Too much spare time?
Assumptions: an entry all about me.
A lot of people comment to me that I have too much spare time, since I spend them writing the types of entries that I do. However — what is it about my entries that makes it look like I actually take time on it?
Unlike many people who blog, I guess, I DO think in paragraphs — so my written entries actually only take about 10-15 minutes to write. As for the the entries with modified pictures — come on now, I’ve been doing web design and web development for 8 years (yes, since I was 14) and had my first taste of adobe photoshop 3 at the age of 15 — do you think it takes any time for me at all to scribble shit on a picture?
All defense aside, I notice that it’s not only me that gets these types of comments — the more prominent people are in their blogging, the more they get this question. So to settle this once and for all, I’d like to say: if taking an extra five minutes of my time to think of something thought provoking from my day to write, as opposed to writing about my day itself means that I have too much spare time, then perhaps I do.
But for those of you who think I spend too much time — what do YOU do with those five minutes?
What I do
Who I am
Another question I receive often that is along the same lines is “What do you do all day?” and “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” So, to acquiesce to your demands, even though I try to write as little about that kind of stuff as possible, I will tell you. Will it make you understand me more? Probably not, but it’s worth a try, right?
On Monday-Friday I work at this company from 9-12. From 12:30-6 I work at this company. For the first company, I make online tutorials, for the second I do web development.
In my spare time, I knit, sew, work on my webpage ( watch anime, sex and the city, and friends. I like to play poker, go clubbing, and I read a LOT.
For the past 4 years I’ve belonged to a community service club (, part of the KEY Club/KIWANIS family) — this is my first year not in a position, but I’ve had the priviledge of serving as Lieutenant Governer, Spirit Chair, and California Nevada Hawaii District Technology chair.
I spend copious amounts of time with Lan (formerly Sup007).
And sometimes, when I’m not too tired of the internet from being the computer the whole day at work, I go online and scribble some bullshit that people happen to read.
Things I don’t do: Clean my room. Take shits every day. Talk to my family.
OH — and since someone asked me if I was white, here’s the most recent pic of myself that I could find — the reason I’m not looking at the camera is cuz there’s porno on the computer screen. It wasn’t very good porno, though. I’m disappointed.
(I don’t look 22, do I…? no wonder I kept getting carded in Vegas)
And… that’s all, folks!
What do YOU do all day?