Planning on buying a new computer. Need imput! What do YOU think I should get?
New Computer
Andrew said,
Get something practical! Not a compaq… not an HP… I don’t know… make your own.
But I’m kind of depressed… Aaliyah died. Fuck… that’s not supposed to happen.
katie said,
fresh off my ‘i want!’ list:
256MB PC266 (PC2100) DDR 32X64 CL25 DIMM x2
LCD80 18inch .28mm 1280×1024 LCD Monitor
okay so the monitor is a bit ridiculous…. >_
dave said,
You have enough money for a state of the art.. spend around 3000… and use your old monitor and video card to get yourself a dual monitor setup. i can set it up for you once you get to UCI if you want…
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