inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón


It’s so hard to believe that it’s already october. Time goes by so quickly lately. I’m almost afraid to close my eyes — what if a day flies past without my knowledge? What have I been doing all this time? I don’t even remember. I feel full and satisfied, though. Even through these struggles that were brought on by myself.

I shouldn’t be blogging right now, though! Have so much HW to do. Somebody kick me in the nuts NOW please. Okay thanks. Good bye.

Toru said,

October 3, 2001 @ 12:09 pm

You’ve been getting drunk and roaming around campus in the middle of the night, thinking about making a porno site for me and my friend Andy, and you’ve made inter racial porno movies starring your favourite stuffed animal and mine, tarepan:) That is all.

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