Is the absence of truth a lie?
TooOld4This said,
There is no lie of truth does not exist.
CMDLL said,
mAnGLeDmiSTlEtoE said,
Not really.
snowy_court said,
if you are hiding the trruth but not lying straight out about it, yeah. i think it still is a lie.
sunnysidedown828 said,
yes, i think it is. not saying anything is like lying
Stone_the_clergy said,
Well if what you say isnt the truth then it is a lie…. when you go around the true truth it is still truth because what you are saying is fact or fact to your knowledge…
OoOohPeTeR said,
that is the biggest lie of all. the indifference of man. just watching bad deeds go and turning a blind eye.
vampuke said,
chrnobreak said,
truth is absolute and any embellishments of it don’t exist… well unless you believe in half-truths, but by then, you’re retarded.
gooksantiger said,
yes but that doesn’t mean that lie is a bad thing
dehzep said,
if a negative times a negative equal a positive, do two lies equal a truth?
prodigyvioana said,
yes, because lies are any form of pretension with intent to decieve, spoken or not.
JNCOJoshua said,
It’s called, “Lying by omission.”
Don’t do that to cops.
NestleTollHouse said,
No, because ignorance is bliss = )
Scorpi said,
i’m with prodigyvioana. well said.
WeirdAnnoyingPerson said,
a white lie.
aydongbeeleef said,
or nothingness
i think the absence of truth is ambiguity. i mean you can assume that the absence of it can be a lie. but you can’t always be sure. there’s no fine line drawn to tell you that. so ambiguity. yay ;]
airina05 said,
it’s evasion
Jes43 said,
not really…i suppose it depends upon the statement being made.
franksabunch said,
estoychino said,
Yes…equivications are too.
auracle said,
JTLYK said,
…no truth is just truth…no lie in that
xtenstarsonsticksx said,
well i just assume it’s being a cowardfor example, if something (negative) happend and someone asked:”If you find out something, will you tell us?” and you agree,but you do not speak when you find out,you are not lying at that moment, but you were lying earlier.
but in other situations where you were asked nothing, i assume the person is still a coward for holding it in, which i’ll attempt to say that the ‘truth’ was a secret.
c0rkie said,
seanscheng said,
Is the absence of ugliness beauty?
Is the absence of darkness light?
Is the absence of penis vagina?
JoyCaDEeZy said,
i believe if there is intent to withold the truth that is deception.
VortexInfinitum said,
i agree with those up there that say its ignorancesome say ‘no news is good news’basically, what you don’t know can’t hurt youbut it’s hard to say whether that’s good or not
jimmiwin said,
The best lie is 80% truth.
ch50 said,
nope, you don’t have to lie you don’t have to say anything at all.
tHexDonStER said,
Bush lies so i guess the absence of truth is a lie.
gonchoi said,
Incomplete Truth = Lie
skelestones said,
always.. it’s a lie of omission.
in_just said,
A lie is the absence of truth…but the absence of truth isn’t a lie.
CaKaLusa said,
bend the truth.
bjtdevera said,
is the absence of lies truth?
aradne said,
Funny you should ask. Whether it’s a lie or not, it’s deceiving.
StoopidSavant said,
A lie is deliberate falsification of information. A lie would be saying that you did not eat the last cookie. The omission of truth would simply be failing to mention that you ate the cookie, which is not necessarily altering information.
Kevin72 said,
If there is no truth, there are lies (plural).
MsDezz said,
When it involves you’re dignificant other speaking intimately to another woman behind your back or cheating on you then hell freakin yes!
northstardragon36 said,
Were quite the philosophical one aren’t we? I have seen that in a court of law the OMISSION of a truth can fall along the lines of evasion. The question one might ask oneself: What is the rationale on why one would feel the need to omit or cause the absence of truth? Protect the feelings of another, Protect your self from being penalized? In either probably means you have done something wrong in the first place. Someone else here indicated “…no truth is just truth…” I must disagree with that notion. Infact its downright proposterous. (yea, I said proposterous. what!) If there is “no” truth, then it is “NOT” truth. Plain and simple. Ohkay, I go now. buhbye!
northstardragon36 said,
Oh by the way.. One of my ex-girlfriends likes to call this “stretching” the truth. Did I mention she was one of my exes??
candyguitarstar said,
To me it is!! You have a great site! Found you on the featured….
Love, Candy
emc1990 said,
nah, i don’t really consider it a lie unless you say something that is not true. I mean if you tell me the sky is hot pink, that is a lie. If you don’t say anything… you aren’t. But, if someone asks you the color of the sky, and you say “I don’t know”.. i’d guess that is.
DoZeRHeidi said,
what do we have if there is no truth?if your life is a lie, it’s lacking truth.
vanessaO_o said,
yes, especially if knowledge of that piece of withheld information will hurt the other person.
IneedyouJesus said,
If you hide the truth when it should be revealed. Yes its a lie. We all know when something should be told and something shouldnt. You have a concious.
In Christ
Mrguesswho said,
The word lie has only one meaning and that meaning with no shades of gray. A lie is intentional deceit; nothing else is a lie. You can lie and what you said was true, if you intentional lead someone to believe something that was not true by using words that were true.The absence of truth is not a lie unless it is intentional
TwilightsCollaborator said,
Well, say you were sellng a dvd- Would you offer up the information that you had owned it for a year(Thus getting less money)? No, You would just stay quiet and hope they didn’t ask. You didn’t lie, because you didn’t say anything at all.
oghornet10 said,
wow….that is the worst entry ever and i cant belive people would comment on something like that
nojoken said,
xxxTHEVIBExxx said,
check out my band
thanksfortheblood said,
lol_gurl_2dark said,
no bcuz if the truth is found out it should be considered as something to shield the pain of the truth, absense of truth is shielding those who u luv
Saphira23 said,
JAnie_iSh_me said,
Truth doesn’t exist in levels of honesty. It’s just the untarnished, unbridled, unimpeded veracity in its purest and wholest form.
At least, in my own little world, it is.
Defy_Sanity said,
“The opposite of war isn’t peace, it’s creation!”I wanted to say something clever like that like “The opposite of truth isn’t a lie, its _____” BUt yah, I couldn’t think of anything rofl.
Angelchica said,
if you are hiding the truth then i think it could be considered a lie.
MMbyB said,
it depends entirelly on the intentions… if you intentionally withold the truth, then yes the absence of truth is a lie…
infinitiNY said,
No. It is a non-truth.
Ssweet_dreemzZ said,
Nope. A lie is not telling the truth. If you say nothing, how can it be a lie?
tyh023 said,
FracturedDestiny said,
No, a lie is the presence of false truth.
JonasApproved said,
or it’s just withholding information
hmhf92 said,
i lub ya xanga header pic
fr strangUR
hayleyzahara said,
the absence of truth needs no lie.
juryduty said,
yes it be.
tarepanda_jess said,
no, unless someone somehow find out the truth, then YES… and it would be a deceitful lie.
bobaShop said,
you mean.. “i just didn’t tell him the whole truth”… isn’t lying like making up something totally bogus to make up for something else? not telling the whole truth is not telling the whole truth. it’s still being deceitful though.. if what you’re not telling the other person is something the other person SHOULD know for the better of whatever. hmm.. i guess bottom line, my point is it’s not lying, but it’s still deceiving.
godsguy22 said,
dooE said,
the best lies hold some truth to them. =)
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