write about something I did this weekend. Because I feel like it and because I can. :) And because I had a lot of fun and i never want to forget it.

Many times as I go towards the 405 from my boyfriend’s house, I look to the right and see a moving ferris wheel. I’ve been yearning to go on it for what seems like a really long time [for me, a minute or a year may feel like a really long time…]… Anyhow, this weekend John finally broke down and took me to the ferris wheel.

It was really neat! For $2.50 each we got to get on the ferris wheel and be the only people riding on it on a warm summer night. It was kind of scary, though, because the wheel went uncommonly fast — you’re not supposed to feel the falling down rush when the ferris wheel goes down. @_@ Heh, but regardless, it was great! Afterwards we took pictures in one of those little booths that give out 4 pictures in a row and bought dippin dots as we waited for the photos to develop.

Then we went back home for a bit.

All in all,it was one of the most enjoyable 30-40 minutes of my life. :) Aww. Thank you honey. :)

Kris said,

August 26, 2002 @ 3:13 pm

yoh chu sha mp3

Kris said,

August 26, 2002 @ 3:17 pm

Here is more, by the way more Yoh Chu Sha, more jpop:

ko said,

August 27, 2002 @ 7:29 am

cute, very cute, too cute in fact. it’s like ur living ur dream life. i wish i could find that kinda happiness with that special someone.

Aidan said,

August 27, 2002 @ 1:10 pm

Sounds like you had an amazing time. It’s always good to do something on impulse every now and again. :)

BUZZ said,

August 27, 2002 @ 1:42 pm

Saw your pic over at this message board and thought I’d stop by to see what’s up. Visit us at the THSMB ( if you have a moment. Some of the folks there are quite taken with you.

kim said,

August 27, 2002 @ 4:23 pm

i’m confused. do they dislike me because i’m asian?? :T??!

Louis said,

August 27, 2002 @ 7:43 pm

i think they just have nothing better to do than to poke fun at people and talk about pointless crap…after all it is a website where Howard Stern is the preferred topic.
don’t let it get you down- it’s the real life moments like that in your entry that count- not a chapped-hand goon poking around on the web. Take care. :0)

BUZZ said,

August 27, 2002 @ 8:15 pm

Kim, I think you took it the wrong way. We’re infatuated with you, or should I say your cam pics. I think someone over there wants to start a fan club in your honor. You are fine, make no mistake about it! Come back and visit again soon.

nickers said,

August 28, 2002 @ 1:01 am

your heading ‘mundane to you..’ so you read piers anthony too? i jus started..
anyway that island thing at the top is dope.

Jel said,

August 28, 2002 @ 10:47 am

hey kim, long time no talk. just wanted to let you know i’m still alive. email me sometime. ttyl

paul said,

September 3, 2002 @ 11:30 am

hey kim im glad that u were happy for that brief moment…. u know i just wanted to tell u that i sincerely hope that u find happiness…. :)… i also wanted to sincerely apologize if i did cause any type of distress in your life…. dont think that i dont consider u a friend or that i dont like u… cuz i do… its just im tired of the bullshiet thats been seperating our group…. yah know?…. dont think that i hold any grudges or anything like that because u have never done anything to me… but understand that no one in our group has really done anything unto me… please realize that i do not favor you over anyone else and i dont favor anyone else over you…. its just that im growing weary of the constant drama that lingers within our group… u may not think it affects me directly but i say it does…. i cant hang out with those whom i dearly love at the same time…. once again im sorry if i caused u any heartache (not sure if i did or not with that one post) but like i said…. when i made a commitment to be your friend i took all the responsibilities that came with it…. i accepted your strengths and your faults…

please forgive me if i did cause u any pain…

Eduardo Suave said,

September 4, 2002 @ 8:20 am

Hey Kim, I just wanted to follow up on what Buzz said about THSMB — there’s no one there who dislikes you, and particularly no one who dislikes you because you’re asian. OK, there is one poster who likes to post that gif of your campic kiss over and over, but I don’t think he’s really making fun of you. We’re all made fun of over there. So just come over and hang out — I’m sure you’ll find you have many admirers, protectors, etc.

(BTW, I live in Miami Beach now but I lived in San Jose a number of years ago, in about four different places — a couple off the Alameda near 880, one off Saratoga just south of 280, and a place just east of SJCC, where I went for a year.)

Dj Denkym says... said,

September 4, 2002 @ 6:46 pm

Dippin Dots are the BEST! Aw, I assumed a Cute girl like you would have a Bf…And I was Right. Tough Shit for Me i guess. Not like I know you or nething, but I feel like I do sometimes because I can sooo relate to your journal entries. So yea, Enjoy Life and Keep Charming Me with this website. PEACE to Madpimp.

minnie said,

September 6, 2002 @ 2:17 pm

it’s the little moments in life that makes everything in life so worthwhile! :P i’m so glad u had lotsa fun!~ :)

as for that site…echh…just chuckle silently b/c they wished they DID have you as their gf! :D muhahahaha~~

SW said,

September 6, 2002 @ 6:36 pm

Kim, you are one good looking woman. That is all I have to say about that.

Lost Dog said,

September 8, 2002 @ 7:14 am

Kim, you rule baby! Stop on over to our board (sure it’s "Stern" related (sometimes) but we won’t byte, promise) and say hi, you’re starting to develop quite a fan base over there. Seeya!

Lost Dog said,

September 8, 2002 @ 7:15 am

Kim, you rule baby! Stop on over to our board (sure it’s "Stern" related (sometimes) but we won’t byte, promise) and say hi, you’re starting to develop quite a fan base over there. Seeya!

vandalous said,

September 9, 2002 @ 3:04 am

Good to see you happy, Kim. You’ve seemed pretty down. At least you were cheery for an hour before the world comes back to haunt again.

Hey, where did the all the orange wardrobe go?

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