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Summer Oldies but goodies -

Rhyme time. Tetrinet. XXXtris. Haikus. Crushing. Microphone fun. Boys. The Arcade. Boys. More Tetrinet. Comics. Books. Anime. Drama. Lots of Drama. Can’t have summer without the drama. New friends. Changing AIM name because of too many freaks. More new friends. New friends who becoem freaks. Conventions. Staying up all night and sleeping all day. Meeting the perfect man. Becoming infatuated. More tetrinet. Summer work. Anime. Working. Money. Spending money on Sanrio stuff.

Vinh said,

July 9, 2001 @ 1:09 pm

Some people have too much time on
their hands… go do something

katie said,

July 9, 2001 @ 1:35 pm

dude.. vinh… you have too much time on your hands obviously. posting negative things really serves no purpose. go do something productive.

everyone is entitled to their opinions. but god… sometimes it’s nice to just be quiet.

geez. the hypocrisy of it all just stuns me.

Jason said,

July 9, 2001 @ 3:16 pm

Don’t forget..

word racer and puzzle fighter!

Vinh said,

July 9, 2001 @ 4:32 pm

Hahaha… I already knew someone
would bring up the hypocrite issue
when I posted that, but that’s fine
because I am in fact being
productive. I’m working on my
Senior project. And given that
it is an Oracle 8i installation,
I am technically productive and
yet free to do whatever until it
is complete; productive

katie said,

July 9, 2001 @ 4:44 pm

well… aren’t you just cooler than a cucumber.

i swear im not being sarcastic.

Kim said,

July 9, 2001 @ 7:28 pm

The point of the post is that I can DO something unproductive during the summer godfuckit. I’m tired of being productive. I’ve spent my entire school year being productive. I even have summer school. Throw me a frickin bone here. -.-

Katie said,

July 9, 2001 @ 7:44 pm


That was the most pleaseing thing I’ve heard all day. I love you, Kim.

Kim said,

July 9, 2001 @ 8:02 pm

I have to say, "Hopping Agressively" is my favorite quote of the day. haha.

Jason said,

July 9, 2001 @ 9:12 pm

damn.. i wish i was productive. HAHA. Sigh everyone’s productive except for me. ^^

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