I’ve been neglecting my online log lately. I guess that’s what college has done to me! ;_;, Oh, the horrors. I feel like one of those uncool people that actually experiences things in real life and never talks about it now. Oh well, it’s weird. There’s tons of stuff that comes to mind that I would love to write about. Yet, I’m reluctant. I feel as if… if I do, then the realness of it will be broken.
In the past I’ve written all about the things that have happened to me on here. How I feel, what I want to do about it, what I’m going to do about it… Etc. My most private feelings and my most public feelings. They’re all here in this blog.
It seems, however, that whenever I write something here, it gains a surreal quality to it. It’s like. Oh, it’s something that I wrote online. It must not matter much anymore. Haha. I guess it’s a type of therapy.
But suddenly, it’s so hard to write. So many things rush to my mind but don’t flow onto my fingertips. Maybe I’m finally wearing down. A thousand posts later. But then, if I’m so tired of it, what am I doing here? HAHA.
Maybe it’s just PMS.