Are you e-popular?
Hey guys, I’m starting a new project called “”
and I wanted to let you guys know about it! It’s
basically a ranking system for blogs, myspaces, etc… I’ve always been
curious to see what kind of friend/fanbase has a stronger support [i.e.
Blogs, vs social groups like Friendster].
Since I’m just starting out there are barely any sites on there and I
need to get the word out! Even if you decide to not actively
‘win’ the monthly contest, please sign up and spread the word!
There are going to be prizes at the end of each month for the top
people and possibly random people [I just have to get more prizes
first] — this month’s prize is 1 penny per vote for the #1 person,
with a minimum of a $10.00 payout.
The weird things you find when you’re looking through old pictures…